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- Csound
- A Manual for the Audio Processing System
- and
- Supporting Programs
- with
- Tutorials
- Barry Vercoe
- Media Lab
- M.I.T.
- Csound
- A Manual for the Audio Processing System
- and
- Supporting Programs
- with
- Tutorials
- Barry Vercoe
- Media Lab
- M.I.T.
- Copyright 1986, 1992 by the Massachusetts Institute of
- Technology. All rights reserved.
- Developed by Barry L. Vercoe at the Experimental Music Studio,
- Media Laboratory, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts,
- with partial support from the System Development Foundation
- and from National Science Foundation Grant # IRI-8704665.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Permission to use, copy, or modify these programs and their
- documentation for educational and research purposes only and
- without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright and
- permission notice appear on all copies and supporting
- documentation. For any other uses of this software, in original
- or modified form, including but not limited to distribution in
- whole or in part, specific prior permission from M.I.T. must be
- obtained. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability
- of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
- express or implied warranty.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0. PREFACE v
- Introduction 1
- The Orchestra File 1
- The Score File 3
- The csound Command 5
- More about the Orchestra 6
- VALUE CONVERTERS: int, frac, abs, ftlen, i,
- exp, log, sqrt, sin, cos, dbamp, ampdb 9
- PITCH CONVERTERS: octpch, pchoct,
- cpspch, octcps, cpsoct 10
- ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS: =, init, tival, divz 13
- ORCHESTRA HEADER: sr, kr, ksmps, nchnls 14
- INSTRUMENT BLOCKS: instr, endin 15
- goto, tigoto, if ... goto, timout 16
- reinit, rigoto, rireturn 17
- ihold, turnoff 18
- MIDI CONVERTERS: notnum, veloc, cpsmidi(b), octmidi(b),
- pchmidi(b), ampmidi, aftouch, chpress, pchbend,midictrl 19
- line, expon, linseg, expseg 20
- phasor 21
- table, tablei, oscil1, oscil1i 22
- oscil, oscili, foscil, foscili 23
- loscil 24
- buzz, gbuzz 25
- adsyn, pvoc 26
- fof 27
- pluck 28
- rand, randh, randi 29
- linen, linenr, envlpx 30
- port, tone, atone, reson, areson 31
- lpread, lpreson, lpfreson 32
- rms, gain, balance 33
- downsamp, upsamp, interp, integ, diff, samphold 34
- delayr, delayw, delay, delay1 35
- deltap, deltapi 36
- comb, alpass, reverb 37
- octdown, noctdft, specscal, specaddm,
- specdiff, specaccm, specfilt, specdisp, specsum 38
- tempest 40
- xyin, tempo 41
- in, ins, insq, soundin, out, outs, outq 42
- pan 43
- SIGNAL DISPLAY: print, display, dispfft 44
- Preprocessing of Standard Scores 45
- Next-P and Previous-P Symbols 46
- Ramping 47
- Function Table Statement 48
- Instrument Note Statements 49
- Advance Statement 50
- Tempo Statement 51
- Sections of Score 52
- End of Score 53
- GEN01 54
- GEN02 55
- GEN03 56
- GEN04 57
- GEN05, GEN07 58
- GEN06 59
- GEN08 60
- GEN09, GEN10, GEN19 61
- GEN11 62
- GEN12 63
- GEN13, GEN14 64
- GEN15 65
- GEN17 66
- 5. SCOT: A Score Translator
- Orchestra Declaration 67
- Score Encoding 68
- Pitch and Rhythm 68
- Groupettes; Slurs and Ties 71
- Macros 72
- Divisi 73
- Additional Features 74
- 6. The Unix CSOUND Command 79
- The Extract Feature 82
- Independent Preprocessing 82
- Appendix 1. The Soundfile Utility Programs
- intro - directories, paths, and soundfile formats 83
- sndinfo - get basic information about a soundfile 84
- hetro - hetrodyne filter analysis for adsyn 85
- lpanal - lpc analysis for the lp generators 87
- pvanal - fourier analysis for pvoc (Dan Ellis) 88
- Appendix 2. CSCORE: A C-language Score Generator 89
- Appendix 3. An Instrument Design Tutorial (R.C. Boulanger) 91
- Appendix 4. An FOF Synthesis Tutorial (J.M. Clarke) 107
- Appendix 5. Csound for the Macintosh (W. Gardner) 115
- Appendix 6. Adding your own Cmodules to Csound 119
- Realizing music by digital computer involves synthesizing audio
- signals with discrete points or samples that are representative
- of continuous waveforms. There are several ways of doing this,
- each affording a different manner of control. Direct synthesis
- generates waveforms by sampling a stored function representing a
- single cycle; additive synthesis generates the many partials of
- a complex tone, each with its own loudness envelope; subtractive
- synthesis begins with a complex tone and filters it. Non-linear
- synthesis uses frequency modulation and waveshaping to give
- simple signals complex characteristics, while sampling and
- storage of natural sound allows it to be used at will.
- Since comprehensive moment-by-moment specification of sound can
- be tedious, control is gained in two ways: 1) from the
- instruments in an orchestra, and 2) from the events within a
- score. An orchestra is really a computer program that can
- produce sound, while a score is a body of data which that program
- can react to. Whether a rise-time characteristic is a fixed
- constant in an instrument, or a variable of each note in the
- score, depends on how the user wants to control it.
- The instruments in a Csound orchestra are defined in a simple
- syntax that invokes complex audio processing routines. A score
- passed to this orchestra contains numerically coded pitch and
- control information, in standard numeric score format. Although
- many users are content with this format, higher level score
- processing languages are often convenient.
- The programs making up the Csound system have a long history of
- development, beginning with the Music 4 program written at Bell
- Telephone Laboratories in the early 1960's by Max Mathews. That
- initiated the stored table concept and much of the terminology
- that has since enabled computer music researchers to communicate.
- Valuable additions were made at Princeton by the late Godfrey
- Winham in Music 4B; my own Music 360 (1968) was very indebted to
- his work. With Music 11 (1973) I took a different tack: the two
- distinct networks of control and audio signal processing stemmed
- from my intensive involvement in the preceding years in hardware
- synthesizer concepts and design. This division has been retained
- in Csound.
- Because it is written entirely in C, Csound is easily installed
- on any machine running Unix or C. At MIT it runs on
- VAX/DECstations under Ultrix 4.2, on SUNs under OS 4.1, SGIs
- under 4.1, and on the Macintosh under ThinkC 4.0. With this
- single language for audio signal processing, users move easily
- from machine to machine.
- The 1991 version included many new features. I am indebted to
- others for the contribution of the phase vocoder and FOF
- synthesis modules. That release also charted a new direction
- with the addition of a spectral data type, holding much promise
- for future development. The 1992 release is even more
- significant for its addition of MIDI converter and control units,
- enabling Csound to be run from MIDI score-files and from external
- MIDI keyboards. Since the newest RISC processors bring to
- computer music an order of magnitude more speed than did those on
- which it was born, researchers and composers now have access to
- workstations on which realtime software synthesis with sensing
- and control is now a reality. This is perhaps the single most
- important development for people working in the field. This new
- Csound is designed to take maximum advantage of realtime audio
- processing, and to encourage interactive experiments in this
- exciting new domain.
- B.V.
- Introduction
- The purpose of this section is to expose the reader to the
- fundamentals of designing and using computer music instruments in
- Csound. Only a small portion of the language will be covered
- here, sufficient to implement some simple instrument examples.
- The sections in this primary text are arranged as a Reference
- manual (not a tutorial), since that is the form the user will
- eventually find most helpful when inventing instruments. Once
- the basic concepts are grasped from this beginning tutorial, the
- reader might let himself into the remainder of the text by
- locating the information presented here in the Reference entries
- that follow. More comprehensive tutorials are supplied as
- Appendices.
- The Orchestra File
- Csound runs from two basic files: an orchestra file and a score
- file. The orchestra file is a set of instruments that tell the
- computer how to synthesize sound; the score file tells the
- computer when. An instrument is a collection of modular
- statements which either generate or modify a signal; signals are
- represented by symbols, which can be "patched" from one module to
- another. For example, the following two statements will generate
- a 440 Hz sine tone and send it to an output channel:
- asig oscil 10000, 440, 1
- out asig
- The first line sets up an oscillator whose controlling inputs are
- an amplitude of 10000, a frequency of 440 Hz, and a waveform
- number, and whose output is the audio signal asig. The second
- line takes the signal asig and sends it to an (implicit) output
- channel. The two may be encased in another pair of statements
- that identify the instrument as a whole:
- instr 1
- asig oscil 10000, 440, 1
- out asig
- endin
- In general, an orchestra statement in Csound consists of an
- action symbol followed by a set of input variables and preceded
- by a result symbol. Its action is to process the inputs and
- deposit the result where told. The meaning of the input
- variables depends on the action requested. The 10000 above is
- interpreted as an amplitude value because it occupies the first
- input slot of an oscil unit; 440 signifies a frequency in Hertz
- because that is how an oscil unit interprets its second input
- argument; the waveform number is taken to point indirectly to a
- stored function table, and before we invoke this instrument in a
- score we must fill function table #1 with some waveform.
- The output of Csound computation is not a real audio signal, but
- a stream of numbers which describe such a signal. When written
- onto a sound file these can later be converted to sound by an
- independent program; for now, we will think of variables such as
- asig as tangible audio signals.
- Let us now add some extra features to this instrument. First, we
- will allow the pitch of the tone to be defined as a parameter in
- the score. Score parameters can be represented by orchestra
- variables which take on their different values on successive
- notes. These variables are named sequentially: p1, p2, p3, ...
- The first three have a fixed meaning (see the Score File), while
- the remainder are assignable by the user. Those of significance
- here are:
- p3 - duration of the current note (always in seconds).
- p5 - pitch of the current note (in units agreed upon by
- score and orchestra).
- Thus in
- asig oscil 10000, p5, 1
- the oscillator will take its pitch (presumably in cps) from score
- parameter 5.
- If the score had forwarded pitch values in units other than
- cycles-per-second (Hertz), then these must first be converted.
- One convenient score encoding, for instance, combines pitch class
- representation (00 for C, 01 for C#, 02 for D, ... 11 for B) with
- octave representation (8. for middle C, 9. for the C above,
- etc.) to give pitch values such as 8.00, 9.03, 7.11. The
- expression
- cpspch(8.09)
- will convert the pitch A (above middle C) to its cps equivalent
- (440 Hz). Likewise, the expression
- cpspch(p5)
- will first read a value from p5, then convert it from
- octave.pitch-class units to cps. This expression could be
- imbedded in our orchestra statement as
- asig oscil 10000, cpspch(p5), 1
- to give the score-controlled frequency we sought.
- Next, suppose we want to shape the amplitude of our tone with a
- linear rise from 0 to 10000. This can be done with a new
- orchestra statement
- amp line 0, p3, 10000
- Here, amp will take on values that move from 0 to 10000 over time
- p3 (the duration of the note in seconds). The instrument will
- then become
- instr 1
- amp line 0, p3, 10000
- asig oscil amp, cpspch(p5), 1
- out asig
- endin
- The signal amp is not something we would expect to listen to
- directly. It is really a variable whose purpose is to control
- the amplitude of the audio oscillator. Although audio output
- requires fine resolution in time for good fidelity, a controlling
- signal often does not need that much resolution. We could use
- another kind of signal for this amplitude control
- kamp line 0, p3, 10000
- in which the result is a new kind of signal. Signal names up to
- this point have always begun with the letter a (signifying an
- audio signal); this one begins with k (for control). Control
- signals are identical to audio signals, differing only in their
- resolution in time. A control signal changes its value less
- often than an audio signal, and is thus faster to generate.
- Using one of these, our instrument would then become
- instr 1
- kamp line 0, p3, 10000
- asig oscil kamp, cpspch(p5), 1
- out asig
- endin
- This would likely be indistinguishable in sound from the first
- version, but would run a little faster. In general, instruments
- take constants and parameter values, and use calculations and
- signal processing to move first towards the generation of control
- signals, then finally audio signals. Remembering this flow will
- help you write efficient instruments with faster execution times.
- We are now ready to create our first orchestra file. Type in the
- following orchestra using the system editor, and name it
- "intro.orc".
- sr = 20000 ; audio sampling rate is 20
- kHz
- kr = 500 ; control rate is 500 Hz
- ksmps = 40 ; number of samples in a
- control period (sr/kr)
- nchnls = 1 ; number of channels of audio
- output
- instr 1
- kctrl line 0, p3, 10000 ; amplitude envelope
- asig oscil kctrl, cpspch(p5), 1 ; audio oscillator
- out asig ; send signal to channel 1
- endin
- It is seen that comments may follow a semi-colon, and extend to
- the end of a line. There can also be blank lines, or lines with
- just a comment. Once you have saved your orchestra file on disk,
- we can next consider the score file that will drive it.
- The Score File
- The purpose of the score is to tell the instruments when to play
- and with what parameter values. The score has a different syntax
- from that of the orchestra, but similarly permits one statement
- per line and comments after a semicolon. The first character of
- a score statement is an opcode, determining an action request;
- the remaining data consists of numeric parameter fields (pfields)
- to be used by that action.
- Suppose we want a sine-tone generator to play a pentatonic scale
- starting at C-sharp above middle-C, with notes of 1/2 second
- duration. We would create the following score:
- ; a sine wave function table
- f1 0 256 10 1
- ; a pentatonic scale
- i1 0 .5 0. 8.01
- i1 .5 . . 8.03
- i1 1.0 . . 8.06
- i1 1.5 . . 8.08
- i1 2.0 . . 8.10
- e
- The first statement creates a stored sine table. The protocol
- for generating wave tables is simple but powerful. Lines with
- opcode f interpret their parameter fields as follows:
- p1 - function table number being created
- p2 - creation time, or time at which the table becomes readable
- p3 - table size (number of points), which must be a power of
- two or one greater
- p4 - generating subroutine, chosen from a prescribed list.
- Here the value 10 in p4 indicates a request for subroutine GEN10
- to fill the table. GEN10 mixes harmonic sinusoids in phase, with
- relative strengths of consecutive partials given by the
- succeeding parameter fields. Our score requests just a single
- sinusoid. An alternative statement:
- f1 0 256 10 1 0 3
- would produce one cycle of a waveform with a third harmonic three
- times as strong as the first.
- The i statements, or note statements, will invoke the p1
- instrument at time p2, then turn it off after p3 seconds; it will
- pass all of its p-fields to that instrument. Individual score
- parameters are separated by any number of spaces or tabs; neat
- formatting of parameters in columns is nice but unnecessary. The
- dots in p-fields 3 and 4 of the last four notes invoke a carry
- feature, in which values are simply copied from the immediately
- preceding note of the same instrument. A score normally ends
- with an e statement.
- The unit of time in a Csound score is the beat. In the absence
- of a Tempo statement, one beat takes one second. To double the
- speed of the pentatonic scale in the above score, we could either
- modify p2 and p3 for all the notes in the score, or simply insert
- the line
- t 0 120
- to specify a tempo of 120 beats per minute from beat 0.
- Two more points should be noted. First, neither the f-statements
- nor the i-statements need be typed in time order; Csound will
- sort the score automatically before use. Second, it is
- permissible to play more than one note at a time with a single
- instrument. To play the same notes as a three-second pentatonic
- chord we would create the following:
- ; a sine wave function
- f1 0 256 10 1
- ; five notes at once
- i1 0 3 0 8.01
- i1 0 . . 8.03
- i1 0 . . 8.06
- i1 0 . . 8.08
- i1 0 . . 8.10
- e
- Now go into the editor once more and create your own score file.
- Name it "intro.sco". Tne next section will describe how to
- invoke a Csound orchestra to perform a Csound score.
- The CSOUND Command
- To request your orchestra to perform your score, type the command
- csound intro.orc intro.sco
- The resulting performance will take place in three phases:
- 1) sort the score file into chronological order. If score
- syntax errors are encountered they will be reported on your
- console.
- 2) translate and load your orchestra. The console will
- signal the start of translating each instr block, and will report
- any errors. If the error messages are not immediately
- meaningful, translate again with the verbose flag turned on:
- csound -v intro.orc intro.sco
- 3) fill the wave tables and perform the score. Information
- about this performance will be displayed throughout in messages
- resembling
- B 4.000 .. 6.000 T 3.000 TT 3.000 M 7929. 7929.
- A message of this form will appear for every event in your score.
- An event is defined as any change of state (as when a new note
- begins or an old one ends). The first two numbers refer to beats
- in your original score, and they delimit the current segment of
- sound synthesis between successive events (e.g. from beat 4 to
- beat 6). The second beat value is next restated in real seconds
- of time, and reflects the tempo of the score. That is followed
- by the Total Time elapsed for all sections of the score so far.
- The last values on the line show the maximum amplitude of the
- audio signal, measured over just this segment of time, and
- reported separately for each channel.
- Console messages are printed to assist you in following the
- orchestra's handling of your score. You should aim at becoming
- an intelligent reader of your console reports. When you begin
- working with longer scores and your instruments no longer cause
- surprises, the above detail may be excessive. You can elect to
- receive abbreviated messages using the -m option of the Csound
- command.
- When your performance goes to completion, it will have created a
- sound file named test in your soundfile directory. You can now
- listen to your sound file by typing
- play test
- If your machine is fast enough, and your Csound module includes
- user access to the audio output device, you can hear your sound
- as it is being synthesized by using a command like
- csound -o devaudio intro.orc intro.sco
- More about the Orchestra
- Suppose we next wished to introduce a small vibrato, whose rate
- is 1/50 the frequency of the note (i.e. A440 is to have a
- vibrato rate of 8.8 Hz.). To do this we will generate a control
- signal using a second oscillator, then add this signal to the
- basic frequency derived from p5. This might result in the
- instrument
- instr 1
- kamp line 0, p3, 10000
- kvib oscil 2.75, cpspch(p5)/50, 1
- a1 oscil kamp, cpspch(p5)+kvib, 1
- out a1
- endin
- Here there are two control signals, one controlling the amplitude
- and the other modifying the basic pitch of the audio oscillator.
- For small vibratos, this instrument is quite practical; however
- it does contain a misconception worth noting. This scheme has
- added a sine wave deviation to the cps value of an audio
- oscillator. The value 2.75 determines the width of vibrato in
- cps, and will cause an A440 to be modified about one-tenth of one
- semitone in each direction (1/160 of the frequency in cps). In
- reality, a cps deviation produces a different musical interval
- above than it does below. To see this, consider an exaggerated
- deviation of 220 cps, which would extend a perfect 5th above A440
- but a whole octave below. To be more correct, we should first
- convert p5 into a true decimal octave (not cps), so that an
- interval deviation above is equivalent to that below. In
- general, pitch modification is best done in true octave units
- rather than pitch-class or cps units, and there exists a group of
- pitch converters to make this task easier. The modified
- instrument would be
- instr 1
- ioct = octpch(p5)
- kamp line 0, p3, 10000
- kvib oscil 1/120, cpspch(p5)/50, 1
- asig oscil kamp, cpsoct(ioct+kvib), 1
- out asig
- endin
- This instrument is seen to use a third type of orchestra
- variable, an i-variable. The variable ioct receives its value at
- an initialization pass through the instrument, and does not
- change during the lifespan of this note. There may be many such
- init time calculations in an instrument. As each note in a score
- is encountered, the event space is allocated and the instrument
- is initialized by a special pre-performance pass. i-variables
- receive their values at this time, and any other expressions
- involving just constants and i-variables are evaluated. At this
- time also, modules such as line will set up their target values
- (such as beginning and end points of the line), and units such as
- oscil will do phase setup and other bookkeeping in preparation
- for performance. A full description of init-time and
- performance-time activities, however, must be deferred to a
- general consideration of the orchestra syntax.
- An orchestra statement in Csound has the format:
- label: result opcode argument1, argument2, ... ; comments
- The label is optional and identifies the basic statement that
- follows as the potential target of a go-to operation (see Program
- Control Statements). A label has no effect on the statement per
- se.
- Comments are optional and are for the purpose of letting the user
- document his orchestra code. Comments always begin with a
- semicolon (;) and extend to the end of the line.
- The remainder (result, opcode, and arguments) form the basic
- statement. This also is optional, i.e. a line may have only a
- label or comment or be entirely blank. If present, the basic
- statement must be complete on one line. The opcode determines
- the operation to be performed; it usually takes some number of
- input values (arguments); and it usually has a result field
- variable to which it sends output values at some fixed rate.
- There are four possible rates:
- 1) once only, at orchestra setup time (effectively a
- permanent assignment);
- 2) once at the beginning of each note (at initialization
- (init) time: I-rate);
- 3) once every performance-time control loop (perf time
- control rate, or K-rate);
- 4) once each sound sample of every control loop (perf time
- audio rate, or A-rate).
- An orchestra program in Csound is comprised of orchestra header
- statements which set various global parameters, followed by a
- number of instrument blocks representing different instrument
- types. An instrument block, in turn, is comprised of ordinary
- statements that set values, control the logical flow, or invoke
- the various signal processing subroutines that lead to audio
- output.
- An orchestra header statement operates once only, at orchestra
- setup time. It is most commonly an assignment of some value to a
- global reserved symbol, e.g. sr = 20000. All orchestra header
- statements belong to a pseudo instrument 0, an init pass of which
- is run prior to all other instruments at score time 0. Any
- ordinary statement can serve as an orchestra header statement,
- eg. gifreq = cpspch(8.09), provided it is an init-time only
- operation.
- An ordinary statement runs at either init time or performance
- time or both. Operations which produce a result formally run at
- the rate of that result (that is, at init time for I-rate
- results; at performance time for K- and A-rate results), with the
- sole exception of the init opcode (q.v.). Most generators and
- modifiers, however, produce signals that depend not only on the
- instantaneous value of their arguments but also on some preserved
- internal state. These performance-time units therefore have an
- implicit init-time component to set up that state. The run time
- of an operation which produces no result is apparent in the
- opcode.
- Arguments are values that are sent to an operation. Most
- arguments will accept arithmetic expressions composed of
- constants, variables, reserved globals, value converters,
- arithmetic operations and conditional values; these are described
- below.
- constants are floating point numbers, such as 1, 3.14159, or
- -73.45. They are available continuously and do not change in
- value.
- variables are named cells containing numbers. They are available
- continuously and may be updated at one of the four update rates
- (setup only, I-rate, K-rate, or A-rate). I- and K-rate variables
- are scalars (i.e. they take on only one value at any given time)
- and are primarily used to store and recall controlling data, that
- is, data that changes at the note rate (for I-variables) or at
- the control rate (for K-variables). I- and K-variables are
- therefore useful for storing note parameter values, pitches,
- durations, slow-moving frequencies, vibratos, etc. A-variables,
- on the other hand, are arrays or vectors of information. Though
- renewed on the same perf-time control pass as K-variables, these
- array cells represent a finer resolution of time by dividing the
- control period into sample periods (see ksmps below).
- A-variables are used to store and recall data changing at the
- audio sampling rate (e.g. output signals of oscillators,
- filters, etc.).
- A further distinction is that between local and global variables.
- local variables are private to a particular instrument, and
- cannot be read from or written into by any other instrument.
- Their values are preserved, and they may carry information from
- pass to pass (e.g. from initialization time to performance time)
- within a single instrument. Local variable names begin with the
- letter p, i, k, or a. The same local variable name may appear in
- two or more different instrument blocks without conflict.
- global variables are cells that are accessible by all
- instruments. The names are either like local names preceded by
- the letter g, or are special reserved symbols. Global variables
- are used for broadcasting general values, for communicating
- between instruments (semaphores), or for sending sound from one
- instrument to another (e.g. mixing prior to reverberation).
- Given these distinctions, there are eight forms of local and
- global variables:
- type when renewable Local Global
- reserved symbols permanent -- rsymbol
- score parameter fields I-time pnumber --
- init variables I-time iname giname
- control signals P-time, K-rate kname gkname
- audio signals P-time, A-rate aname ganame
- where rsymbol is a special reserved symbol (e.g. sr, kr), number
- is a positive integer referring to a score statement pfield, and
- name is a string of letters and/or digits with local or global
- meaning. As might be inferred, score parameters are local
- I-variables whose values are copied from the invoking score
- statement just prior to the Init pass through an instrument.
- ftlen(x) (init-rate args only)
- int(x) (init- or control-rate args only)
- frac(x) (init- or control-rate args only)
- dbamp(x) (init- or control-rate args only)
- i(x) (control-rate args only)
- abs(x) (no rate restriction)
- exp(x) (no rate restriction)
- log(x) (no rate restriction)
- sqrt(x) (no rate restriction)
- sin(x) (no rate restriction)
- cos(x) (no rate restriction)
- ampdb(x) (no rate restriction)
- where the argument within the parentheses may be an expression.
- Value converters perform arithmetic translation from units of one
- kind to units of another. The result can then be a term in a
- further expression.
- ftlen(x) returns the size (no. of points) of stored function
- table no. x.
- int(x) returns the integer part of x.
- frac(x) returns the fractional part of x.
- dbamp(x) returns the decibel equivalent of the raw amplitude x.
- i(x) returns an Init-type equivalent of the argument, thus
- permitting a K-time value to be accessed in at init-time or
- reinit-time, whenever valid.
- abs(x) returns the absolute value of x.
- exp(x) returns e raised to the xth power.
- log(x) returns the natural log of x (x positive only).
- sqrt(x) returns the square root of x (x non-negative).
- sin(x) returns the sine of x (x in radians).
- cos(x) returns the cosine of x (x in radians).
- ampdb(x) returns the amplitude equivalent of the decibel value x.
- Thus 60 db gives 1000, 66 db gives 2000, 72 db gives 4000,
- 78 db gives 8000, 84 db gives 16000 and 90 db gives 32000.
- Note that for log, sqrt, and ftlen the argument value is
- restricted. Note also that ftlen will always return a power-of-2
- value, i.e. the function table guard point (see F statement) is
- not included.
- octpch(pch) (init- or control-rate args only)
- pchoct(oct) (init- or control-rate args only)
- cpspch(pch) (init- or control-rate args only)
- octcps(cps) (init- or control-rate args only)
- cpsoct(oct) (no rate restriction)
- where the argument within the parentheses may be a further
- expression.
- These are really value converters with a special function of
- manipulating pitch data.
- Data concerning pitch and frequency can exist in any of the
- following forms:
- name abbreviation
- octave point pitch-class (8ve.pc) pch
- octave point decimal oct
- cycles per second cps
- The first two forms consist of a whole number, representing
- octave registration, followed by a specially interpreted
- fractional part. For pch, the fraction is read as two decimal
- digits representing the 12 equal-tempered pitch classes from .00
- for C to.11 for B. For oct, the fraction is interpreted as a
- true decimal fractional part of an octave. The two fractional
- forms are thus related by the factor 100/12. In both forms, the
- fraction is preceded by a whole number octave index such that
- 8.00 represents Middle C,9.00 the C above, etc. Thus A440 can be
- represented alternatively by 440 (cps),8.09 (pch), 8.75 (oct), or
- 7.21 (pch), etc. Microtonal divisions of the pch semitone can be
- encoded by using more than two decimal places.
- The mnemonics of the pitch conversion units are derived from
- morphemes of the forms involved, the second morpheme describing
- the source and the first morpheme the object (result). Thus
- cpspch(8.09)
- will convert the pitch argument 8.09 to its cps (or Hertz)
- equivalent, giving the value of 440. Since the argument is
- constant over the duration of the note, this conversion will take
- place at I-time, before any samples for the current note are
- produced. By contrast, the conversion
- cpsoct(8.75 + K1)
- which gives the value of A440 transposed by the octave interval
- K1 will repeat the calculation every, K-period since that is the
- rate at which K1 varies.
- N.B. The conversion from pch or oct into cps is not a linear
- operation but involves an exponential process that could be
- time-consuming when executed repeatedly. Csound now uses a
- built-in table lookup to do this efficiently, even at audio
- rates.
- - a
- + a
- a && b (logical AND; not audio-rate)
- a || b (logical OR; not audio-rate)
- a + b
- a - b
- a * b
- a / b
- where the arguments a and b may be further expressions.
- Arithmetic operators perform operations of change-sign (negate),
- don't-change-sign, logical AND logical OR, add, subtract,
- multiply and divide. Note that a value or an expression may fall
- between two of these operators, either of which could take it as
- its left or right argument, as in
- a + b * c.
- In such cases three rules apply:
- 1) * and / bind to their neighbors more strongly than + and -.
- Thus the above expression is taken as
- a + (b * c),
- with * taking b and c and then + taking a and b * c.
- 2) + and - bind more strongly than &&, which in turn is stronger than ||:
- a && b - c || d is taken as (a && (b-c)) || d
- 3) When both operators bind equally strongly,
- the operations are done left to right:
- a - b - c is taken as (a - b) - c.
- Parentheses may be used as above to force particular groupings.
- (a > b ? v1 : v2)
- (a < b ? v1 : v2)
- (a > = b ? v1 : v2)
- (a < = b ? v1 : v2)
- (a = = b ? v1 : v2)
- (a ! = b ? v1 : v2)
- where a, b, v1 and v2 may be expressions, but a, b not
- audio-rate.
- In the above conditionals, a and b are first compared. If the
- indicated relation is true (a greater than b, a less than b, a
- greater than or equal to b, a less than or equal to b, a equal to
- b, a not equal to b), then the conditional expression has the
- value of v1; if the relation is false, the expression has the
- value of v2. (For convenience, a sole `=` will function as `=
- =`.) NB.: If v1 or v2 are expressions, these will be evaluated
- before the conditional is determined.
- In terms of binding strength, all conditional operators (i. e.,
- the relational operators (>,<, etc.), and ?, and : ) are weaker
- than the arithmetic and logical operators (+, -, *, /, && and ||).
- Example:
- (k1 < p5/2 + p6 ? k1 : p7)
- binds the terms p5/2 and p6. It will return the value k1 below
- this threshold, else the value p7.
- Expressions may be composed to any depth from the components
- shown above. Each part of an expression is evaluated at its own
- proper rate. For instance, if the terms within a sub-expression
- all change at the control rate or slower, the sub-expression will
- be evaluated only at the control rate; that result might then be
- used in an audio-rate evaluation. For example, in
- k1 + abs(int(p5) + frac(p5) * 100/12 + sqrt(k1))
- the 100/12 would be evaluated at orch init, the p5 expressions
- evaluated at note I-time, and the remainder of the expression
- evaluated every k-period. The whole might occur in a unit
- generator argument position, or be part of an assignment
- statement .
- Many generators and the csound command itself specify filenames
- to be read from or written to. These are optionally full
- pathnames, whose target directory is fully specified. When not
- fullpath, filenames are sought in several directories in order,
- depending on their type and on the setting of certain environment
- variables. The latter are optional, but they can serve to
- partition and organize the directories so that source files can
- be shared rather than duplicated in several user directories.
- The environment variables can define directories for soundfiles
- (SFDIR), sound samples (SSDIR), and sound analysis (SADIR). The
- search order is:
- Soundfiles being written are placed in SFDIR (if it exists),
- else the current directory.
- Soundfiles for reading are sought in the current directory,
- then SSDIR, then SFDIR.
- Analysis control files for reading are sought in the current
- directory, then SADIR.
- In Csound there are nine statement types, each of which provides
- a heading for the descriptive sections that follow in this
- chapter:
- assignment statements signal generator statements
- orchestra header statements signal modifier statements
- instrument block statements ignal display statements
- program control statements soundfile access statements
- duration control statements
- Throughout this document, opcodes are indicated in boldface and
- their argument and result mnemonics, when mentioned in the text,
- are given in italics. Argument names are generally mnemonic
- (amp, phs), and the result is denoted the letter r. Both are
- preceded by a type qualifier i, k, a or x (e.g. kamp, iphs, ar).
- The prefix i denotes scalar values valid at note Init time;
- prefixes k or a denote control (scalar) and audio (vector)
- values, modified and referenced continuously throughout
- performance (i.e. at every control period while the instrument
- is active). Arguments are used at the prefix-listed times;
- results are created at their listed times, then remain available
- for use as inputs elsewhere. The validity of inputs is defined
- by the following:
- arguments with prefix i must be valid at Init time;
- arguments with prefix k can be either control or Init values
- (which remain valid);
- arguments with prefix a must be vector inputs;
- arguments with prefix x may be either vector or scalar (the
- compiler will distinguish).
- All arguments, unless otherwise stated, can be expressions whose
- results conform to the above. Most opcodes (such as linen and
- oscil) can be used in more than one mode, which one being
- determined by the prefix of the result symbol.
- ir = iarg
- kr = karg
- ar = xarg
- kr init iarg
- ar init iarg
- ir tival
- ir divz ia, ib, isubst (these not yet implemented)
- kr divz ka, kb, ksubst
- ar divz xa, xb, ksubst
- = (simple assignment) - Put the value of the expression iarg
- (karg, xarg) into the named result. This provides a means of
- saving an evaluated result for later use.
- init - Put the value of the I-time expression iarg into a K- or
- A-variable, i.e., initialize the result. Note that init provides
- the only case of an Init-time statement being permitted to write
- into a Perftime (K- or A-rate) result cell; the statement has no
- effect at Perf-time.
- tival - Put the value of the instrument's internal "tie-in" flag
- into the named I-variable. Assigns 1 if this note has been
- 'tied' onto a previously held note (see I Statement); assigns 0
- if no tie actually took place. (See also tigoto.)
- divz - Whenever b is not zero, set the result to the value a /
- b; when b is zero, set it to the value of subst instead.
- Example:
- kcps = i2/3 + cpsoct(k2 + octpch(p5))
- sr = n1
- kr = n2
- ksmps = n3
- nchnls = n4
- These statements are global value assignments, made at the
- beginning of an orchestra, before any instrument block is
- defined. Their function is to set certain reserved symbol
- variables that are required for performance. Once set, these
- reserved symbols can be used in expressions anywhere in the
- orchestra.
- sr = (optional) - set sampling rate to n1 samples per second per
- channel. The default value is 10000.
- kr = (optional) - set control rate to n2 samples per second. The
- default value is 1000.
- ksmps = (optional) - set the number of samples in a Control
- Period to n3. This value must equal sr/kr. The default value is
- 10.
- nchnls = (optional) - set number of channels of audio output to
- n4. (1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 4 = quadraphonic.) The default value
- is 1 (mono).
- In addition, any global variable can be initialized by an
- init-time assignment anywhere before the first instr statement.
- All of the above assignments are run as instrument 0 (i - pass
- only) at the start of real performance.
- Example of header assignments:
- sr = 10000
- kr = 500
- ksmps = 20
- gi1 = sr/2.
- ga init 0
- gitranspose = octpch(.0l)
- instr i, j, ...
- .
- . < body
- . of
- . instrument >
- .
- endin
- These statements delimit an instrument block. They must always
- occur in pairs.
- instr - begin an instrument block defining instruments i, j, ...
- i, j, ... must be numbers, not expressions. Any positive
- integer is legal, and in any order, but excessively high numbers
- are best avoided.
- endin - end the current instrument block.
- Note:
- There may be any number of instrument blocks in an orchestra.
- Instruments can be defined in any order (but they will always be
- both initialized and performed in ascending instrument number
- order).
- Instrument blocks cannot be nested (i.e. one block cannot contain
- another).
- igoto label
- tigoto label
- kgoto label
- goto label
- if ia R ib igoto label
- if ka R kb kgoto label
- if ia R ib goto label
- timout istrt, idur, label
- where label is in the same instrument block and is not an
- expression, and where R is one of the Relational operators (>, <,
- >=, <=, ==, !=) (and = for convenience, see also under
- Conditional values).
- These statements are used to control the order in which
- statements in an instrument block are to be executed. I-time and
- P-time passes can be controlled separately as follows:
- igoto - During the I-time pass only, unconditionally transfer
- control to the statement labeled by label.
- tigoto - similar to igoto, but effective only during an I-time
- pass at which a new note is being 'tied' onto a previously held
- note (see I Statement); no-op when a tie has not taken place.
- Allows an instrument to skip initialization of units according to
- whether a proposed tie was in fact successful (see also tival,
- delay).
- kgoto - During the P-time passes only, unconditionally transfer
- control to the statement labeled by label.
- goto - (combination of igoto and kgoto) Transfer control to label
- on every pass.
- if...igoto - conditional branch at I-time, depending on the truth
- value of the logical expression "ia R ib". The branch is taken
- only if the result is true.
- if...kgoto - conditional branch during P-time, depending on the
- truth value of the logical expression "ka R kb". The branch is
- taken only if the result is true.
- if...goto - combination of the above. Condition tested on every
- pass.
- timout - conditional branch during P-time, depending on elapsed
- note time. istrt and idur specify time in seconds. The branch
- to label will become effective at time istrt, and will remain so
- for just idur seconds. Note that timout can be reinitialized for
- multiple activation within a single note (see example next page).
- Example:
- if k3 > p5 + 10 kgoto next
- reinit label
- rigoto label
- rireturn
- These statements permit an instrument to reinitialize itself
- during performance.
- reinit - whenever this statement is encountered during a P-time
- pass, performance is temporarily suspended while a special
- Initialization pass, beginning at label and continuing to
- rireturn or endin, is executed. Performance will then be resumed
- from where it left off.
- rigoto - similar to igoto, but effective only during a reinit
- pass (i.e., No-op at standard I-time). This statement is useful
- for bypassing units that are not to be reinitialized.
- rireturn - terminates a reinit pass (i.e., No-op at standard
- I-time). This statement, or an endin, will cause normal
- performance to be resumed.
- Example:
- The following statements will generate an exponential control
- signal whose value moves from 440 to 880 exactly ten times over
- the duration p3.
- reset: timout 0, p3 /10, contin ;after p3/10 seconds,
- reinit reset ; reinit both timout
- contin: expon 440, p3/10,880 ; and expon
- riretum ; then resume perf
- ihold
- turnoff
- These statements permit the current note to modify its own
- duration.
- ihold - this I-time statement causes a finite-duration note to
- become a `held' note. It thus has the same effect as a negative
- p3 (see Score I-statement), except that p3 here remains positive
- and the instrument reclassifies itself to being held
- indefinitely. The note can be turned off explicitly with
- turnoff, or its space taken over by another note of the same
- instrument number (i.e. it is tied into that note). Effective at
- I-time only; no-op during a reinit pass.
- turnoff - this P-time statement enables an instrument to turn
- itself off. Whether of finite duration or 'held', the note
- currently being performed by this instrument is immediately
- removed from the active note list. No other notes are affected.
- Example:
- The following statements will cause a note to terminate when a
- control signal passes a certain threshold (here the Nyquist
- frequency).
- k1 expon 440, p3/10,880 ; begin gliss and continue
- if k1 < sr/2 kgoto contin ; until Nyquist detected
- turnoff ; then quit
- contin: a1 oscil a1, k1, 1
- ival notnum
- ival veloc
- icps cpsmidi
- icps cpsmidib
- kcps cpsmidib
- ioct octmidi
- ioct octmidib
- koct octmidib
- ipch pchmidi
- ipch pchmidib
- kpch pchmidib
- iamp ampmidi iscal[, ifn]
- kaft aftouch iscal
- kchpr chpress iscal
- kbend pchbend iscal
- ival midictrl inum
- kval midictrl inum
- Get a value from the MIDI event that activated this instrument,
- or from a continuous MIDI controller, and convert it to a locally
- useful format.
- iscal - I-time scaling factor.
- ifn (optional) - function table number of a normalized
- translation table, by which the incoming value is first
- interpreted. The default value is 0, denoting no translation.
- inum - MIDI controller number.
- notnum, veloc - get the MIDI byte value (0 - 127) denoting the
- note number or velocity of the current event.
- cpsmidi, octmidi, pchmidi - get the note number of the current
- MIDI event, expressed in cps, oct, or pch units for local
- processing.
- cpsmidib, octmidib, pchmidib - get the note number of the current
- MIDI event, modify it by the current pitch-bend value, and
- express the result in cps, oct, or pch units. Available as an
- I-time value or as a continuous ksig value.
- ampmidi - get the velocity of the current MIDI event, optionally
- pass it through a normalized translation table, and return an
- amplitude value in the range 0 - iscal.
- aftouch, chpress, pchbend - get the current after-touch, channel
- pressure, or pitch-bend value for this channel, rescaled to the
- range 0 - iscal. Note that this access to pitch-bend data is
- independent of the MIDI pitch, enabling the value here to be used
- for any arbitrary purpose.
- midictrl - get the current value (0 - 127) of a specified MIDI
- controller.
- kr line ia, idur1, ib
- ar line ia, idur1, ib
- kr expon ia, idur1, ib
- ar expon ia, idur1, ib
- kr linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- ar linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, icI...]]
- kr expseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- ar expseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- Output values kr or ar trace a straight line (exponential curve)
- or a series of line segments (exponential segments) between
- specified points.
- ia - starting value. Zero is illegal for exponentials.
- ib, ic, etc. - value after dur1 seconds, etc. For exponentials,
- must be non-zero and must agree in sign with ia.
- idur1 - duration in seconds of first segment. A zero or negative
- value will cause all initialization to be skipped.
- idur2, idur3, etc. - duration in seconds of subsequent segments.
- A zero or negative value will terminate the initialization
- process with the preceding point, permitting the last-defined
- line or curve to be continued indefinitely in performance. The
- default is zero.
- These units generate control or audio signals whose values can
- pass through 2 or more specified points. The sum of dur values
- may or may not equal the instrument's performance time: a shorter
- performance will truncate the specified pattern, while a longer
- one.will cause the last-defined segment to continue on in the
- same direction.
- Example:
- k2 expseg 440, p3/2,880, p3/2,440
- This statement creates a control signal which moves exponentially
- from 440 to 880 and back, over the duration p3.
- kr phasor kcps[, iphs]
- ar phasor xcps[, iphs]
- Produce a normalized moving phase value.
- iphs (optional) - initial phase, expressed as a fraction of a
- cycle (0 to 1). A negative value will cause phase initialization
- to he skipped. The default value is zero.
- An internal phase is successively accumulated in accordance with
- the cps frequency to produce a moving phase value, normalized to
- lie in the range 0. <= phs < 1.
- When used as the index to a table unit, this phase (multiplied by
- the desired function table length) will cause it to behave like
- an oscillator.
- Note that phasor is a special kind of integrator, accumulating
- phase increments that represent frequency settings.
- Example:
- phasor 1 ; cycle once per second
- kpch table k1 * 12, 1 ; through 12-note pch table
- a1 oscil p4, cpspch(kpch), 2 ; with continuous sound
- ir table indx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- ir tablei indx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- kr table kndx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- kr tablei kndx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- ar table andx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- ar tablei andx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- kr oscil1 idel, kamp, idur, ifn
- kr oscil1i idel, kamp, idur, ifn
- Table values are accessed by direct indexing or by incremental
- sampling.
- ifn - function table number. tablei, oscil1i require the
- extended guard point.
- ixmode (optional) - ndx data mode. 0 = raw ndx, 1 = normalized
- (0 to 1). The default value is 0.
- ixoff (optional) - amount by which ndx is to be offset. For a
- table with origin at center, use tablesize/2 (raw) or .5
- (normalized). The default value is 0.
- iwrap (optional) - wraparound ndx flag. 0 = nowrap (ndx < 0
- treated as ndx=0; ndx > tablesize sticks at ndx=size), 1 =
- wraparound. The default value is 0.
- idel - delay in seconds before oscil1 incremental sampling
- begins.
- idur - duration in seconds to sample through the oscil1 table
- just once. A zero or negative value will cause all
- initialization to be skipped.
- table invokes table lookup on behalf of init, control or audio
- indices. These indices can be raw entry numbers (0,l,2...size -
- 1) or scaled values (0 to 1-e). Indices are first modified by
- the offset value then checked for range before table lookup (see
- iwrap). If ndx is likely to be full scale, or if interpolation
- is being used, the table should have an extended guard point.
- table indexed by a periodic phasor (see phasor) will simulate an
- oscillator.
- oscil1 accesses values by sampling once through the function
- table at a rate determined by idur. For the first idel seconds,
- the point of scan will reside at the first location of the table;
- it will then begin moving through the table at a constant rate,
- reaching the end in another idur seconds; from that time on (i.e.
- after idel + idur seconds) it will remain pointing at the last
- location. Each value obtained from sampling is then multiplied
- by an amplitude factor kamp before being written into the result.
- tablei and oscil1i are interpolating units in which the
- fractional part of ndx is used to interpolate between adjacent
- table entries. The smoothness gained by interpolation is at some
- small cost in execution time (see also oscili, etc.), but the
- interpolating and non-interpolating units are otherwise
- interchangeable. Note that when tablei uses a periodic index
- whose modulo n is less than the power of 2 table length, the
- interpolation process requires that there be an (n + 1)th table
- value that is a repeat of the 1st (see F statement in Score).
- kr oscil kamp, kcps, ifn[, iphs]
- kr oscili kamp, kcps, ifn[, iphs]
- ar oscil xamp, xcps, ifn[, iphs]
- ar oscili xamp, xcps, ifn[, iphs]
- ar foscil xamp, kcps, kcar, kmod, kndx, ifn[, iphs]
- ar foscili xamp, kcps, kcar, kmod, kndx, ifn[, iphs]
- Table ifn is incrementally sampled modulo the table length and
- the value obtained is multiplied by amp.
- ifn - function table number. Requires a wrap-around guard point.
- iphs (optional) - initial phase of sampling, expressed as a
- fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). A negative value will cause phase
- initialization to be skipped. The default value is 0.
- The oscil units output periodic control (or audio) signals
- consisting of the value of kamp(xamp)times the value returned
- from control rate (audio rate) sampling of a stored function
- table. The internal phase is simultaneously advanced in
- accordance with the cps input value. While the amplitude and
- frequency inputs to the K-rate oscils are scalar only, the
- corresponding inputs to the audio-rate oscils may each be either
- scalar or vector, thus permitting amplitude and frequency
- modulation at either sub-audio or audio frequencies.
- foscil is a composite unit that effectively banks two oscils in
- the familiar Chowning FM setup, wherein the audio-rate output of
- one generator is used to modulate the frequency input of another
- (the "carrier"). Effective carrier frequency = kcps * kcar, and
- modulating frequency = kcps * kmod. For integral values of kcar
- and kmod, the perceived fundamental will be the minimum positive
- value of kcps * (kcar - n * kmod), n = 1,1,2,... The input kndx
- is the index of modulation (usually time-varying and ranging 0 to
- 4 or so) which determines the spread of acoustic energy over the
- partial positions given by n = 0,1,2,.., etc. ifn should point
- to a stored sine wave.
- oscili and foscili differ from oscil and foscil respectively in
- that the standard procedure of using a truncated phase as a
- sampling index is here replaced by a process that interpolates
- between two successive lookups. Interpolating generators will
- produce a noticeably cleaner output signal, but they may take as
- much as twice as long to run. Adequate accuracy can also be
- gained without the time cost of interpolation by using large
- stored function tables of 2K, 4K or 8K points if the space is
- available.
- Example:
- k1 oscil 10, 5, 1 ; 5 cps vibrato
- a1 oscil 5000, 440 + k1, 1 ; around A440 + -10 cps
- ar1 [,ar2] loscil xamp, kcps, ifn[, ibas][,imod1,ibeg1,iend1][, imod2,ibeg2,iend2]
- Read sampled sound (mono or stereo) from a table, with optional
- sustain and release looping.
- ifn - function table number, typically denoting an AIFF sampled
- sound segment with prescribed looping points. The source file
- may be mono or stereo.
- ibas (optional) - base frequency in cps of the recorded sound.
- This optionally overrides the frequency given in the AIFF file,
- but is required if the file did not contain one. The default
- value is 0 (no override).
- imod1, mod2 (optional) - play modes for the sustain and release
- loops. A value of 1 denotes normal looping, 2 denotes forward &
- backward looping, 0 denotes no looping. The default value (-1)
- will defer to the mode and the looping points given in the source
- file.
- ibeg1, iend1, ibeg2, iend2 (optional, dependent on mod1, mod2) -
- begin and end points of the sustain and release loops. These are
- measured in sample frames from the beginning of the file, so will
- look the same whether the sound segment is monaural or stereo.
- loscil samples the ftable audio at a rate determined by kcps,
- then multiplies the result by xamp. The sampling increment for
- kcps is dependent on the table's base-note frequency ibas, and is
- automatically adjusted if the orchestra sr value differs from
- that at which the source was recorded. In this unit, ftable is
- always sampled with interpolation.
- If sampling reaches the sustain loop endpoint and looping is in
- effect, the point of sampling will be modified and loscil will
- continue reading from within that loop segment. Once the
- instrument has received a turnoff signal (from the score or from
- a MIDI noteoff event), the next sustain endpoint encountered will
- be ignored and sampling will continue towards the release loop
- end-point, or towards the last sample (henceforth to zeros).
- locscil is the basic unit for building a sampling synthesizer.
- Given a sufficient set of recorded piano tones, for example, this
- unit can resample them to simulate the missing tones. Locating
- the sound source nearest a desired pitch can be done via table
- lookup. Once a sampling instrument has begun, its turnoff point
- may be unpredictable and require an external release envelope;
- this is often done by gating the sampled audio with linenr, which
- will extend the duration of a turned-off instrument by a specific
- period while it implements a decay.
- Example:
- inum notnum
- icps cpsmidi
- iamp ampmidi 3000, 1
- ifno table inum, 2 ;notnum to choose an audio sample
- ibas table inum, 3
- kamp linenr iamp, 0, .05, .01 ;at noteoff, extend by 50 millisecs
- asig loscil kamp, icps, ifno, cpsoct(ibas/12. + 3)
- ar buzz xamp, xcps, knh, ifn[, iphs]
- ar gbuzz xamp, xcps, knh, klh, kr, ifn[, iphs]
- Output is a set of harmonically related cosine partials.
- ifn - table number of a stored function containing (for buzz) a
- sine wave, or (for gbuzz) a cosine wave. In either case a large
- table of at least 8192 points is recommended.
- iphs (optional) - initial phase of the fundamental frequency,
- expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). A negative value
- will cause phase initialization to be skipped. The default value
- is zero.
- These units generate an additive set of harmonically related
- cosine partials of fundamental frequency xcps, and whose
- amplitudes are scaled so their summation peak equals xamp. The
- selection and strength of partials is determined by the following
- control parameters:
- knh - total number of harmonics requested. Must be positive.
- klh - lowest harmonic present. Can be positive, zero or
- negative. In gbuzz the set of partials can begin at any partial
- number and proceeds upwards; if klh is negative, all partials
- below zero will reflect as positive partials without phase change
- (since cosine is an even function), and will add constructively
- to any positive partials in the set.
- kr - specifies the multiplier in the series of amplitude
- coefficients. This is a power series: if the klhth partial has a
- strength coefficient of A, the (klh + n)th partial will have a
- coefficient of A * (kr ** n), i.e. strength values trace an
- exponential curve. kr may be positive, zero or negative, and is
- not restricted to integers.
- buzz and gbuzz are useful as complex sound sources in subtractive
- synthesis. buzz is a special case of the more general gbuzz in
- which klh = kr = 1; it thus produces a set of knh equal-strength
- harmonic partials, beginning with the fundamental. (This is a
- band-limited pulse train; if the partials extend to the Nyquist,
- i.e. knh = int (sr / 2 / fundamental freq.), the result is a
- real pulse train of amplitude xamp.) Although both knh and klh
- may be varied during performance, their internal values are
- necessarily integer and may cause "pops" due to discontinuities
- in the output; kr, however, can be varied during performance to
- good effect. Both buzz and gbuzz can be amplitude- and/or
- frequency-modulated by either control or audio signals.
- N.B. These two units have their analogs in GEN11, in which the
- same set of cosines can be stored in a function table for
- sampling by an oscillator. Although computationally more
- efficient, the stored pulse train has a fixed spectral content,
- not a time-varying one as above.
- ar adsyn kamod, kfmod, ksmod, ifilcod
- ar pvoc ktimpnt, kfmod, ifilcod [, ispecwp]
- Output is an additive set of individually controlled sinusoids,
- using either an oscillator bank or phase vocoder resynthesis.
- ifilcod - integer or character-string denoting a control-file
- derived from analysis of an audio signal. An integer denotes the
- suffix of a file adsyn.m or pvoc.m; a character-string (in
- double quotes) gives a filename, optionally a full pathname. If
- not fullpath, the file is sought first in the current directory,
- then in the one given by the environment variable SADIR (if
- defined). adsyn control contains breakpoint amplitude- and
- frequency-envelope values organized for oscillator resynthesis,
- while pvoc control contains similar data organized for fft
- resynthesis. Memory usage depends on the size of the files
- involved, which are read and held entirely in memory during
- computation but are shared by multiple calls (see also lpread).
- ispecwp (optional) - if non-zero, attempts to preserve the
- spectral envelope while its frequency content is varied by kfmod.
- The default value is zero.
- adsyn synthesizes complex time-varying timbres through the method
- of additive synthesis. Any number of sinusoids, each
- individually controlled in frequency and amplitude, can be summed
- by high-speed arithmetic to produce a high-fidelity result.
- Component sinusoids are described by a control file describing
- amplitude and frequency tracks in millisecond breakpoint fashion.
- Tracks are defined by sequences of 16-bit binary integers:
- -1, time, amp, time, amp,...
- -2, time, freq, time, freq,...
- such as from hetrodyne filter analysis of an audio file. (For
- details see the Appendix on hetro.) The instantaneous amplitude
- and frequency values are used by an internal fixed-point
- oscillator that adds each active partial into an accumulated
- output signal. While there is a practical limit (currently 50)
- on the number of contributing partials, there is no restriction
- on their behavior over time. Any sound that can be described in
- terms of the behavior of sinusoids can be synthesized by adsyn
- alone.
- Sound described by an adsyn control file can also be modified
- during re-synthesis. The signals kamod, kfmod, ksmod will modify
- the amplitude, frequency, and speed of contributing partials.
- These are multiplying factors, with kfmod modifying the cps
- frequency and ksmod modifying the speed with which the
- millisecond bread-point line-segments are traversed. Thus .7,
- 1.5, and 2 will give rise to a softer sound, a perfect fifth
- higher, but only half as long. The values 1,1,1 will leave the
- sound unmodified. Each of these inputs can be a control signal.
- pvoc implements signal reconstruction using an fft-based phase
- vocoder. The control data stems from a precomputed analysis file
- with a known frame rate. The passage of time through this file
- is specified by ktimpnt, which represents the time in seconds.
- ktimpnt must always be positive, but can move forwards or
- backwards in time, be stationary or discontinuous, as a pointer
- into the analysis file. kfmod is a control-rate transposition
- factor: a value of 1 incurs no transposition, 1.5 transposes up a
- perfect fifth, and .5 down an octave.
- This implementation of pvoc was written by Dan Ellis. It is
- based in part on the system of Mark Dolson, but the pre-analysis
- concept is new.
- ar fof xamp, xfund, xform, koct, kband, kris, kdur, kdec,
- iolaps, ifna, ifnb, itotdur[, iphs][, ifmode]
- Audio output is a succession of sinusoid bursts initiated at
- frequency xfund with a spectral peak at xform. For xfund above
- 25 Hz these bursts produce a speech-like formant with spectral
- characteristics determined by the k-input parameters. For lower
- fundamentals this generator provides a special form of granular
- synthesis.
- iolaps - number of preallocated spaces needed to hold overlapping
- burst data. Overlaps are frequency dependent, and the space
- required depends on the maximum value of xfund * kdur. Can be
- over-estimated at no computation cost. Uses less than 50 bytes
- of memory per iolap.
- ifna, ifnb - table numbers of two stored functions. The first is
- a sine table for sineburst synthesis (size of at least 4096
- recommended). The second is a rise shape, used forwards and
- backwards to shape the sineburst rise and decay; this may be
- linear (GEN07) or perhaps a sigmoid (GEN19).
- itotdur - total time during which this fof will be active.
- Normally set to p3. No new sineburst is created if it cannot
- complete its kdur within the remaining itotdur.
- iphs (optional) - initial phase of the fundamental, expressed as
- a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). The default value is 0.
- ifmode (optional) - formant frequency mode. If zero, each
- sineburst keeps the xform frequency it was launched with. If
- non-zero, each is influenced by xform continuously. The default
- value is 0.
- xamp - peak amplitude of each sineburst, observed at the true end
- of its rise pattern. The rise may exceed this value given a
- large bandwidth (say, Q < 10) and/or when the bursts are
- overlapping.
- xfund - the fundamental frequency (in Hertz) of the impulses that
- create new sinebursts.
- xform - the formant frequency, i.e. freq of the sinusoid burst
- induced by each xfund impulse. This frequency can be fixed for
- each burst or can vary continuously (see ifmode).
- koct - octaviation index, normally zero. If greater than zero,
- lowers the effective xfund frequency by attenuating odd-numbered
- sinebursts. Whole numbers are full octaves, fractions
- transitional.
- kband - the formant bandwidth (at -6dB), expressed in Hz. The
- bandwidth determines the rate of exponential decay throughout the
- sineburst, before the enveloping described below is applied.
- kris, kdur, kdec - rise, overall duration, and decay times (in
- seconds) of the sinusoid burst. These values apply an enveloped
- duration to each burst, in similar fashion to a Csound linen
- generator but with rise and decay shapes derived from the ifnb
- input. kris inversely determines the skirtwidth (at -40 dB) of
- the induced formant region. kdur affects the density of
- sineburst overlaps, and thus the speed of computation. Typical
- values for vocal imitation are .003,.02,.007.
- Csound's fof generator is loosely based on Michael Clarke's
- C-coding of IRCAM's CHANT program (Xavier Rodet et al.). Each
- fof produces a single formant, and the output of four or more of
- these can be summed to produce a rich vocal imitation. fof
- synthesis is a special form of granular synthesis, and this
- implementation aids transformation between vocal imitation and
- granular textures. Computation speed depends on kdur, xfund, and
- the density of any overlaps.
- ar pluck kamp, kcps, icps, ifn, imeth [, iparm1, iparm2]
- Audio output is a naturally decaying plucked string or drum sound
- based on the Karplus-Strong algorithms.
- icps - intended pitch value in cps, used to set up a buffer of 1
- cycle of audio samples which will be smoothed over time by a
- chosen decay method. icps normally anticipates the value of
- kcps, but may be set artificially high or low to influence the
- size of the sample buffer.
- ifn - table number of a stored function used to initialize the
- cyclic decay buffer. If ifn = 0, a random sequence will be used
- instead.
- imeth - method of natural decay. There are six, some of which
- use parameters values that follow.
- 1 - simple averaging. A simple smoothing process, uninfluenced
- by parameter values.
- 2 - stretched averaging. As above, with smoothing time stretched
- by a factor of iparm1 ( >= 1 ).
- 3 - simple drum. The range from pitch to noise is controlled by a
- 'roughness factor' in iparm1 (0 to 1). Zero gives the plucked
- string effect, while 1 reverses the polarity of every sample
- (octave down, odd harmonics). The setting .5 gives an optimum
- snare drum.
- 4 - stretched drum. Combines both roughness and stretch factors.
- iparm1 is roughness (0 to 1),
- and iparm2 the stretch factor ( >= 1 ).
- 5 - weighted averaging. As method 1, with iparm1 weighting the
- current sample (the status quo) and iparm2 weighting the
- previous adjacent one. iparm1 + iparm2 must be <= 1.
- 6 - 1st order recursive filter, with coefs .5. Unaffected by
- parameter values.
- iparm1, iparm2 (optional) - parameter values for use by the
- smoothing algorithms (above). The default values are both 0.
- An internal audio buffer, filled at I-time according to ifn, is
- continually resampled with periodicity kcps and the resulting
- output is multiplied by kamp. Parallel with the sampling, the
- buffer is smoothed to simulate the effect of natural decay.
- Plucked strings (1,2,5,6) are best realized by starting with a
- random noise source, which is rich in initial harmonics. Drum
- sounds (methods 3,4) work best with a flat source (wide pulse),
- which produces a deep noise attack and sharp decay.
- The original Karplus-Strong algorithm used a fixed number of
- samples per cycle, which caused serious quantization of the
- pitches available and their intonation. This implementation
- resamples a buffer at the exact pitch given by kcps, which can be
- varied for vibrato and glissando effects. For low values of the
- orch sampling rate (e.g. sr = 10000), high frequencies will
- store only very few samples (sr / icps). Since this may cause
- noticeable noise in the resampling process, the internal buffer
- has a minimum size of 64 samples. This can be further enlarged
- by setting icps to some artificially lower pitch.
- kr rand xamp[, iseed]
- kr randh kamp, kcps[, iseed]
- kr randi kamp, kcps[, iseed]
- ar rand xamp[, iseed]
- ar randh xamp, xcps[, iseed]
- ar randi xamp, xcps[, iseed]
- Output is a controlled random number series between +amp and -amp
- iseed (optional) - seed value for the recursive psuedo-random
- formula. A value between 0 and +1 will produce an initial output
- of kamp * iseed A negative value will cause seed
- re-initialization to be skipped. The default seed value is .5.
- The internal psuedo-random formula produces values which are
- uniformly distributed over the range kamp to -kamp. rand will
- thus generate uniform white noise with an R.M.S value of kamp /
- root 2.
- The remaining units produce band-limited noise: the cps
- parameters permit the user to specify that new random numbers are
- to be generated at a rate less than the sampling or control
- frequencies. randh will hold each new number for the period of
- the specified cycle; randi will produce straightline
- interpolation between each new number and the next.
- Example:
- i1 = octpch(p5) ; center pitch, to be modified
- k1 randh 1,10 ;10 time/sec by random displacements up to 1 octave
- a1 oscil 5000, cpsoct(i1+k1), 1
- kr linen kamp, irise, idur, idec
- ar linen xamp, irise, idur, idec
- kr linenr kamp, irise, idec, iatdec
- ar linenr xamp, irise, idec, iatdec
- kr envlpx kamp, irise, idur, idec, ifn, iatss, iatdec[,ixmod]
- ar envlpx xamp, irise, idur, idec, ifn, iatss, iatdec[,ixmod]
- linen - apply a straight line rise and decay pattern to an input amp signal.
- linenr - apply a straight line rise, then an exponential decay while the note is extended in time.
- envlpx - apply an envelope consisting of 3 segments: 1) stored function rise shape, 2) modified
- exponential "pseudo steady state", 3) exponential decay
- irise - rise time in seconds. A zero or negative value signifies
- no rise modification.
- idur - overall duration in seconds. A zero or negative value
- will cause initialization to be skipped.
- idec - decay time in seconds. Zero means no decay. An idec >
- idur will cause a truncated decay.
- ifn - function table number of stored rise shape with extended
- guard point.
- iatss - attenuation factor, by which the last value of the envlpx
- rise is modified during the note's pseudo "steady state." A
- factor > l causes an exponential growth, and < l an exponential
- decay. A 1 will maintain a true steady state at the last rise
- value. Note that this attenuation is not by fixed rate (as in a
- piano), but is sensitive to a note's duration. However, if iatss
- is negative (or if "steady state" < 4 k-periods) a fixed
- attenuation rate of abs(iatss) per second will be used. 0 is
- illegal.
- iatdec - attenuation factor by which the closing "steady state"
- value is reduced exponentially over the decay period. This value
- must be positive and is normally of the order of .01. A large or
- excessively small value is apt to produce a cutoff which is
- audible. A zero or neg value is illegal.
- ixmod (optional, between +- .9 or so) - exponential curve
- modifier, influencing the "steepness" of the exponential
- trajectory during the "steady state." Values less than zero will
- cause an accelerated growth or decay towards the target (e.g.
- subito piano). Values greater than zero will cause a retarded
- growth or decay. The default value is zero (unmodified
- exponential).
- Rise modifications are applied for the first irise seconds, and
- decay from time idur - idec. If these periods are separated in
- time there will be a "steady state" during which amp will be
- unmodified (linen) or modified by the first exponential pattern
- (envlpx). If linen rise and decay periods overlap then both
- modifications will be in effect for that time; in envlpx that
- will cause a truncated decay. If the overall duration idur is
- exceeded in performance, the final decay will continue on in the
- same direction, going negative for linen but tending
- asymptotically to zero in envlpx.
- linenr is unique within Csound in containing a note-off sensor
- and release time extender. When it senses either a score event
- termination or a MIDI noteoff, it will immediately extend the
- performance time of the current instrument by idec seconds, then
- execute an exponential decay towards the factor iatdec. For two
- or more units in an instrument, extension is by the greatest
- idec.
- kr port ksig, ihtim[, isig]
- ar tone asig, khp[, istor]
- ar atone asig, khp[, istor]
- ar reson asig, kcf, kbw[, iscl, istor]
- ar areson asig, kcf, kbw[, iscl, istor]
- A control or audio signal is modified by a low- or band-pass
- recursive filter with variable frequency response.
- isig - initial (i.e. previous) value for internal feedback. The
- default value is 0.
- istor - initial disposition of internal data space. Since
- filtering incorporates a feedback loop of previous output, the
- initial status of the storage space used is significant. A zero
- value will clear the space; a non-zero value will allow previous
- information to remain. The default value is 0.
- iscl - coded scaling factor for resonators. A value of 1
- signifies a peak response factor of 1, i.e. all frequencies
- other than kcf are attenuated in accordance with the (normalized)
- response curve. A value of 2 raises the response factor so that
- its overall RMS value equals 1. (This intended equalization of
- input and output power assumes all frequencies are physically
- present; hence it is most applicable to white noise.) A zero
- value signifies no scaling of the signal, leaving that to some
- later adjustment (e.g. see balance). The default value is 0.
- port applies portamento to a step-valued control signal. At each
- new step value, ksig is low-pass filtered to move towards that
- value at a rate determined by ihtim. ihtim is the "half-time" of
- the function (in seconds), during which the curve will traverse
- half the distance towards the new value, then half as much again,
- etc., theoretically never reaching its asymptote.
- tone implements a first-order recursive low-pass filter in which
- the variable khp (in cps) determines the response curve's half
- -power point. Half power is defined as peak power / root 2.
- reson is a second-order filter in which kcf controls the center
- frequency, or cps position of the peak response, and kbw controls
- its bandwidth (the cps difference between the upper and lower
- half -power points).
- atone, areson are filters whose transfer functions are the
- complements of tone and reson. atone is thus a form of high-pass
- filter and areson a notch filter whose transfer functions
- represent the "filtered out" aspects of their complements. Note,
- however, that power scaling is not normalized in atone, areson,
- but remains the true complement of the corresponding unit. Thus
- an audio signal, filtered by parallel matching reson and areson
- units, would under addition simply reconstruct the original
- spectrum. This property is particularly useful for controlled
- mixing of different sources (e.g., see lpreson).
- Complex response curves such as those with multiple peaks can be
- obtained by using a bank of suitable filters in series. (The
- resultant response is the product of the component responses.) In
- such cases, the combined attenuation may result in a serious loss
- of signal power, but this can be regained by the use of balance.
- krmsr,krmso,kerr,kcps lpread ktimpnt, ifilcod[, inpoles][,
- ifrmrate]
- ar lpreson asig
- ar lpfreson asig, kfrqratio
- These units, used as a read/reson pair, use a control file of
- time-varying filter coefficients to dynamically modify the
- spectrum of an audio signal.
- ifilcod - integer or character-string denoting a control-file
- (reflection coefficients and four parameter values) derived from
- n-pole linear predictive spectral analysis of a source audio
- signal. An integer denotes the suffix of a file lp.m; a
- character-string (in double quotes) gives a filename, optionally
- a full pathname. If not fullpath, the file is sought first in
- the current directory, then in that of the environment variable
- SADIR (if defined). Memory usage depends on the size of the
- file, which is held entirely in memory during computation but
- shared by multiple calls (see also adsyn, pvoc).
- inpoles, ifrmrate (optional) - number of poles, and frame rate
- per second in the lpc analysis. These arguments are required
- only when the control file does not have a header; they are
- ignored when a header is detected. The default value for both is
- zero.
- lpread accesses a control file of time-ordered information
- frames, each containing n-pole filter coefficients derived from
- linear predictive analysis of a source signal at fixed time
- intervals (e.g. 1/100 of a second), plus four parameter values:
- krmsr - root-mean-square (rms) of the residual of analysis,
- krmso - rms of the original signal,
- kerr - the normalized error signal,
- kcps - pitch in cps.
- lpread gets its values from the control file according to the
- input value ktimpnt (in seconds). If ktimpnt proceeds at the
- analysis rate, time-normal synthesis will result; proceeding at a
- faster, slower, or variable rate will result in time-warped
- synthesis. At each K-period, lpread interpolates between
- adjacent frames to more accurately determine the parameter values
- (presented as output) and the filter coefficient settings (passed
- internally to a subsequent lpreson).
- The error signal kerr (between 0 and 1) derived during predictive
- analysis reflects the deterministic/random nature of the analyzed
- source. This will emerge low for pitched (periodic) material and
- higher for noisy material. The transition from voiced to
- unvoiced speech, for example, produces an error signal value of
- about .3. During synthesis, the error signal value can be used
- to determine the nature of the lpreson driving function: for
- example, by arbitrating between pitched and non-pitched input, or
- even by determining a mix of the two. In normal speech
- resynthesis, the pitched input to lpreson is a wideband periodic
- signal or pulse train derived from a unit such as buzz, and the
- nonpitched source is usually derived from rand. However, any
- audio signal can be used as the driving function, the only
- assumption of the analysis being that it has a flat response.
- lpfreson is a formant shifted lpreson, in which kfrqratio is the
- (cps) ratio of shifted to original formant positions. This
- permits synthesis in which the source object changes its apparent
- acoustic size. lpfreson with kfrqratio = 1 is equivalent to
- lpreson.
- Generally, lpreson provides a means whereby the time-varying
- content and spectral shaping of a composite audio signal can be
- controlled by the dynamic spectral content of another. There can
- be any number of lpread/lpreson (or lpfreson) pairs in an
- instrument or in an orchestra; they can read from the same or
- different control files independently.
- kr rms asig[, ihp, istor]
- nr gain asig, krms[, ihp, istor]
- ar balance asig, acomp[, ihp, istor]
- The rms power of asig can be interrogated, set, or adjusted to
- match that of a comparator signal.
- ihp (optional) - half-power point (in cps) of a special internal
- low-pass filter. The default value is 10.
- istor (optional) - initial disposition of internal data space
- (see reson). The default value is 0.
- rms output values kr will trace the rms value of the audio input
- asig. This unit is not a signal modifier, but functions rather
- as a signal power-guage.
- gain provides an amplitude modification of asig so that the
- output ar has rms power equal to krms. rms and gain used
- together (and given matching ihp values) will provide the same
- effect as balance.
- balance outputs a version of asig, amplitude-modified so that its
- rms power is equal to that of a comparator signal acomp. Thus a
- signal that has suffered loss of power (eg., in passing through a
- filter bank) can be restored by matching it with, for instance,
- its own source. It should be noted that gain and balance provide
- amplitude modification only - output signals are not altered in
- any other respect.
- Example:
- asrc buzz 10000,440, sr/440, 1 ; band-limited pulse train
- a1 reson asrc, 1000,100 ; sent through
- a2 reson a1,3000,500 ; 2 filters
- afin balance a2, asrc ; then balanced with
- source
- kr downsamp asig[, iwlen]
- ar upsamp ksig
- ar interp ksig[, istor]
- kr integ ksig[, istor]
- ar integ asig[, istor]
- kr diff ksig[, istor]
- ar diff asig[, istor]
- kr samphold xsig, kgate[, ival, ivstor]
- ar samphold asig, xgate[, ival, ivstor]
- Modify a signal by up- or down-sampling, integration, and
- differentiation.
- iwlen (optional) - window length in samples over which the audio
- signal is averaged to determine a downsampled value. Maximum
- length is ksmps; 0 and 1 imply no window averaging. The default
- value is 0.
- istor (optional) - initial disposition of internal save space
- (see reson). The default value is 0.
- ival, ivstor (optional) - controls initial disposition of
- internal save space. If ivstor is zero the internal "hold" value
- is set to ival ; else it retains its previous value. Defaults
- are 0,0 (i.e. init to zero).
- downsamp converts an audio signal to a control signal by
- downsampling. It produces one kval for each audio control
- period. The optional window invokes a simple averaging process
- to suppress foldover.
- upsamp, interp convert a control signal to an audio signal. The
- first does it by simple repetition of the kval, the second by
- linear interpolation between successive kvals. upsamp is a
- slightly more efficient form of the assignment, `asig = ksig'.
- integ, diff perform integration and differentiation on an input
- control signal or audio signal. Each is the converse of the
- other, and applying both will reconstruct the original signal.
- Since these units are special cases of low-pass and high-pass
- filters, they produce a scaled (and phase shifted) output that is
- frequency-dependent. Thus diff of a sine produces a cosine, with
- amplitude 2 * sin(pi * cps / sr) that of the original (for each
- component partial); integ will inversely affect the magnitudes of
- its component inputs. With this understanding, these units can
- provide useful signal modification.
- samphold performs a sample-and-hold operation on its input
- according to the value of gate. If gate > 0, the input samples
- are passed to the output; If gate <= 0, the last output value is
- repeated. The controlling gate can be a constant, a control
- signal, or an audio signal.
- Example:
- asrc buzz 10000,440,20, 1 ; band-limited pulse train
- adif diff asrc ; emphasize the highs
- anew balance adif, asrc ; but retain the power
- agate reson asrc,0,440 ; use a lowpass of the original
- asamp samphold anew, agate ; to gate the new audiosig
- aout tone asamp,100 ; smooth out the rough edges
- ar delayr idlt[, istor]
- delayw asig
- ar delay asig, idlt[, istor]
- ar delay1 asig[, istor]
- A signal can be read from or written into a delay path, or it can
- be automatically delayed by some time interval.
- idlt - requested delay time in seconds. This can be as large as
- available memory will permit. The space required for n seconds
- of delay is 4n * sr bytes. It is allocated at the time the
- instrument is first initialized, and returned to the pool at the
- end of a score section.
- istor (optional) - initial disposition of delay-loop data space
- (see reson). The default value is 0.
- delayr reads from an automatically established digital delay
- line, in which the signal retrieved has been resident for idlt
- seconds. This unit must be paired with and precede an
- accompanying delayw unit. Any other Csound statements can
- intervene.
- delayw writes asig into the delay area established by the
- preceding delayr unit. Viewed as a pair, these two units permit
- the formation of modified feedback loops, etc. However, there is
- a lower bound on the value of idlt, which must be at least 1
- control period (or 1/kr).
- delay is a composite of the above two units, both reading from
- and writing into its own storage area. It can thus accomplish
- signal time-shift, although modified feedback is not possible.
- There is no minimum delay period.
- delay1 is a special form of delay that serves to delay the audio
- signal asig by just one sample. It is thus functionally
- equivalent to "delay asig, 1/sr" but is more efficient in both
- time and space. This unit is particularly useful in the
- fabrication of generalized non-recursive filters.
- Example:
- tigoto contin ; except on a tie,
- a2 delay a1, .05, 0 ; begin 50 msec clean delay of sig
- contin:
- ar deltap kdlt
- ar deltapi xdlt
- Tap a delay line at variable offset times.
- These units can tap into a delayr/delayw pair, extracting delayed
- audio from the idlt seconds of stored sound. There can be any
- number of deltap and/or deltapi units between a read/write pair.
- Each receives an audio tap with no change of original amplitude.
- deltap extracts sound by reading the stored samples directly;
- deltapi extracts sound by interpolated readout. By interpolating
- between adjacent stored samples deltapi represents a particular
- delay time with more accuracy, but it will take about twice as
- long to run.
- The arguments kdlt, xdlt specify the tapped delay time in
- seconds. Each can range from 1 Control Period to the full delay
- time of the read/write pair; however, since there is no internal
- check for adherence to this range, the user is wholly
- responsible. Each argument can be a constant, a variable, or a
- time-varying signal; the xdlt argument in deltapi implies that an
- audio-varying delay is permitted there.
- These units can provide multiple delay taps for arbitrary delay
- path and feedback networks. They can deliver either
- constant-time or time-varying taps, and are useful for building
- chorus effects, harmonizers, and doppler shifts. Constant-time
- delay taps (and some slowly changing ones) do not need
- interpolated readout; they are well served by deltap.
- Medium-paced or fast varying dlt's, however, will need the extra
- services of deltapi.
- N.B. K-rate delay times are not internally interpolated, but
- rather lay down stepped time-shifts of audio samples; this will
- be found quite adequate for slowly changing tap times. For
- medium to fastpaced changes, however, one should provide a higher
- resolution audio-rate timeshift as input.
- Example:
- asource buzz 1, 440, 20, 1
- atime linseg 1, p3/2,.01, p3/2,1 ; trace a distance in secs
- ampfac = 1/atime/atime ; and calc an amp factor
- adump delayr 1 ; set maximum distance
- amove deltapi atime ; move sound source past
- delays asource ; the listener
- out amove * ampfac
- ar comb asig, krvt, ilpt[, istor]
- ar alpass asig, krvt, ilpt[, istor]
- ar reverb asig, krvt[, istor]
- An input signal is reverberated for krvt seconds with "colored"
- (comb), flat (alpass), or "natural room" (reverb) frequency
- response.
- ilpt - loop time in seconds, which determines the "echo density"
- of the reverberation. This in turn characterizes the "color" of
- the comb filter whose frequency response curve will contain ilpt
- * sr/2 peaks spaced evenly between 0 and sr/2 (the Nyquist
- frequency). Loop time can be as large as available memory will
- permit. The space required for an n second loop is 4n * sr
- bytes. comb and alpass delay space is allocated and returned as
- in delay.
- istor (optional) - initial disposition of delay-loop data space
- (cf. reson). The default value is 0.
- These filters reiterate input with an echo density determined by
- loop time ilpt. The attenuation rate is independent and is
- determined by krvt, the reverberation time (defined as the time
- in seconds for a signal to decay to 1/1000, or 60dB down from its
- original amplitude). Output from a comb filter will appear only
- after ilpt seconds; alpass output will begin to appear
- immediately.
- A standard reverb unit is composed of four comb filters in
- parallel followed by two alpass units in series. Looptimes are
- set for optimal "natural room response." Core storage
- requirements for this unit are proportional only to the sampling
- rate, each unit requiring approximately 3K words for every 10KC.
- The comb, alpass, delay, tone and other Csound units provide the
- means for experimenting with alternate reverberator designs
- Since output from the standard reverb will begin to appear only
- after 1/20 second or so of delay, and often with less than
- three-fourths of the original power, it is normal to output both
- the source and the reverberated signal. Also, since the
- reverberated sound will persist long after the cessation of
- source events, it is normal to put reverb in a separate
- instrument to which sound is passed via a global variable, and to
- leave that instrument running throughout the performance.
- Example:
- ga1 init 0 ; init an audio receiver/mixer
- instr 1 ; instr (there may be many copies)
- a1 oscili 8000, cpspch(p5), 1 ; generate a source signal
- out a1 ; output the direct sound
- ga1 = ga1 + a1 ; and add to audio receiver
- endin
- instr 99 ; (highest instr number executed last)
- a3 reverb ga1, 1.5 ; reverberate whatever is in ga1
- out a1 ; and output the result
- ga1 = 0 ; empty the receiver for the next pass
- endin
- These units generate and process non-standard signal data types,
- such as down-sampled time-domain control signals and audio
- signals, and their frequency-domain (spectral) representations.
- The new data types (d-, w-) are self-defining, and the contents
- are not processable by any other Csound units. These unit
- generators are experimental, and subject to change between
- releases; they will also be joined by others later.
- dsig octdown xsig, iocts, isamps[, idisprd]
- wsig noctdft dsig, iprd, ifrqs, iq[, ihann, idbout,
- idsines]
- idisprd (optional) - if non-zero, display the output every
- idisprd seconds. The default value is 0 (no display).
- ihann, idbout, idsines (optional) - if non-zero, then
- respectively: apply a hanning window to the input; convert the
- output magnitudes to dB; display the windowed sinusoids used in
- DFT filtering. The default values are 0,0,0 (rectangular window,
- magnitude output, no sinusoid display).
- octdown - put signal asig or ksig through iocts successive
- applications of octave decimation and downsampling, and preserve
- isamps down-sampled values in each octave. Optionally display
- the composite buffer every idisprd seconds.
- noctdft - generate a constant-Q, exponentially-spaced DFT across
- all octaves of the multiply-downsampled input dsig. Every iprd
- seconds, each octave of dsig is optionally windowed (ihann
- non-zero), filtered (using ifrqs parallel filters per octave,
- exponentially spaced, and with frequency/bandwidth Q of iq), and
- the output magnitudes optionally converted to dB (idbout
- non-zero). This unit produces a self-defining spectral datablock
- wsig, whose characteristics are readable by any units that
- receive it as input, and for which it becomes the template for
- output. The information used in producing this wsig (iprd,
- iocts, ifrqs) is passed via the data block to all derivative
- wsigs, and is thus available to subsequent spectral operators if
- needed.
- Example:
- asig in ; get external audio
- dsamp octdown asig, 6, 180, 0 ; downsample in 6 octaves
- wsig1 noctdft dsamp, .02, 12, 33, 0, 1, 1 ; and calc 72-point dft (dB)
- wsig specaddm wsig1, wsig2[, imul2]
- wsig specdiff wsigin
- wsig specscal wsigin, ifscale, ifthresh
- wsig spechist wsigin
- wsig specfilt wsigin, ifhtim
- imul2 (optional) - if non-zero, scale the wsig2 magnitudes before
- adding. The default value is 0.
- specaddm - do a weighted add of two input spectra. For each
- channel of the two input spectra, the two magnitudes are combined
- and written to the output according to: magout = mag1in + mag2in
- * imul2. The operation is performed whenever the input wsig1 is
- sensed to be new. This unit will (at Initialization) verify the
- consistency of the two spectra (equal size, equal period, equal
- mag types).
- specdiff - find the positive difference values between
- consecutive spectral frames. At each new frame of wsigin, each
- magnitude value is compared with its predecessor, and the
- positive changes written to the output spectrum. This unit is
- useful as an energy onset detector.
- specscal - scale an input spectral datablock with spectral
- envelopes. Function tables ifthresh and ifscale are initially
- sampled across the (logarithmic) frequency space of the input
- spectrum; then each time a new input spectrum is sensed the
- sampled values are used to scale each of its magnitude channels
- as follows: if ifthresh is non-zero, each magnitude is reduced by
- its corresponding table-value (to not less than zero); then each
- magnitude is rescaled by the corresponding ifscale value, and the
- resulting spectrum written to wsig.
- spechist - accumulate the values of successive spectral frames.
- At each new frame of wsigin, the accumulations-to-date in each
- magnitude track are written to the output spectrum. This unit
- thus provides a running histogram of spectral distribution.
- specfilt - filter each channel of an input spectrum. At each new
- frame of wsigin, each magnitude value is injected into a
- 1st-order lowpass recursive filter, whose half-time constant has
- been initially set by sampling the ftable ifhtim across the
- (logarithmic) frequency space of the input spectrum. This unit
- effectively applies a persistence factor to the data occurring in
- each spectral channel, and is useful for simulating the energy
- integration that occurs during auditory perception. It may also
- be used as a time-attenuated running histogram of the spectral
- distribution.
- Example:
- wsig2 specdiff wsig1 ; sense onsets
- wsig3 specfilt wsig2, 2 ; absorb slowly
- specdisp wsig2, .1 ; & display both spectra
- specdisp wsig3, .1
- koct specptrk wsig, inptls, irolloff, iodd[, interp, ifprd, iwtflg]
- ksum specsum wsig[, interp]
- specdisp wsig, iprd[, iwtflg]
- interp (optional) - if non-zero, interpolate the output signal
- (koct or ksum). The default value is 0 (repeat the signal value
- between changes).
- ifprd (optional) - if non-zero, display the internally computed
- fundamental spectrum. The default value is 0 (no display).
- iwtflg (optional) - wait flag. If non-zero, hold each display
- until released by the user. The default value is 0 (no wait).
- specptrk - estimate the pitch of the most prominent complex tone
- in the spectrum. At note initialization this unit creates a set
- of inptls harmonically related partials (odd if iodd non-zero)
- with amplitude rolloff to the fraction irolloff per octave. Then
- at each new frame of wsig, the spectrum is cross-correlated with
- this set, and the result at each point added to an internal copy
- of the spectrum (optionally displayed). A pitch is then
- estimated, and the result is released in decimal octave form.
- Between frames, the output is either repeated or interpolated at
- the K-rate.
- specsum - sum the magnitudes across all channels of the spectrum.
- At each new frame of wsig, the magnitudes are summed and released
- as a scalar ksum signal. Between frames, the output is either
- repeated or interpolated at the K-rate. This unit produces a
- k-signal summation of the magnitudes present in the spectral
- data, and is thereby a running measure of its moment-to-moment
- overall strength.
- specdisp - display the magnitude values of spectrum wsig every
- iprd seconds (rounded to some integral number of wsig's
- originating iprd).
- Example:
- ksum specsum wsig, 1 ; sum the spec bins, and ksmooth
- if ksum < 2000 kgoto zero ; if sufficient amplitude
- koct specptrk wsig ; pitch-track the signal
- kgoto contin
- zero: koct = 0 ; else output zero
- contin:
- ktemp tempest kin, iprd, imindur, imemdur, ihp, ithresh, ihtim, ixfdbak,
- istartempo, ifn[, idisprd, itweek]
- Estimate the tempo of beat patterns in a control signal.
- iprd - period between analyses (in seconds). Typically about .02
- seconds.
- imindur - minimum duration (in seconds) to serve as a unit of
- tempo. Typically about .2 seconds.
- imemdur - duration (in seconds) of the kin short-term memory
- buffer which will be scanned for periodic patterns. Typically
- about 3 seconds.
- ihp - half-power point (in cps) of a low-pass filter used to
- smooth input kin prior to other processing. This will tend to
- suppress activity that moves much faster. Typically 2 cps.
- ithresh - loudness threshold by which the low-passed kin is
- center-clipped before being placed in the short-term buffer as
- tempo-relevant data. Typically at the noise floor of the
- incoming data.
- ihtim - half-time (in seconds) of an internal forward-masking
- filter that masks new kin data in the presence of recent, louder
- data. Typically about .005 seconds.
- ixfdbak - proportion of this unit's anticipated value to be mixed
- with the incoming kin prior to all processing. Typically about
- .3.
- istartempo - initial tempo (in beats per minute). Typically 60.
- ifn - table number of a stored function (drawn left-to-right) by
- which the short-term memory data is attenuated over time.
- idisprd (optional) - if non-zero, display the short-term past and
- future buffers every idisprd seconds (normally a multiple of
- iprd). The default value is 0 (no display).
- itweek (optional) - fine-tune adjust this unit so that it is
- stable when analyzing events controlled by its own output. The
- default value is 1 (no change).
- tempest examines kin for amplitude periodicity, and estimates a
- current tempo. The input is first low-pass filtered, then
- center-clipped, and the residue placed in a short-term memory
- buffer (attenuated over time) where it is analyzed for
- periodicity using a form of autocorrelation. The period,
- expressed as a tempo in beats per minute, is output as ktemp.
- The period is also used internally to make predictions about
- future amplitude patterns, and these are placed in a buffer
- adjacent to that of the input. The two adjacent buffers can be
- periodically displayed, and the predicted values optionally mixed
- with the incoming signal to simulate expectation.
- This unit is useful for sensing the metric implications of any
- k-signal (e.g- the RMS of an audio signal, or the second
- derivative of a conducting gesture), before sending to a tempo
- statement.
- Example:
- ksum specsum wsignal, 1 ; sum the amps
- of a spectrum
- ktemp tempest ksum, .02, .1, 3, 2, 800, .005, 0, 60, 4, .1, .995 ; and look for beats
- kx, ky xyin iprd, ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax[, ixinit, iyinit]
- tempo ktempo, istartempo
- Sense the cursor position in an input window. Apply tempo
- control to an uninterpreted score.
- iprd - period of cursor sensing (in seconds). Typically .1
- seconds.
- xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax - edge values for the x-y coordinates of a
- cursor in the input window.
- ixinit, iyinit (optional) - initial x-y coordinates reported; the
- default values are 0,0. If these values are not within the given
- min-max range, they will be coerced into that range.
- istartempo - initial tempo (in beats per minute). Typically 60.
- xyin samples the cursor x-y position in an input window every
- iprd seconds. Output values are repeated (not interpolated) at
- the K-rate, and remain fixed until a new change is registered in
- the window. There may be any number of input windows. This unit
- is useful for Realtime control, but continuous motion should be
- avoided if iprd is unusually small.
- tempo allows the performance speed of Csound scored events to be
- controlled from within an orchestra. It operates only in the
- presence of the csound -t flag. When that flag is set, scored
- events will be performed from their uninterpreted p2 and p3
- (beat) parameters, initially at the given command-line tempo.
- When a tempo statement is activated in any instrument (ktempo >
- 0.), the operating tempo will be adjusted to ktempo beats per
- minute. There may be any number of tempo statements in an
- orchestra, but coincident activation is best avoided.
- Example:
- kx,ky xyin .05, 30, 0, 120, 0, 75 ; sample the cursor
- tempo kx, 75 ; and control the tempo of performance
- a1 in
- a1, a2 ins
- a1, a2, a3, a4 inq
- a1 soundin ifilcod[, iskptim][, iformat]
- a1, a2 soundin ifilcod[, iskptim][, iformat]
- a1, a2, a3, a4 soundin ifilcod[, iskptim][, iformat]
- out asig
- outs1 asig
- outs2 asig
- outs asig1, asig2
- outq1 asig
- outq2 asig
- outq3 asig
- outq4 asig
- outq asig1, asig2, asig3, asig4
- These units read/write audio data from/to an external device or
- stream.
- filcod - integer or character-string denoting the source
- soundfile name. An integer denotes the file soundin.filcod ; a
- character-string (in double quotes, spaces permitted) gives the
- filename itself, optionally a full pathname. If not a full path,
- the named file is sought first in the current directory, then in
- that given by the environment variable SSDIR (if defined) then by
- SFDIR. See also GEN01.
- iskptim (optional) - time in seconds of input sound to be
- skipped. The default value is 0.
- iformat (optional) - specifies the audio data file format (1 =
- 8-bit signed char, 2 = 8-bit A-law bytes, 3 = 8-bit U-law bytes,
- 4 = 16-bit short integers, 5 = 32bit long integers, 6 = 32-bit
- floats). If iformat = 0 it is taken from the soundfile header,
- and if no header from the csound -o command flag. The default
- value is 0.
- in, ins, inq - copy the current values from the standard audio
- input buffer. If the command-line flag -i is set, sound is read
- continuously from the audio input stream (e.g. stdin or a
- soundfile) into an internal buffer. Any number of these units
- can read freely from this buffer.
- soundin is functionally an audio generator that derives its
- signal from a pre-existing file. The number of channels read in
- is set by the number of result cells, a1, a2, etc. A soundin
- unit opens this file whenever the host instrument is initialized,
- then closes it again each time the instrument is turned off.
- There can be any number of soundin units within a single
- instrument or orchestra; also, two or more of them can read
- simultaneously from the same external file.
- out, outs, outq send audio samples to an accumulating output
- buffer (created at the beginning of performance) which serves to
- collect the output of all active instruments before the sound is
- written to disk. There can be any number of these output units
- in an instrument. The type (mono, stereo, or quad) must agree
- with nchnls, but units can be chosen to direct sound to any
- particular channel: outs1 sends to stereo channel 1, outq3 to
- quad channel 3, etc.
- a1, a2, a3, a4 pan asig, kx, ky, ifn[, imode][, ioffset]
- Distribute an audio signal amongst four channels with
- localization control.
- ifn - function table number of a stored pattern describing the
- amplitude growth in a speaker channel as sound moves towards it
- from an adjacent speaker. Requires extended guard-point.
- imode (optional) - mode of the kx, ky position values. 0
- signifies raw index mode, 1 means the inputs are normalized (0 -
- 1). The default value is 0.
- ioffset (optional) - offset indicator for kx, ky. 0 infers the
- origin to be at channel 3 (left rear); 1 requests an axis shift
- to the quadraphonic center. The default value is 0.
- pan takes an input signal asig and distributes it amongst four
- outputs (essentially quad speakers) according to the controls kx
- and ky. For normalized input (mode=1) and no offset, the four
- output locations are in order: left-front at (0,1), right-front
- at (1,1), left-rear at the origin (0,0), and right-rear at (1,0).
- In the notation (kx, ky), the coordinates kx and ky, each ranging
- 0 - 1, thus control the 'rightness' and 'forwardness' of a sound
- location.
- Movement between speakers is by amplitude variation, controlled
- by the stored function table ifn. As kx goes from 0 to 1, the
- strength of the right-hand signals will grow from the left-most
- table value to the right-most, while that of the left-hand
- signals will progress from the right-most table value to the
- left-most. For a simple linear pan, the table might contain the
- linear function 0 - 1. A more correct pan that maintains
- constant power would be obtained by storing the first quadrant of
- a sinusoid. Since pan will scale and truncate kx and ky in
- simple table lookup, a medium-large table (say 8193) should be
- used.
- kx, ky values are not restricted to 0 - 1. A circular motion
- passing through all four speakers (enscribed) would have a
- diameter of root 2, and might be defined by a circle of radius R
- = root 1/2 with center at (.5,.5). kx, ky would then come from
- Rcos(angle), Rsin(angle), with an implicit origin at (.5,.5)
- (i.e. ioffset = 1). Unscaled raw values operate similarly.
- Sounds can thus be located anywhere in the polar or cartesian
- plane; points lying outside the speaker square are projected
- correctly onto the square's perimeter as for a listener at the
- center.
- Example:
- instr 1
- k1 phasor 1/p3 ; fraction of circle
- k2 tablei k1, 1, 1 ; sin of angle (sinusoid in f1)
- k3 tablei k1, 1, 1, .25, 1 ; cos of angle (sin offset 1/4 circle)
- a1 oscili 10000,440, 1 ; audio signal..
- a1,a2,a3,a4 pan a1, k2/2, k3/2, 2, 1, 1 ; sent in a circle (f2=1st quad sin)
- outq a1, a2, a3, a4
- endin
- print iarg[, iarg,...]
- display xsig, iprd[, iwtflg]
- dispfft xsig, iprd, iwsiz[, iwtyp][, idbouti][, iwtflg]
- These units will print orchestra Init-values, or produce graphic
- display of orchestra control signals and audio signals. Uses X11
- windows if enabled, else (or if -g flag is set) displays are
- approximated in ascii characters.
- iprd - the period of display in seconds.
- iwsiz - size of the input window in samples. A window of iwsiz
- points will produce a Fourier transform of iwsiz/2 points, spread
- linearly in frequency from 0 to sr/2. iwsiz must be a power of
- 2. The windows are permitted to overlap.
- iwtyp (optional) - window type. 0 = rectangular, 1 = hanning.
- The default value is 0 (rectangular).
- idbout (optional) - units of output for the Fourier coefficients.
- 0 = magnitude, 1 = decibels. The default is 0 (magnitude).
- iwtflg (optional) - wait flag. If non-zero, each display is held
- until released by the user. The default value is 0 (no wait).
- print - print the current value of the I-time arguments (or
- expressions) iarg at every I-pass through the instrument.
- display - display the audio or control signal xsig every iprd
- seconds, as an amplitude vs. time graph.
- dispfft - display the Fourier Transform of an audio or control
- signal (asig or ksig) every iprd seconds using the Fast Fourier
- Transform method.
- Example:
- k1 envlpx l, .03, p3, .05, l, .5, .0l ; generate a note envelope
- display k1, p3 ; and display entire shape
- A score is a data file that provides information to an orchestra
- about its performance. Like an orchestra file, a score file is
- made up of statements in a known format. The Csound orchestra
- expects to be handed a score comprised mainly of ascii numeric
- characters. Although most users will prefer a higher level score
- language such as provided by Cscore, Scot, or another
- score-generating program, each resulting score must eventually
- appear in the format expected by the orchestra. A Standard
- Numeric Score can be created and edited directly by the beginner
- using standard text editors; indeed, some users continue to
- prefer it. The purpose of this section is to describe this
- format in detail.
- The basic format of a standard numeric score statement is:
- opcode p1 p2 p3 p4... ;comments
- The opcode is a single character, always alphabetic. Legal
- opcodes are f, i, a, t, s, and e, the meanings of which are
- described in the following pages. The opcode is normally the
- first character of a line; leading spaces or tabs will be
- ignored. Spaces or tabs between the opcode and p1 are optional.
- p1, p2, p3, etc... are parameter fields (pfields). Each
- contains a floating point number comprised of an optional sign,
- digits, and an optional decimal point. Expressions are not
- permitted in Standard Score files. pfields are separated from
- each other by one or more spaces or tabs, all but one space of
- which will be ignored.
- Continuation lines are permitted. If the first printing
- character of a new scoreline is not an opcode, that line will be
- regarded as a continuation of the pfields from the previous
- scoreline.
- Comments are optional and are for the purpose of permitting the
- user to document his score file. Comments always begin with a
- semicolon (;) and extend to the end of the line. Comments will
- not affect the pfield continuation feature.
- Blank lines or comment-only lines are legal (and will be
- ignored).
- Preprocessing of Standard Scores
- A Score (a collection of score statements) is divided into
- time-ordered sections by the s statement. Before being read by
- the orchestra, a score is preprocessed one section at a time.
- Each section is normally processed by 3 routines: Carry, Tempo,
- and Sort.
- 1. Carry - within a group of consecutive i statements whose p1
- whole numbers correspond, any pfield left empty will take its
- value from the same pfield of the preceding statement. An empty
- pfield can be denoted by a single point (.) delimited by spaces.
- No point is required after the last nonempty pfield. The output
- of Carry preprocessing will show the carried values explicitly.
- The Carry Feature is not affected by intervening comments or
- blank lines; it is turned off only by a non-i statement or by an
- i statement with unlike p1 whole number.
- An additional feature is available for p2 alone. The symbol + in
- p2 will be given the value of p2 + p3 from the preceding i
- statement. This enables note action times to be automatically
- determined from the sum of preceding durations. The + symbol can
- itself be carried. It is legal only in p2.
- E.g.: the statements
- i1 0 .5 100
- i . +
- i
- will result in
- i1 0 .5 100
- i1 .5 .5 100
- i1 1 .5 100
- The Carry feature should be used liberally. Its use, especially
- in large scores, can greatly reduce input typing and will
- simplify later changes.
- 2. Tempo - this operation time warps a score section according
- to the information in a t statement. The tempo operation
- converts p2 (and, for i statements, p3) from original beats into
- real seconds, since those are the units required by the
- orchestra. After time warping, score files will be seen to have
- orchestra-readable format demonstrated by the following:
- i p1 p2beats p2seconds p3beats p3seconds p4 p5 ....
- 3. Sort - this routine sorts all action-time statements into
- chronological order by p2 value. It also sorts coincident events
- into precedence order. Whenever an f statement and an i
- statement have the same p2 value, the f statement will precede.
- Whenever two or more i statements have the same p2 value, they
- will be sorted into ascending p1 value order. If they also have
- the same p1 value, they will be sorted into ascending p3 value
- order. Score sorting is done section by section (see s
- statement). Automatic sorting implies that score statements may
- appear in any order within a section.
- N.B. The operations Carry, Tempo and Sort are combined in a
- 3-phase single pass over a score file, to produce a new file in
- orchestra-readable format (see the Tempo example). Processing
- can be invoked either explicitly by the scsort command, or
- implicitly by csound which processes the score before calling the
- orchestra. Source-format files and orchestra-readable files are
- both in ascii character form, and may be either perused or
- further modified by standard text editors. Userwritten routines
- can be used to modify score files before or after the above
- processes, provided the final orchestra-readable statement format
- is not violated. Sections of different formats can be
- sequentially batched; and sections of like format can be merged
- for automatic sorting.
- Next-P and Previous-P Symbols
- At the close of any of the above operations, three additional
- score features are interpreted during file writeout: next-p,
- previous-p, and ramping.
- i statement pfields containing the symbols npx or ppx (where x is
- some integer) will be replaced by the appropriate pfield value
- found on the next i statement (or previous i statement) that has
- the same p1. For example, the symbol np7 will be replaced by the
- value found in p7 of the next note that is to be played by this
- instrument. np and pp symbols are recursive and can reference
- other np and pp symbols which can reference others, etc.
- References must eventually terminate in a real number or a ramp
- symbol (see below). Closed loop references should be avoided.
- np and pp symbols are illegal in p1,p2 and p3 (although they may
- reference these). np and pp symbols may be Carried. np and pp
- references cannot cross a Section boundary. Any forward or
- backward reference to a non-existent note-statement will be given
- the value zero.
- E.g.: the statements
- i1 0 1 10 np4 pp5
- i1 1 1 20
- i1 1 1 30
- will result in
- i1 0 1 10 20 0
- i1 1 1 20 30 20
- i1 2 1 30 0 30
- np and pp symbols can provide an instrument with contextual
- knowledge of the score, enabling it to glissando or crescendo,
- for instance, toward the pitch or dynamic of some future event
- (which may or may not be immediately adjacent). Note that while
- the Carry feature will propagate np and pp through unsorted
- statements, the operation that interprets these symbols is acting
- on a time-warped and fully sorted version of the score.
- Ramping
- i statement pfields containing the symbol < will be replaced by
- values derived from linear interpolation of a time-based ramp.
- Ramps are anchored at each end by the first real number found in
- the same pfield of a preceding and following note played by the
- same instrument.
- E.g.: the statements
- i1 0 1 100
- i1 1 1 <
- i1 2 1 <
- i1 3 1 400
- i1 4 1 <
- i1 5 1 0
- will result in
- i1 0 1 100
- i1 1 1 200
- i1 2 1 300
- i1 3 1 400
- i1 4 1 200
- i1 5 1 0
- Ramps cannot cross a Section boundary. Ramps cannot be anchored
- by an np or pp symbol (although they may be referenced by these).
- Ramp symbols are illegal in p1, p2 and p3. Ramp symbols may be
- Carried. Note, however, that while the Carry feature will
- propagate ramp symbols through unsorted statements, the operation
- that interprets these symbols is acting on a time-warped and
- fully sorted version of the score. In fact, time-based linear
- interpolation is based on warped score-time, so that a ramp which
- spans a group of accelerating notes will remain linear with
- respect to strict chronological time.
- f p1 p2 p3 p4 ...
- This causes a GEN subroutine to place values in a stored function
- table for use by instruments.
- p1 Table number (from 1 to 200) by which the stored function will be known.
- A negative number requests that the table be destroyed.
- p2 Action time of function generation (or destruction) in beats.
- p3 Size of function table (i.e. number of points).
- Must be a power of 2, or a power-of-2 plus 1 (see below).
- Maximum table size is 16777216 (2**24) points.
- p4 Number of the GEN routine to be called (see GEN ROUTINES).
- A negative value will cause rescaling to be omitted.
- p5 |
- p6 | Parameters whose meaning is determined by the particular GEN routine.
- . |
- . |
- Function tables are arrays of floating-point values. Arrays can
- be of any length in powers of 2; space allocation always provides
- for 2**n points plus an additional guard point. The guard point
- value, used during interpolated lookup, can be automatically set
- to reflect the table's purpose: If size is an exact power of 2,
- the guard point will be a copy of the first point; this is
- appropriate for interpolated wrap-around lookup as in oscili,
- etc., and should even be used for non-interpolating oscil for
- safe consistency. If size is set to 2**n + 1, the guard point
- value automatically extends the contour of table values; this is
- appropriate for single-scan functions such in envlpx, oscil1,
- oscil1i, etc.
- Table space is allocated in primary memory, along with instrument
- data space. The maximum table number has a soft limit of 200;
- this can be extended if required.
- An existing function table can be removed by an f statement
- containing a negative p1 and an appropriate action time. A
- function table can also be removed by the generation of another
- table with the same p1. Functions are not automatically erased
- at the end of a score section.
- p2 action time is treated in the same way as in i statements with
- respect to sorting and modification by t statements. If an f
- statement and an i statement have the same p2, the sorter gives
- the f statement precedence so that the function table will be
- available during note initialization.
- An f 0 statement (zero p1, positive p2) may be used to create an
- action time with no associated action. Such time markers are
- useful for padding out a score section (see s statement).
- i p1 p2 p3 p4 ...
- This statement calls for an instrument to be made active at a
- specific time and for a certain duration. The parameter field
- values are passed to that instrument prior to its initialization,
- and remain valid throughout its Performance.
- p1 Instrument number (from 1 to 200), usually a non-negative integer.
- An optional fractional part can provide an additional tag for specifying
- ties between particular notes of consecutive clusters. A negative p1
- (including tag) can be used to turn off a particular `held' note.
- p2 Starting time in arbitrary units called beats.
- p3 Duration time in beats (usually positive). A negative value will initiate a
- held note (see also ihold). A zero value will invoke an initialization pass
- without performance (see also instr).
- p4 |
- p5 | Parameters whose significance is determined by the instrument.
- . |
- . |
- Beats are evaluated as seconds, unless there is a t statement in
- this score section or a -t flag in the command line.
- Starting or action times are relative to the beginning of a
- section (see s statement), which is assigned time 0.
- Note statements within a section may be placed in any order.
- Before being sent to an orchestra, unordered score statements
- must first be processed by Sorter, which will reorder them by
- ascending p2 value. Notes with the same p2 value will be ordered
- by ascending p1; if the same p1, then by ascending p3.
- Notes may be stacked, i.e., a single instrument can perform any
- number of notes simultaneously. (The necessary copies of the
- instrument's data space will be allocated dynamically by the
- orchestra loader.) Each note will normally turn off when its p3
- duration has expired, or on receipt of a MIDI noteoff signal. An
- instrument can modify its own duration either by changing its p3
- value during note initialization, or by prolonging itself through
- the action of a linenr unit.
- An instrument may be turned on and left to perform indefinitely
- either by giving it a negative p3 or by including an ihold in its
- I-time code. If a held note is active, an i statement with
- matching p1 will not cause a new allocation but will take over
- the data space of the held note. The new pfields (including p3)
- will now be in effect, and an I-time pass will be executed in
- which the units can either be newly initialized or allowed to
- continue as required for a tied note (see tigoto). A held note
- may be succeeded either by another held note or by a note of
- finite duration. A held note will continue to perform across
- section endings (see s statement). It is halted only by turnoff
- or by an i statement with negative matching p1 or by an e
- statement.
- a p1 p2 p3
- This causes score time to be advanced by a specified amount
- without producing sound samples.
- p1 carries no meaning. Usually zero
- p2 Action time, in beats, at which advance is to begin.
- p3 Durational span (distance in beats) of time advance.
- p4 |
- p5 | These carry no meaning.
- .
- .
- This statement allows the beat count within a score section to be
- advanced without generating intervening sound samples. This can
- be of use when a score section is incomplete (the beginning or
- middle is missing) and the user does not wish to generate and
- listen to a lot of silence.
- p2 action time and p3 distance are treated as in i statements,
- with respect to sorting and modification by t statements.
- An a statement will be temporarily inserted in the score by the
- Score Extract feature when the extracted segment begins later
- than the start of a Section. The purpose of this is to preserve
- the beat count and time count of the original score for the
- benefit of the peak amplitude messages which are reported on the
- user console.
- Whenever an a statement is encountered by a performing orchestra,
- its presence and effect will be reported on the user's console.
- t p1 p2 p3 p4 ..... (unlimited)
- This statement sets the tempo and specifies the accelerations and
- decelerations for the current section. This is done by
- converting beats into seconds.
- p1 must be zero
- p2 initial tempo in beats per minute
- p3, p5, p7, ... times in beats (in non-decreasing order)
- p4, p6, p8, ... tempi for the referenced beat times
- Time and Tempo-for-that-time are given as ordered couples that
- define points on a "tempo vs time" graph. (The time-axis here is
- in beats so is not necessarily linear.) The beat-rate of a
- Section can be thought of as a movement from point to point on
- that graph: motion between two points of equal height signifies
- constant tempo, while motion between two points of unequal height
- will cause an accelarando or ritardando accordingly. The graph
- can contain discontinuities: two points given equal times but
- different tempi will cause an immediate tempo change.
- Motion between different tempos over non-zero time is inverse
- linear. That is, an accelerando between two tempos M1 and M2
- proceeds by linear interpolation of the single-beat durations
- from 60/M1 to 60/M2.
- The first tempo given must be for beat 0.
- A tempo, once assigned, will remain in effect from that
- time-point unless influenced by a succeeding tempo, i.e. the
- last specified tempo will be held to the end of the section.
- A t statement applies only to the score section in which it
- appears. Only one t statement is meaningful in a section; it can
- be placed anywhere within that section. If a score section
- contains no t statement, then beats are interpreted as seconds
- (i.e. with an implicit t 0 60 statement).
- N.B. If the csound command includes a -t flag, the interpreted
- tempo of all score t statements will be overridden by the
- command-line tempo.
- s anything
- The s statement marks the end of a section.
- All pfields are ignored.
- Sorting of the i, f and a statements by action time is done
- section by section.
- Time warping for the t statement is done section by section.
- All action times within a section are relative to its beginning.
- A section statement establishes a new relative time of 0, but has
- no other reinitializing effects (e.g. stored function tables are
- preserved across section boundaries).
- A section is considered complete when all action times and finite
- durations have been satisfied (i.e., the "length" of a section is
- determined by the last occurring action or turn-off). A section
- can be extended by the use of an f 0 statement.
- A section ending automatically invokes a Purge of inactive
- instrument and data spaces.
- N.B. Since score statements are processed section by section, the
- amount of memory required depends on the maximum number of score
- statements in a section. Memory allocation is dynamic,
- and the user will be informed as extra memory blocks are
- requested during score processing.
- For the end of the final section of a score, the s statement is
- optional; the e statement may be used instead.
- e anything
- This statement may be used to mark the end of the last section of
- the score.
- All pfields are ignored.
- The e statement is contextually identical to an s statement.
- Additionally, the e statement terminates all signal generation
- (including indefinite performance) and closes all input and
- output files.
- If an e statement occurs before the end of a score, all
- subsequent score lines will be ignored.
- The e statement is optional in a score file yet to be sorted. If
- a score file has no e statement, then Sort processing will supply
- one.
- The GEN subroutines are function-drawing procedures called by f
- statements to construct stored wavetables. They are available
- throughout orchestra performance, and can be invoked at any point
- in the score as given by p2. p1 assigns a table number, and p3
- the table size (see f statement). p4 specifies the GEN routine
- to be called; each GEN routine will assign special meaning to the
- pfield values that follow.
- GEN01
- This subroutine transfers data from a soundfile into a function
- table.
- f # time size 1 filcod skiptime format
- size - number of points in the table. Ordinarily a power of 2 or
- a power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement); the maximum tablesize is
- 16777216 (2**24) points. If the source soundfile is of type
- AIFF, allocation of table memory can be deferred by setting this
- parameter to 0; the size allocated is then the number of points
- in the file (probably not a power-of-2), and the table is not
- usable by normal oscillators, but it is usable by a loscil unit.
- An AIFF source can also be mono or stereo.
- filcod - integer or character-string denoting the source
- soundfile name. An integer denotes the file soundin.filcod ; a
- character-string (in double quotes, spaces permitted) gives the
- filename itself, optionally a full pathname. If not a full path,
- the file is sought first in the current directory, then in that
- given by the environment variable SSDIR (if defined) then by
- SFDIR. See also soundin.
- skiptime - begin reading at skiptime seconds into the file.
- format - specifies the audio data-file format:
- 1 - 8-bit signed character 4 - 16-bit short integers
- 2 - 8-bit A-law bytes 5 - 32-bit long integers
- 3 - 8-bit U-law bytes 6 - 32-bit floats
- If format = 0 the sample format is taken from the soundfile
- header, or by default from the csound -o command flag.
- Reading stops at end-of-file or when the table is full. Table
- locations not filled will contain zeros.
- Note:
- If p4 is positive, the table will be post-normalized (rescaled to
- a maximum absolute value of 1 after generation). A negative p4
- will cause rescaling to be skipped.
- Examples:
- f 1 0 8192 1 23 0 4
- f 2 0 0 -1 "trumpet A#5" 0 4
- The tables are filled from 2 files, "soundin.23" and "trumpet
- A#5", expected in SSDIR or SFDIR. The first table is
- pre-allocated; the second is allocated dynamically, and its
- rescaling is inhibited.
- GEN02
- This subroutine transfers data from immediate pfields into a
- function table.
- f # time size 2 v1 v2 v3 . . .
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or a
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement). The maximum tablesize is
- 16777216 (2**24) points.
- v1, v2, v3, ... - values to be copied directly into the table
- space. The number of values is limited by the compile-time
- variable PMAX, which controls the maximum pfields (currently
- 150). The values copied may include the table guard point; any
- table locations not filled will contain zeros.
- Note:
- If p4 is positive, the table will be post-normalized (rescaled to
- a maximum absolute value of 1 after generation). A negative p4
- will cause rescaling to be skipped.
- Example:
- f 1 0 16 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0
- This calls upon GEN02 to place 12 values plus an explicit
- wrap-around guard value into a table of size next-highest power
- of 2. Rescaling is inhibited.
- GEN03
- This subroutine generates a stored function table by evaluating a
- polynomial in x over a fixed inter- val and with specified
- coefficients.
- f # time size 3 xval1 xval2 c0 c1 c2 . . . cn
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or a
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).
- xval1, xval2 - left and right values of the x interval over which
- the polynomial is defined (xval1 < xval2). These will produce
- the 1st stored value and the (power-of-2 plus l)th stored value
- respectively in the generated function table.
- c0, c1, c2, ... cn - coefficients of the nth-order polynomial
- c0 + c1x + c2x2 + . . . + cnxn
- Coefficients may be positive or negative real numbers; a zero
- denotes a missing term in the polynomial. The coefficient list
- begins in p7, providing a current upper limit of 144 terms.
- Note:
- The defined segment [fn(xval1),fn(xval2)] is evenly distributed.
- Thus a 512-point table over the interval [-1,1] will have its
- origin at location 257 (at the start of the 2nd half). Provided
- the extended guard point is requested, both fn(-1) and fn(1) will
- exist in the table.
- GEN03 is useful in conjunction with table or tablei for audio
- waveshaping (sound modification by non-linear distortion).
- Coefficients to produce a particular formant from a sinusoidal
- lookup index of known amplitude can be determined at
- preprocessing time using algorithms such as Chebyshev formulae.
- See also GEN13.
- Example:
- f 1 0 1025 3 -1 1 5 4 3 2 2 1
- This calls GEN03 to fill a table with a 4th order polynomial
- function over the x-interval -1 to 1. The origin will be at the
- offset position 512. The function is post-normalized.
- GEN04
- This subroutine generates a normalizing function by examining the
- contents of an existing table.
- f # time size 4 source# sourcemode
- size - number of points in the table. Should be power-of-2 plus
- 1. Must not exceed (except by 1) the size of the source table
- being examined; limited to just half that size if the sourcemode
- is of type offset (see below).
- source # - table number of stored function to be examined.
- sourcemode - a coded value, specifying how the source table is to
- be scanned to obtain the normalizing function. Zero indicates
- that the source is to be scanned from left to right. Non-zero
- indicates that the source has a bipolar structure; scanning will
- begin at the mid-point and progress outwards, looking at pairs of
- points equidistant from the center.
- Note:
- The normalizing function derives from the progressive absolute
- maxima of the source table being scanned. The new table is
- created left-to-right, with stored values equal to 1/(absolute
- maximum so far scanned). Stored values will thus begin with
- 1/(first value scanned), then get progressively smaller as new
- maxima are encountered. For a source table which is normalized
- (values <= 1), the derived values will range from 1/(first value
- scanned) down to 1. If the first value scanned is zero, that
- inverse will be set to 1.
- The normalizing function from GEN04 is not itself normalized.
- GEN04 is useful for scaling a table-derived signal so that it has
- a consistent peak amplitude. A particular application occurs in
- waveshaping when the carrier (or indexing) signal is less than
- full amplitude.
- Example:
- f 2 0 512 4 1 1
- This creates a normalizing function for use in connection with
- the GEN03 table 1 example. Midpoint bipolar offset is specified.
- GEN05, GEN07
- These subroutines are used to construct functions from segments
- of exponential curves (GEN05) or straight lines (GEN07).
- f # time size 5 a n1 b n2 c . . .
- f # time size 7 a n1 b n2 c . . .
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).
- a, b, c, etc. - ordinate values, in odd-numbered pfields p5, p7,
- p9, . . . For GEN05 these must be nonzero and must be alike in
- sign. No such restrictions exist for GEN07.
- n1, n2, etc. - length of segment (no. of storage locations), in
- even-numbered pfields. Cannot be negative, but a zero is
- meaningful for specifying discontinuous waveforms (e.g. in the
- example below). The sum n1 + n2 + .... will normally equal size
- for fully specified functions. If the sum is smaller, the
- function locations not included will be set to zero; if the sum
- is greater, only the first size locations will be stored.
- Note:
- If p4 is positive, functions are post-normalized (rescaled to a
- maximum absolute value of 1 after generation). A negative p4
- will cause rescaling to be skipped.
- Discrete-point linear interpolation implies an increase or
- decrease along a segment by equal differences between adjacent
- locations; exponential interpolation implies that the progression
- is by equal ratio. In both forms the interpolation from a to b
- is such as to assume that the value b will be attained in the n +
- 1th location. For discontinuous functions, and for the segment
- encompassing the end location, this value will not actually be
- reached, although it may eventually appear as a result of final
- scaling.
- Example:
- f 1 0 256 7 0 128 1 0 -1 128 0
- This describes a single-cycle sawtooth whose discontinuity is
- mid-way in the stored function.
- GEN06
- This subroutine will generate a function comprised of segments of
- cubic polynomials, spanning specified points just three at a
- time.
- f # time size 6 a n1 b n2 c n3 d . .
- .
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power off or
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).
- a, c, e, ... - local maxima or minima of successive segments,
- depending on the relation of these points to adjacent inflexions.
- May be either positive or negative.
- b, d, f, ... - ordinate values of points of inflexion at the
- ends of successive curved segments. May be positive or negative.
- n1, n2, n3... - number of stored values between specified
- points. Cannot be negative, but a zero is meaningful for
- specifying discontinuities. The sum n1 + n2 + ... will normally
- equal size for fully specified functions. (for details, see
- GEN05).
- Note:
- GEN06 constructs a stored function from segments of cubic
- polynomial functions. Segments link ordinate values in groups of
- 3: point of inflexion, maximum/minimum, point of inflexion. The
- first complete segment encompasses b,c,d and has length n2 + n3,
- the next encompasses d,e,f and has length n4 + n5, etc. The
- first segment (a,b with length n1) is partial with only one
- inflexion; the last segment may be partial too. Although the
- inflexion points b,d,f ... each figure in two segments (to the
- left and right), the slope of the two segments remains
- independent at that common point (i.e. the 1st derivative will
- likely be discontinuous). When a,c,e... are alternately maximum
- and minimum, the inflexion joins will be relatively smooth; for
- successive maxima or successive minima the inflexions will be
- comb-like.
- Example:
- f 1 0 65 6 0 16 .5 16 1 16 0 16
- -1
- This creates a curve running 0 to 1 to -1, with a minimum,
- maximum and minimum at these values respectively. Inflexions are
- at .5 and 0, and are relatively smooth.
- GEN08
- This subroutine will generate a piecewise cubic spline curve, the
- smoothest possible through all specified points.
- f # time size 8 a n1 b n2 c n3
- d . . .
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).
- a, b, c ... - ordinate values of the function.
- n1, n2, n3 ... - length of each segment measured in stored
- values. May not be zero, but may be fractional. A particular
- segment may or may not actually store any values; stored values
- will be generated at integral points from the beginning of the
- function. The sum n1 + n2 + ... will normally equal size for
- fully specified functions.
- Note:
- GEN08 constructs a stored table from segments of cubic polynomial
- functions. Each segment runs between two specified points but
- depends as well on their neighbors on each side. Neighboring
- segments will agree in both value and slope at their common
- point. (The common slope is that of a parabola through that
- point and its two neighbors). The slope at the two ends of the
- function is constrained to be zero (flat).
- Hint: to make a discontinuity in slope or value in the function
- as stored, arrange a series of points in the interval between two
- stored values; likewise for a non-zero boundary slope.
- Examples:
- f 1 0 65 8 0 16 0 16 1 16 0
- 16 0
- This example creates a curve with a smooth hump in the middle,
- going briefly negative outside the hump then flat at its ends.
- f 2 0 65 8 0 16 0 .1 0 15.9
- 1 15.9 0 .1 0 16 0
- This example is similar, but does not go negative.
- GEN09, GEN10, GEN19
- These subroutines generate composite waveforms made up of
- weighted sums of simple sinusoids. The specification of each
- contributing partial requires 3 pfields using GEN09, 1 using
- GEN10, and 4 using GEN19.
- f # time size 9 pna stra phsa pnb
- strb phsb . . .
- f # time size 10 str1 str2 str3
- str4 . . . .
- f # time size 19 pna stra phsa dcoa
- pnb strb phsb dcob . . .
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).
- pna, pnb, etc. - partial no. (relative to a fundamental that
- would occupy size locations per cycle) of sinusoid a, sinusoid b,
- etc. Must be positive, but need not be a whole number, i.e.,
- non-harmonic partials are permitted. Partials may be in any
- order.
- stra, strb, etc. - strength of partials pna, pnb, etc. These
- are relative strengths, since the composite waveform may be
- rescaled later. Negative values are permitted and imply a 180
- degree phase shift.
- phsa, phsb, etc. - initial phase of partials pna, pnb, etc.,
- expressed in degrees.
- dcoa, dcob, etc. - DC offset of partials pna, pnb, etc. This
- is applied after strength scaling, i.e. a value of 2 will lift a
- 2-strength sinusoid from range [-2,2] to range [0,4] (before
- later rescaling).
- str1, str2, str3, etc. - relative strengths of the fixed
- harmonic partial numbers 1,2,3, etc., beginning in p5. Partials
- not required should be given a strength of zero.
- Note:
- These subroutines generate stored functions as sums of sinusoids
- of different frequencies. The two major restrictions on
- GEN10עthat the partials be harmonic and in phaseעdo not apply to
- GEN09 or GEN19.
- In each case the composite wave, once drawn, is then rescaled to
- unity if p4 was positive. A negative p4 will cause rescaling to
- be skipped.
- Examples:
- f 1 0 1024 9 1 3 0 3 1 0
- 9 .3333 180
- f 2 0 1024 19 .5 1 270 1
- f 1 combines partials l, 3 and 9 in the relative strengths in
- which they are found in a square wave, except that partial 9 is
- upside down. f 2 creates a rising sigmoid [0 - 2]. Both will
- be rescaled.
- GEN11
- This subroutine generates an additive set of cosine partials, in
- the manner of Csound generators buzz and gbuzz.
- f # time size 11 nh lh r
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement).
- nh - number of harmonics requested. Must be positive.
- lh (optional) - lowest harmonic partial present. Can be
- positive, zero or negative. The set of partials can begin at any
- partial number and proceeds upwards; if lh is negative, all
- partials below zero will reflect in zero to produce positive
- partials without phase change (since cosine is an even function),
- and will add constructively to any positive partials in the set.
- The default value is 1.
- r (optional) - multiplier in an amplitude coefficient series.
- This is a power series: if the lhth partial has a strength
- coefficient of A the (lh + n)th partial will have a coefficient
- of A * r**n, i.e. strength values trace an exponential curve. r
- may be positive, zero or negative, and is not restricted to
- integers. The default value is 1.
- Note:
- This subroutine is a non-time-varying version of the csound buzz
- and gbuzz generators, and is similarly useful as a complex sound
- source in subtractive synthesis. With lh and r present it
- parallels gbuzz; with both absent or equal to 1 it reduces to the
- simpler buzz (i.e. nh equal-strength harmonic partials beginning
- with the fundamental).
- Sampling the stored waveform with an oscillator is more efficient
- than using dynamic buzz units. However, the spectral content is
- invariant, and care is necessary lest the higher partials exceed
- the Nyquist during sampling to produce foldover.
- Examples:
- f 1 0 2049 11 4
- f 2 0 2049 11 4 1 1
- f 3 0 2049 -11 7 3 .5
- The first two tables will contain identical band-limited pulse
- waves of four equal-strength harmonic partials beginning with the
- fundamental. The third table will sum seven consecutive
- harmonics, beginning with the third, and at progressively weaker
- strengths (1, .5, .25, .125 . . .). It will not be
- post-normalized.
- GEN12
- This generates the log of a modified Bessel function of the
- second kind, order 0, suitable for use in amplitude-modulated FM.
- f # time size -12 xint
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or a
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement). The normal value is
- power-of-2 plus 1.
- xint - specifies the x interval [0 to +int] over which the
- function is defined.
- Note:
- This subroutine draws the natural log of a modified Bessel
- function of the second kind, order 0 (commonly written as I
- subscript 0), over the x-interval requested. The call should
- have rescaling inhibited.
- The function is useful as an amplitude scaling factor in
- cycle-synchronous amplitude-modulated FM. (See Palamin &
- Palamin, J. Audio Eng. Soc., 36/9, Sept. 1988, pp.671-684.) The
- algorithm is interesting because it permits the normally
- symmetric FM spectrum to be made asymmetric around a frequency
- other than the carrier, and is thereby useful for formant
- positioning. By using a table lookup index of I(r - 1/r), where
- I is the FM modulation index and r is an exponential parameter
- affecting partial strengths, the Palamin algorithm becomes
- relatively efficient, requiring only oscil's, table lookups, and
- a single exp call.
- Example:
- f 1 0 2049 -12 20
- This draws an unscaled ln(I0(x)) from 0 to 20.
- GEN13, GEN14
- These subroutines use Chebyshev coefficients to generate stored
- polynomial functions which, under waveshaping, can be used to
- split a sinusoid into harmonic partials having a predefinable
- spectrum.
- f # time size 13 xint xamp h0 h1 h2 . . . hn
- f # time size 14 xint xamp h0 h1 h2 . . . hn
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or a
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement). The normal value is
- power-of-2 plus 1.
- xint - provides the left and right values [-xint, +xint] of the
- x interval over which the polynomial is to be drawn. These
- subroutines both call GEN03 to draw their functions; the p5 value
- here is therefor expanded to a negative-positive p5,p6 pair
- before GEN03 is actually called. The normal value is 1.
- xamp - amplitude scaling factor of the sinusoid input that is
- expected to produce the following spectrum.
- h0, h1, h2, .... hn - relative strength of partials 0 (DC), 1
- (fundamental), 2 ... that will result when a sinusoid of
- amplitude xamp * int(size/2)/xint is waveshaped using this
- function table. These values thus describe a frequency spectrum
- associated with a particular factor xamp of the input signal.
- Note:
- GEN13 is the function generator normally employed in standard
- waveshaping. It stores a polynomial whose coefficients derive
- from the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, so that a
- driving sinusoid of strength xamp will exhibit the specified
- spectrum at output. Note that the evolution of this spectrum is
- generally not linear with varying xamp. However, it is
- bandlimited (the only partials to appear will be those specified
- at generation time); and the partials will tend to occur and to
- develop in ascending order (the lower partials dominating at low
- xamp, and the spectral richness increasing for higher values of
- xamp). A negative hn value implies a 180 degree phase shift of
- that partial; the requested full-amplitude spectrum will not be
- affected by this shift, although the evolution of several of its
- component partials may be. The pattern +,+,-,-,+,+,... for
- h0,h1,h2... will minimize the normalization problem for low xamp
- values (see above), but does not necessarily provide the
- smoothest pattern of evolution.
- GEN14 stores a polynomial whose coefficients derive from
- Chebyshevs of the second kind.
- Example:
- f 1 0 1025 13 1 1 0 5 0 3 0 1
- This creates a function which, under waveshaping, will split a
- sinusoid into 3 odd-harmonic partials of relative strength 5:3:1.
- GEN15
- This subroutine creates two tables of stored polynomial
- functions, suitable for use in phase quadrature operations.
- f # time size 15 xint xamp h0 phs0 h1 phs1 h2 phs2 . . .
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or a
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement). The normal value is
- power-of-2 plus 1.
- xint - provides the left and right values [-xint, +xint] of the
- x interval over which the polynomial is to be drawn. This
- subroutine will eventually call GEN03 to draw both functions;
- this p5 value is therefor expanded to a negative-positive p5, p6
- pair before GEN03 is actually called. The normal value is 1.
- xamp - amplitude scaling factor of the sinusoid input that is
- expected to produce the following spectrum.
- h0, h1, h2, ... hn - relative strength of partials 0 (DC), 1
- (fundamental), 2 ... that will result when a sinusoid of
- amplitude xamp * int(size/2)/xint is waveshaped using this
- function table. These values thus describe a frequency spectrum
- associated with a particular factor xamp of the input signal.
- phs0, phs1, ... - phase in degrees of desired harmonics h0, h1,
- ... when the two functions of GEN15 are used with phase
- quadrature.
- Note:
- GEN15 creates two tables of equal size, labelled f # and f # + 1.
- Table # will contain a Chebyshev function of the first kind,
- drawn using GEN03 with partial strengths h0cos(phs0),
- h1cos(phs1), ... Table #+1 will contain a Chebyshev function of
- the 2nd kind by calling GEN14 with partials h1sin(phs1),
- h2sin(phs2),... (note the harmonic displacement). The two
- tables can be used in conjunction in a waveshaping network that
- exploits phase quadrature.
- GEN17
- This subroutine creates a step function from given x-y pairs.
- f # time size 17 x1 a x2 b x3 c . . .
- size - number of points in the table. Must be a power of 2 or a
- power-of-2 plus 1 (see f statement). The normal value is
- power-of-2 plus 1.
- x1, x2, x3, etc. - x-ordinate values, in ascending order, 0
- first.
- a, b, c, etc. - y-values at those x-ordinates, held until the
- next x-ordinate.
- This subroutine creates a step function of x-y pairs whose
- y-values are held to the right. The right-most y-value is then
- held to the end of the table. The function is useful for mapping
- one set of data values onto another, such as MIDI note numbers
- onto sampled sound ftable numbers (see loscil).
- Example:
- f 1 0 128 -17 0 1 12 2 24 3 36 4 48 5 60 6 72 7 84 8
- This describes a step function with 8 successively increasing
- levels, each 12 locations wide except the last which extends its
- value to the end of the table. Rescaling is inhibited. Indexing
- into this table with a MIDI note-number would retrieve a
- different value every octave up to the eighth, above which the
- value returned would remain the same.
- 5. SCOT: A Score Translator
- Scot is a language for describing scores in a fashion that
- parallels traditional music notation. Scot is also the name of a
- program which translates scores written in this language into
- standard numeric score format so that the score can be performed
- by Csound. The result of this translation is placed in a file
- called score. A score file written in Scot (named file.sc, say)
- can be sent through the translator by the command
- scot file.sc
- The resulting numeric score can then be examined for errors,
- edited, or performed by typing
- csound file.orc score
- Alternatively, the command
- csound file.orc -S file.sc
- would combine both processes by informing Csound of the initial
- score format.
- Internally, a Scot score has at least three parts: a section to
- define instrument names, a section to define functions, and one
- or more actual score sections. It is generally advisable to keep
- score sections short to facilitate finding errors. The overall
- layout of a Scot score has three main sections:
- orchestra { .... }
- functions { .... }
- score { .... }
- The last two sections may be repeated as many times as desired.
- The functions section is also optional. Throughout this Scot
- document, bear in mind that you are free to break up each of
- these divisions into as many lines as seem convenient, or to
- place a carriage return anywhere you are allowed to insert a
- space, including before and after the curly brackets.
- Furthermore, you may use as many spaces or tabs as you need to
- make the score easy to read. Scot imposes no formatting
- restrictions except that numbers, instrument names, and keywords
- (for example, orchestra) may not be broken with spaces. You may
- insert comments (such as measure numbers) anywhere in the score
- by preceding them with a semicolon. A semicolon causes Scot to
- ignore the rest of a line.
- Orchestra Declaration Section
- The orchestra section of a Scot score serves to designate
- instrument names for use within the score. This is a matter of
- convenience, since an orchestra knows instruments only by
- numbers, not names. If you declare three instruments, such as:
- orchestra { flute=1 cello=2 trumpet=3 }
- Csound will neither know nor care what you have named the note
- lists. However, when you use the name $flute, Scot will know you
- are referring to instr 1 in the orchestra, $cello will refer to
- instr 2, and $trumpet will be instr 3. You may meaningfully skip
- numbers or give several instruments the same number. It is up to
- you to make sure that your orchestra has the correct instruments
- and that the association between these names and the instruments
- is what you intend. There is no limit (or a very high one, at
- least) as to how many instruments you can declare.
- Function Declaration Section
- The major purpose of this division is to allow you to declare
- function tables for waveforms, envelopes, etc. These functions
- are declared exactly as specified for Csound. In fact,
- everything you type between the brackets in this section will be
- passed directly to the resulting numeric score with no
- modification, so that mistakes will not be caught by the Scot
- program, but rather by the subsequent performance. You can use
- this section to write notes for instruments for which traditional
- pitch-rhythm notation is inappropriate. The most common example
- would be turning on a reverb instrument. Instruments referenced
- in this way need not appear in the Scot orchestra declaration.
- Here is a possible function declaration:
- functions {
- f1 0 256 10 1 0 .5 0 .3
- f2 0 256 7 0 64 1 64 .7 64 0
- i9 0 -1 3 ; this turns on instr 9
- }
- Score Section
- The Scot statements contained inside the braces of each score
- statement is translated into a numeric score Section (q.v.). It
- is wise to keep score sections small, say seven or eight measures
- of five voices at a time. This avoids overloading the system,
- and simplifies error checking.
- The beginning of the score section is specified by typing:
- score {
- Everything which follows until the braces are closed is within a
- single section. Within this section you write measures of notes
- in traditional pitch and rhythm notation for any of the
- instrument names listed in your orchestra declaration. These
- notes may carry additional information such as slurs, ties and
- parameter fields. Let us now consider the format for notes
- entered in a Scot score.
- The first thing to do is name the instrument you want and the
- desired meter. For example, to write some 4/4 measures for the
- cello, type:
- $cello
- !ti "4/4"
- The dollar sign and exclamation point tell Scot that a special
- declarator follows. The time signature declarator is optional;
- if present, Scot will check the number of beats in each measure
- for you.
- Pitch and Rhythm
- The two basic components of a note statement are the pitch and
- duration. Pitch is specified using the alphabetic note name, and
- duration is specified using numeric characters. Duration is
- indicated at the beginning of the note as a number representing
- the division of a whole beat. You may always find the number
- specifying a given duration by thinking of how many times that
- duration would fit in a 4/4 measure. Also, if the duration is
- followed by a dot (`.') it is increased by 50%, exactly as in
- traditional notation. Some sample durations are listed below:
- whole note 1
- half note 2
- double dotted quarter 4..
- dotted quarter note 4.
- quarter note 4
- half note triplet 6
- eighth note 8
- eighth note triplet 12
- sixteenth note 16
- thirty-second note 32
- Pitch is indicated next by first (optionally) specifying the
- register and then the note name, followed by an accidental if
- desired. Normally, the "octave following" feature is in effect.
- This feature causes any note named to lie within the interval of
- an augmented fourth of the previous note, unless a new register
- is chosen. The first note you write will always be within a
- fourth of middle c unless you choose a different register.
- For example, if the first note of an instrument part is notated g
- flat, the scot program assigns the pitch corresponding to the g
- flat below middle c. On the other hand, if the first note is f
- sharp, the pitch assigned will be the f sharp above middle c.
- Changes of register are indicated by a preceding apostrophe for
- each octave displacement upward or a preceding comma for each
- octave displacement downward. Commas and apostrophes always
- displace the pitch by the desired number of octaves starting from
- that note which is within an augmented fourth of the previous
- pitch.
- If you ever get lost, prefacing the pitch specification with an
- `=' returns the reference to middle c. It is usually wise to use
- the equals sign in your first note statement and whenever you
- feel uncertain as to what the current registration is. Let us
- now write two measures for the cello part, the first starting in
- the octave below middle c and the second repeating but starting
- in the octave above middle c:
- $cello
- !ti "4/4"
- 4=g 4e 4d 4c/ 4='g 4e 4d 4c
- As you can see, a slash indicates a new measure and we have
- chosen to use the dummy middle c to indicate the new register. A
- more convenient way of notating these two measures would be to
- type the following:
- $cello
- !ti "4/4"
- 4=g e d c/ ''g e d c
- You may observe in this example that the quarter note duration
- carries to the following notes when the following durations are
- left unspecified. Also, two apostrophes indicate an upward pitch
- displacement of two octaves from two g's below middle c, where
- the pitch would have fallen without any modification. It is
- important to remember three things, then, when specifying
- pitches:
- 1) Note pitches specified by letter name only (with or without
- accidental) will always fall within an interval of a fourth from
- the preceding pitch.
- 2) These pitches can be octave displaced upward or downward by
- preceding the note letter with the desired number of apostrophes
- or commas.
- 3) If you are unsure of the current register, you may begin the
- pitch component of the note with an equals sign which acts as a
- dummy middle c.
- The pitch may be modified by an accidental after the note name:
- n natural
- # sharp
- - (hyphen) flat
- ## double sharp
- -- (double hyphen) double flat
- Accidentals are carried throughout the measure just as in
- traditional music notation. However, an accidental specified
- within a measure will hold for that note in all registers, in
- contrast with traditional notation. Therefore, make sure to
- specify n when you no longer want an accidental applied to that
- pitch-class.
- Pitches entered in the Scot score are translated into the
- appropriate octave point pitch-class value and appear as
- parameter p5 in the numeric score output. This means you must
- design your instruments to accept p5 as pitch.
- Rests are notated just like notes but using the letter r instead
- of a pitch name. 4r therefore indicates a quarter rest and 1r a
- whole rest. Durations carry from rest to rest or to following
- pitches as mentioned above.
- The tempo in beats per minute is specified in each section by
- choosing a single instrument part and using tempo statements
- (e.g. t90) at the various points in the score as needed. A
- quarter note is interpreted as a single beat, and tempi are
- interpolated between the intervening beats (see score t statement).
- Scot Example I
- ⇧
- A Scot encoding of this score might appear as follows:
- ; A BASIC Tune
- orchestra { guitar=1 bass=2 }
- functions {
- f1 0 512 10 1 .5 .25 .126
- f2 0 256 7 1 120 1 8 0 128 1
- }
- score { ;section 1
- $guitar
- !ti "4/4"
- 4=c 8d e- f r 4='c/
- 8.b- 16a a- g g- f 4e- c/
- $bass
- 2=,,c 'a-/
- g =,c/
- }
- score { ;section 2
- $guitar
- !ti "4/4"
- 6='c r c 4..c## 16e- /
- 6f r f 4..f## 16b /
- $bass
- 4=,,c 'g, c 'g/
- 2=a- g /
- }
- The score resulting from this Scot notation is shown at the end
- of this chapter.
- Groupettes
- Duration numbers can have any integral value; for instance,
- !time "4/4"
- 5cdefg/
- would encode a measure of 5 in the time of 4 quarter notes.
- However, specification of arbitrary rhythmic groupings in this
- way is at best awkward. Instead, arbitrary portions of the score
- section may be enclosed in groupette brackets. The durations of
- all notes inside groupette brackets will be multiplied by a
- fraction n/d, where the musical meaning is d in the time of n.
- Assuming d and n here are integers, groupette brackets may take
- these several forms:
- {d:n: .... :} d in the time of n
- {d:: .... :} n will be the largest power of 2 less than d
- {: .... :} d=3, n=2 (normal triplets)
- It can be seen that the second and third form are abbreviations
- for the more common kinds of groupettes. (Observe the
- punctuation of each form carefully.) Groupettes may be nested to
- a reasonable depth. Also, groupette factors apply only after the
- written duration is carried from note to note. Thus, the
- following example is a correct specification for two measures of
- 6/8 time:
- !time "6/8" 8cde {4:3: fgab :} / crc 4.c /
- The notes inside the groupette are 4 in the space of 3 8th notes,
- and the written-8th-note duration carries normally into the next
- measure. This closely parallels the way groupette brackets and
- note durations interact in standard notation.
- Slurs and Ties
- Now that you understand part writing in the Scot language, we can
- start discussing more elaborate features. Immediately following
- the pitch specification of each note, one may indicate a slur or
- a tie into the next note (assuming there is one), but not both
- simultaneously. The slur is typed as a single underscore (`_')
- and a tie as a double underscore (`__'). Despite the surface
- similarity, there is a substantial difference in the effect of
- these modifiers.
- For purposes of Scot, tied notes are notes which, although
- comprised of several graphic symbols, represent only a single
- musical event. (Tied notes are necessary in standard music
- notation for several reasons, the most common being notes which
- span a measure line and notes with durations not specifiable with
- a single symbol, such as quarter note tied to a sixteenth.)
- Notes which are tied together are summed by duration and output
- by Scot as a single event. This means you cannot, for example,
- change the parameters of a note in the middle of a tie (see
- below). Two or more notes may be tied together, as in the
- following example, which plays an f# for eleven beats:
- !ti "4/4"
- 1 f#__ / 1 f#__ / 2. f# 4r /
- By contrast, slurred notes are treated as distinct notes at the
- Csound level, and may be of arbitrary pitch. The presence of a
- slur is reflected in parameter p4, but the slur has no other
- meaning beyond the interpretation of p4 by your instrument.
- Since instrument design is beyond the scope of this manual, it
- will suffice for now to explain that the Scot program gives sets
- p4 to one of four values depending on the existence of a slur
- before and after the note in question. This means Scot pays
- attention not only to the slur attached to a given note, but
- whether the preceding note specified a slur. The four
- possibilities are as follows, where the p4 values are taken to
- apply to the note `d':
- 4c d (no slur) p4 = 0
- 4c d_ (slur after only) p4 = 1
- 4c_ d (slur before only) p4 = 2
- 4c_ d_ (before & after) p4 = 3
- Parameters
- The information contained in the Scot score notation we have
- considered so far is manifested in the output score in parameters
- p1 through p5 in the following way:
- p1: instrument number
- p2: initialization time of instrument
- p3: duration
- p4: slur information
- p5: pitch information in octave point pitch-class notation
- Any additional parameters you may want to enter are listed in
- brackets as the last part of a note specification. These
- parameters start with p6 and are separated from each other with
- spaces. Any parameters not specified for a particular note have
- their value carried from the most recently specified value. You
- may choose to change some parameters and not others, in which
- case you can type a dot (`.') for parameters whose values don't
- change, and new values for those that do. Alternatively, the
- construction N:, where N is an integer, may be used to indicate
- that the following parameter specifications apply to successive
- parameters starting with parameter N. For example:
- 4e[15000 3 4 12:100 150] g_ d_[10000 . 5] c
- Here, for the first two quarter notes p6, p7, p8, p12, and p13
- respectively assume the values 15000, 3, 4, 100, and 150. The
- values of p9 through p11 are either unchanged, or implicitly zero
- if they have never been specified in the current section. On the
- third quarter note, the value of p6 is changed to 10000, and the
- value of p8 is changed to 5. All others are unchanged.
- Normally, parameter values are treated as globalsעthat is, a
- value specification will carry to successive notes if no new
- value is specified. However, if a parameter specification begins
- with an apostrophe, the value applies locally to the current note
- only, and will not carry to successive notes either horizontally
- or vertically (see divisi below).
- Pfield Macros
- Scot has a macro text substitution facility which operates only
- on the pfield specification text within brackets. It allows
- control values to be specified symbolically rather than
- numerically. Macro definitions appear inside brackets in the
- orchestra section. A single bracketed list of macro definitions
- preceding the first instrument declaration defines macros which
- apply to all instruments. An additional bracketed list of
- definitions may follow each instrument to specify macros that
- apply to that particular instrument.
- orchestra {
- [ pp=2000 p=4000 mp=7000 mf=10000 f=20000 ff=30000
- modi = 11: w = 1 x = 2 y = 3 z = 4
- vib = "10:1 " novib = "10:0 1"
- ]
- violin = 1 [ pizz = " 20:1" arco = " 20:0" ]
- serpent = 3 [ ff = 25000 sfz = 'f sffz = 'ff]
- }
- score {
- $violin = 4c[mf modi z.y novib] d e a['f vib3] /
- 8 b[pizz]c 4d[f] 2c[ff arco] /
- $serpent =, 4.c[mp modi y.x] 8b 2c /
- 'g[f ], c[ff] /
- }
- As can be seen from this example, a macro definition consists of
- the macro name, which is a string of alphabetic characters,
- followed by an equal sign, followed by the macro value. As
- usual, spaces, tabs, and newlines may be used freely. The macro
- value may contain arbitrary characters, and may be quoted if
- spacing characters need to be included.
- When a macro name is encountered in bracketed pfield lists in a
- score section, that name is replaced with the macro text with no
- additional punctuation supplied. The macro text may itself
- invoke other macros, although it is a serious error for a macro
- to contain itself, directly or indirectly. Since macro names are
- identified as strings of alphabetic characters, and no additional
- spaces are provided when a macro is expanded, macros may easily
- perform such concatenations as found in the first serpent note
- above, where the integer and fractional parts of a single pfield
- are constructed. Also, a macro may do no more than define a
- symbolic pfield, as in the definition of modi. The primary
- intention of macros is in fact not only to reduce the number of
- characters required, but also to enable symbolic definitions of
- parameter numbers and parameter values. For instance, a
- particular instrument's interpretation of the dynamic ff can be
- changed merely by changing a macro value, rather than changing
- all occurrences of that particular value in the score.
- Divisi
- Notes may be stacked on top of each other by using a back arrow
- (`<') between the notes of the divisi. Each time Scot encounters
- a back arrow, it understands that the following note is to start
- at the same time as the note to the left of the back arrow.
- Durations, accidentals and parameters carry from left to right
- through the divisi. Each time these are given new values, the
- notes to the right of the back arrows also take on the new values
- unless they are specified again.
- When writing divisi you can stack compound events by enclosing
- them in parentheses. Also, divisi which occur at the end of the
- measure must have the proper durations or the scot program will
- mis-interpret the measure duration length.
- Scot Example II
- ⇧
- Scot encoding:
- orchestra { right=1 left=2 }
- functions { f1 0 256 10 1}
- score {
- $right !key "-b"
- ; since p5 is pitch, p7 is set to the pitch of next note
- !ti "2/4"
- !next p5 "p7" ;since p5 is pitch, p7 refers to pitch of next note
- !next p6 "p8" ;If p6 is vol, say, then p8 refers to vol of next note
- t90
- 8r c[3 np5]<e<='g r c<f<a / t90 r d-<g<b r =c[5]<f<a__ /
- !ti "4/4"
- t80
- 4d_<f__<(8a g__) 4c<(8fe)<4g 4.c<f<f 8r/
- $left !key "-b"
- !next p5 "p7"
- !next p6 "p8"
- !ti "2/4"
- 8=,c[3 np5] r f r/ e r f r/
- !ti "4/4"
- 2b_[5]<(4=,b_c) 4.a<f 8r/
- }
- Notice in this example that tempo statements occurred in
- instrument `right' only. Also, all notes had p6=3 until the
- third measure, at which point p6 took on the value 5 for all
- notes. The next parameter option used is described in Additional
- Features. The output score is given at the end.
- Additional Features
- Several options can be included in any of the individual
- instrument parts within a section. A sample statement follows
- the description of each option. The keyword which follows the
- `!' in these statements may be abbreviated to the first two
- characters.
- Key Signatures
- Any desired key signature is specified by listing the accidentals
- as they occur in a key signature statement. Thereafter, all
- notes of that instrument part are sharpened or flattened
- accordingly. For example, for the key of D, type
- !key "#fc"
- Accidental Following
- Accidental following may be turned on or off as needed. When
- turned off, accidentals no longer carry throughout the measure as
- in traditional notation. This convention is sometimes used in
- contemporary scores.
- !accidentals "off"
- Octave Following
- Turning off octave following indicates that pitches stay in the
- same absolute octave register until explicitly moved. An absolute
- octave starts at pitch c and ends at the b above it. The octave
- middle-c-to-b is indicated with an equals sign (`=') and octave
- displacement is indicated with the appropriate number of commas
- or apostrophes. These displacements are cummulative. For
- example,
- !octaves "off"
- 4='c g b 'c
- starts at the c above middle c and ends at two c's above middle
- c.
- Vertical Following
- Turning off vertical following means that durations, register,
- and parameters only carry horizontally from note to note and not
- vertically as described in the section on divisi.
- !vertical "off"
- Transposition
- Any instrument part can be transposed to another key by
- indicating the intervalic difference between the notated key and
- the desired key. This difference is always taken with reference
- to middle c - to transpose a whole step upward, for example, type
- !transpose "d"
- This indicates that the part is transposed by the interval
- difference between middle c and d.
- Next-value and Previous-value Parameteres
- In order to play a note, it is sometimes necessary for an
- instrument to know what value one or more parameters will have
- for the next note. For instance, an instrument might be designed
- which glisses during the last portion of its performance (perhaps
- only when a slur is indicated) from its written pitch to the
- pitch of the next note. This can only be done, of course, if the
- instrument can know what the pitch of the next note will be.
- The necessary information can be provided using next-value
- parameters. A next value parameter might be declared by
- !next p5 "p6"
- which is interpreted to mean that for the current instrument, p6
- will contain the next note's p5 value. This holds true globally
- for all occurences of this instrument until further
- modifications. If for any reason you wish to override this
- value, p6 may be filled in explicitly. This is sometimes useful
- for the last note of a section, for which p6 will otherwise
- assume the p5 value for the current note. The next-value feature
- is illustrated in the Scot example II.
- The necessary information may also be provided using standard
- numeric score next-value parameters. A parameter argument
- containing the symbol npx (where x is an integer) will substitute
- parameter number x of the following note for that instrument.
- Similarly, the value of a parameter occurring during the previous
- note may be referenced with the symbol ppx (where x is an
- integer). Details of the next- and previous-value parameter
- feature may be found in the Numeric Scores section.
- Ramping
- Pfields containing the symbol < will be replaced by values
- derived from linear interpolation of a time-based ramp. Ramp
- endpoints are defined by the first real number found in the same
- pfield of a preceding and following note played by the same
- instrument. Details of the ramping feature are likewise found in
- the Numeric Scores section.
- f0 Statements
- In each score section, Scot automatically produces an f0
- statement with a p2 equal to the ending time of the last note or
- rest in the section. Thus, `dead time' at the end of a section
- for reverberation decay or whatever purpose may be specified
- musically by rests in one or more parts. See the eighth rest at
- the end of Scot example II and its output score shown below.
- Output Scores
- Output file score from Scot Example I.
- f1 0 512 10 1 .5 .25 .126
- f2 0 256 7 1 120 1 8 0 128 1
- i1.01 0 1 0 8.00
- i1.01 1 0.5 0 8.02
- i1.01 1.5 0.5 0 8.03
- i1.01 2 0.5 0 8.05
- i1.01 3 1 0 9.00
- i1.01 4 0.75 0 8.10
- i1.01 4.75 0.25 0 8.09
- i1.01 5 0.25 0 8.08
- i1.01 5.25 0.25 0 8.07
- i1.01 5.5 0.25 0 8.06
- i1.01 5.75 0.25 0 8.05
- i1.01 6 1 0 8.03
- i1.01 7 1 0 8.00
- i2.01 0 2 0 6.00
- i2.01 2 2 0 6.08
- i2.01 4 2 0 6.07
- i2.01 6 2 0 7.00
- t0 60
- f0 8
- s
- i1.01 0 0.6667 0 9.00
- i1.01 1.3333 0.6667 0 9.00
- i1.01 2 1.75 0 9.02
- i1.01 3.75 0.25 0 9.03
- i1.01 4 0.6667 0 9.05
- i1.01 5.3333 0.6667 0 9.05
- i1.01 6 1.75 0 9.07
- i1.01 7.75 0.25 0 9.09
- i2.01 0 1 0 6.00
- i2.01 1 1 0 6.07
- i2.01 2 1 0 6.00
- i2.01 3 1 0 6.07
- i2.01 4 2 0 7.08
- i2.01 6 2 0 7.07
- t0 60
- f0 8
- s
- Output file score from Scot Example II.
- f1 0 256 10 1
- c r1 n 7 5
- c r1 n 8 6
- i1.01 0.5000 0.5000 0 8.00 3 8.00 3
- i1.02 0.5000 0.5000 0 8.04 3 8.05 3
- i1.03 0.5000 0.5000 0 8.07 3 8.09 3
- i1.01 1.5000 0.5000 0 8.00 3 8.01 3
- i1.02 1.5000 0.5000 0 8.05 3 8.07 3
- i1.03 1.5000 0.5000 0 8.09 3 8.10 3
- i1.01 2.5000 0.5000 0 8.01 3 8.00 5
- i1.02 2.5000 0.5000 0 8.07 3 8.05 5
- i1.03 2.5000 0.5000 0 8.10 3 8.09 5
- i1.01 3.5000 0.5000 0 8.00 5 8.02 5
- i1.02 3.5000 0.5000 0 8.05 5 8.05 5
- i1.01 4.0000 1.0000 1 8.02 5 8.00 5
- i1.03 3.5000 1.0000 0 8.09 5 8.07 5
- i1.01 5.0000 1.0000 2 8.00 5 8.00 5
- i1.02 4.0000 1.5000 0 8.05 5 8.04 5
- i1.02 5.5000 0.5000 0 8.04 5 8.05 5
- i1.03 4.5000 1.5000 0 8.07 5 8.05 5
- i1.01 6.0000 1.5000 0 8.00 5 8.00 5
- i1.02 6.0000 1.5000 0 8.05 5 8.05 5
- i1.03 6.0000 1.5000 0 8.05 5 8.05 5
- c r2 n 7 5
- c r2 n 8 6
- i2.01 0.0000 0.5000 0 7.00 3 7.05 3
- i2.01 1.0000 0.5000 0 7.05 3 7.04 3
- i2.01 2.0000 0.5000 0 7.04 3 7.05 3
- i2.01 3.0000 0.5000 0 7.05 3 7.10 5
- i2.01 4.0000 2.0000 1 7.10 5 7.09 5
- i2.02 4.0000 1.0000 1 6.10 5 7.00 5
- i2.02 5.0000 1.0000 2 7.00 5 7.05 5
- i2.01 6.0000 1.5000 2 7.09 5 7.09 5
- i2.02 6.0000 1.5000 0 7.05 5 7.05 5
- t0 60 0.0000 90.0000 2.0000 90.0000 4.0000 80.0000 4.0000
- 90.0000
- f0 8.0000
- s
- e
- 6. The Unix CSOUND Command
- csound is a command for passing an orchestra file and score file
- to Csound to generate a soundfile. The score file can be in one
- of many different formats, according to user preference.
- Translation, sorting, and formatting into orchestra-readable
- numeric text is handled by various preprocessors; all or part of
- the score is then sent on to the orchestra. Orchestra
- performance is influenced by command flags, which set the level
- of displays and console reports, specify 1/0 filenames and sample
- formats, and declare the nature of realtime sensing and control.
- The format of a command is:
- csound [-flags] orchname scorename
- where the arguments are of 2 types: flag arguments (beginning
- with a "-"), and name arguments (such as filenames). Certain
- flag arguments take a following name or numeric argument. The
- available flags are:
- -I, -n sound output inhibitors
- -iName, -oName sound I/O filenames
- -bNumb, -BNumb, -h audio buffers & header control
- -A, -c, -a, -u, -s, -1, -f audio output formats
- -v, -mNumb, -d, -g message & display levels
- -S, -xName, -tNumb score formats & tempo control
- -LName line-oriented realtime event stream
- -MName, -FName, -PNumb MIDI event streams
- -N, -T notify or terminate when done
- Flags may appear anywhere in the command line, either separately
- or bundled together. A flag taking a Name or Number will find it
- in that argument, or in the immediately subsequent one. The
- following are thus equivalent commands:
- csound -nm3 orchname -Sxxfilename scorename
- csound -n -m 3 orchname -x xfilename -S scorename
- All flags and names are optional. The default values are:
- csound -s -otest -b1024 -B1024 -m7 -P128 orchname scorename
- where orchname is a file containing Csound orchestra code,
- and scorename is a file of score data in standard numeric score
- format, optionally presorted and time-warped. If scorename is
- omitted, there are two default options: 1) if realtime input is
- expected (-L, -M or -F), a dummy scorefile is substituted
- consisting of the single statement 'f 0 3600' (i.e. listen for
- RT input for one hour); 2) else csound uses the previously
- processed score.srt in the current directory.
- Csound reports on the various stages of score and orchestra
- processing as it goes, doing various syntax and error checks
- along the way. Once the actual performance has begun, any error
- messages will derive from either the instrument loader or the
- unit generators themselves. A csound command may include any
- rational combination of the following flag arguments, with
- default values as described:
- csound -I
- I-time only. Allocate and initialize all instruments as per the
- score, but skip all P-time processing (no k-signals or a-signals,
- and thus no amplitudes and no sound). Provides a fast validity
- check of the score pfields and orchestra i-variables.
- csound -n
- Nosound. Do all processing, but bypass writing of sound to disk.
- This flag does not change the execution in any other way.
- csound -i isfname
- Input soundfile name. If not a full pathname, the file will be
- sought first in the current directory, then in that given by the
- environment variable SSDIR (if defined), then by SFDIR. The name
- stdin will cause audio to be read from standard input. If
- RTAUDIO is enabled, the name devaudio will request sound from the
- host audio input device.
- csound -o osfname
- Output soundfile name. If not a full pathname, the soundfile
- will be placed in the directory given by the environment variable
- SFDIR (if defined), else in the current directory. The name
- stdout will cause audio to be written to standard output. If no
- name is given, the default name will be test. If RTAUDIO is
- enabled, the name devaudio will send to the host audio output
- device.
- csound -b Numb
- Number of audio sample-frames per soundio software buffer. Large
- is efficient, but small will reduce audio I/O delay. The default
- is 1024. In realtime performance, Csound waits on audio I/O on
- Numb boundaries. It also processes audio (and polls for other
- input like MIDI) on orchestra ksmps boundaries. The two can be
- made synchronous. For convenience, if Numb = -N (is negative)
- the effective value is ksmps * N (audio synchronous with
- k-period boundaries). With N small (e.g. 1) polling is then
- frequent and also locked to fixed DAC sample boundaries.
- csound -B Numb
- Number of audio sample-frames held in the DAC hardware buffer.
- This is a threshold on which software audio I/O (above) will wait
- before returning. A small number reduces audio I/O delay; but
- the value is often hardware limited, and small values will risk
- data lates. The default is 1024.
- csound -h
- No header on output soundfile. Don't write a file header, just
- binary samples.
- csound {-c, -a, -u, -s, -l, -f}
- Audio sample format of the output soundfile. One of:
- c 8-bit signed character
- a 8-bit a-law
- u 8-bit u-law
- s short integer
- l long integer
- f single-precision float (not playable, but can be read
- by -i, soundin and GEN01)
- csound -A
- Write an AIFF output soundfile. Restricts the above formats to
- c, s, or l.
- csound -v
- Verbose translate and run. Prints details of orch translation
- and performance, enabling errors to be more clearly located.
- csound -m Numb
- Message level for standard (terminal) output. Takes the sum of 3
- print control flags, turned on by the following values: 1 = note
- amplitude messages, 2 = samples out of range message, 4 = warning
- messages. The default value is m7 (all messages on).
- csound -d
- Suppress all displays.
- csound -g
- Recast graphic displays into ascii characters, suitable for any
- terminal.
- csound -S
- Interpret scorename as a Scot file and create a standard score
- file (named "score") from it, then sort and perform that.
- csound -x xfile
- Extract a portion of the sorted score score.srt, according to
- xfile (see extract below).
- csound -t Numb
- Use the uninterpreted beats of score.srt for this performance,
- and set the initial tempo at Numb beats per minute. When this
- flag is set, the tempo of score performance is also controllable
- from within the orchestra (see the tempo unit).
- csound -L devname
- Read Line-oriented realtime score events from device devname.
- The name stdin will permit score events to be typed at your
- terminal, or piped from another process. Each line-event is
- terminated by a carriage-return. Events are coded just like
- those in a standard numeric score, except that an event with p2=0
- will be performed immediately, and an event with p2=T will be
- performed T seconds after arrival. Events can arrive at any
- time, and in any order. The score carry feature is legal here,
- as are held notes (p3 negative) and string arguments, but ramps
- and pp or np references are not.
- csound -M devname
- Read MIDI events from device devname.
- csound -F mfname
- Read MIDI events from midifile mfname.
- csound -P Numb
- Set MIDI sustain pedal threshold (0 - 128). The official switch
- value of 64 is normally too low, and is more realistic above 100.
- The default value of 128 will block all pedal info.
- csound -N
- Notify (ring the bell) when score or miditrack is done.
- csound -T
- Terminate the performance when miditrack is done.
- The EXTRACT feature
- This feature will extract a segment of a sorted numeric score
- file according to instructions taken from a control file. The
- control file contains an instrument list and two time points,
- from and to, in the form:
- instruments 1 2 from 1:27.5 to 2:2
- The component labels may be abbreviated as i, f and t. The time
- points denote the beginning and end of the extract in terms of:
- [section no.] : [beat no.].
- each of the three parts is also optional. The default values for
- missing i, f or t are:
- all instruments, beginning of score, end of score.
- extract reads an orchestra-readable score file and produces an
- orchestra-readable result. Comments, tabs and extra spaces are
- flushed, w and a statements are added and an f0 reflecting the
- extract length is appended to the output. Following an extract
- process, the abbreviated score will contain all function table
- statements, together with just those note statements that occur
- in the from-to interval specified. Notes lying completely in the
- interval will be unmodified; notes that lie only partly within
- will have their p3 durations truncated as necessary.
- Independent Preprocessing
- Although the result of all score preprocessing is retained in the
- file score.srt after orchestra performance (it exists as soon as
- score preprocessing has completed), the user may sometimes want
- to run these phases independently. The command
- scot filename
- will process the Scot formatted filename, and leave a standard
- numeric score result in a file named score for perusal or later
- processing.
- The command
- scscort < infile > outfile
- will put a numeric score infile through Carry, Tempo, and Sort
- preprocessing, leaving the result in outfile.
- Likewise extract, also normally invoked as part of the csound
- command, can be invoked as a standalone program:
- extract xfile < score.sort > score.extract
- This command expects an already sorted score. An unsorted score
- should first be sent through scsort then piped to the extract
- program:
- scsort < scorefile | extract xfile > score.extract
- Appendix 1: The Soundfile Utility Programs
- The Csound Utilities are soundfile preprocessing programs that
- return information on a soundfile or create some analyzed version
- of it for use by certain Csound generators. Though different in
- goals, they share a common soundfile access mechanism and are
- describable as a set. The Soundfile Utility programs can be
- invoked in two equivalent forms:
- csound -U utilname [flags] filenames . . .
- utilname [flags] filenames . . .
- In the first, the utility is invoked as part of the Csound
- executable, while in the second it is called as a standalone
- program. The second is smaller by about 200K, but the two forms
- are identical in function. The first is convenient in not
- requiring the maintenance and use of several independent
- programsעone program does all. When using this form, a -U flag
- detected in the command line will cause all subsequent flags and
- names to be interpreted as per the named utility; i.e. Csound
- generation will not occur, and the program will terminate at the
- end of utility processing.
- Directories. Filenames are of two kinds, source soundfiles and
- resultant analysis files. Each has a hierarchical naming
- convention, influenced by the directory from which the Utility is
- invoked. Source soundfiles with a full pathname (begins with dot
- (.), slash (/), or for ThinkC includes a colon (:)), will be
- sought only in the directory named. Soundfiles without a path
- will be sought first in the current directory, then in the
- directory named by the SSDIR environment variable (if defined),
- then in the directory named by SFDIR. An unsuccessful search
- will return a "cannot open" error.
- Resultant analysis files are written into the current directory,
- or to the named directory if a path is included. It is tidy to
- keep analysis files separate from sound files, usually in a
- separate directory known to the SADIR variable. Analysis is
- conveniently run from within the SADIR directory. When an
- analysis file is later invoked by a Csound generator (adsyn,
- lpread, pvoc) it is sought first in the current directory, then
- in the directory defined by SADIR.
- Soundfile Formats. Csound can read and write audio files in a
- variety of formats. Write formats are described by Csound
- command flags. On reading, the format is determined from the
- soundfile header, and the data automatically converted to
- floating-point during internal processing. When Csound is
- installed on a host with local soundfile conventions (SUN, NeXT,
- Macintosh) it may conditionally include local packaging code
- which creates soundfiles not portable to other hosts. However,
- Csound on any host can always generate and read AIFF files, which
- is thus a portable format. Sampled sound libraries are typically
- AIFF, and the variable SSDIR usually points to a directory of
- such sounds. If defined, the SSDIR directory is in the search
- path during soundfile access. Note that some AIFF sampled sounds
- have an audio looping feature for sustained performance; the
- analysis programs will traverse any loop segment once only.
- For soundfiles without headers, an SR value may be supplied by a
- command flag (or its default). If both header and flag are
- present, the flag value will over-ride.
- When sound is accessed by the audio Analysis programs (below),
- only a single channel is read. For stereo or quad files, the
- default is channel one; alternate channels may be obtained on
- request.
- SNDINFO - get basic information about one or more soundfiles.
- csound -U sndinfo soundfilenames . . .
- or sndinfo soundfilenames . . .
- sndinfo will attempt to find each named file, open it for
- reading, read in the soundfile header, then print a report on the
- basic information it finds. The order of search across soundfile
- directories is as described above. If the file is of type AIFF,
- some further details are listed first.
- csound -U sndinfo test Bosendorfer/"BOSEN mf A0 st" foo
- foo2
- where the environment variables SFDIR = /u/bv/sound, and SSDIR =
- /so/bv/Samples, might produce the following:
- util SNDINFO:
- /u/bv/sound/test:
- srate 22050, monaural, 16 bit shorts, 1.10 seconds
- headersiz 1024, datasiz 48500 (24250 sample frames)
- /so/bv/Samples/Bosendorfer/BOSEN mf A0 st: AIFF, 197586 stereo
- samples, base Frq 261.6 (midi 60), sustnLp: mode 1, 121642 to
- 197454, relesLp: mode 0
- AIFF soundfile, looping with modes 1, 0
- srate 44100, stereo, 16 bit shorts, 4.48 seconds
- headersiz 402, datasiz 790344 (197586 sample frames)
- /u/bv/sound/foo:
- no recognizable soundfile header
- /u/bv/sound/foo2:
- couldn't find
- HETRO - hetrodyne filter analysis for the Csound adsyn
- generator.
- csound -U hetro [flags] infilename outfilename
- or hetro [flags] infilename outfilename
- hetro takes an input soundfile, decomposes it into component
- sinusoids, and outputs a description of the components in the
- form of breakpoint amplitude and frequency tracks. Analysis is
- conditioned by the control flags below. A space is optional
- between flag and value.
- -s<srate> sampling rate of the audio input file. This will
- over-ride the srate of the soundfile header, which otherwise
- applies. If neither is present, the default is 10000. Note
- that for adsyn synthesis the srate of the source file and the
- generating orchestra need not be the same.
- -c<channel> channel number sought. The default is 1.
- -b<begin> beginning time (in seconds) of the audio segment to be
- analyzed. The default is 0.0
- -d<duration> duration (in seconds) of the audio segment to be
- analyzed. The default of 0.0 means to the end of the file.
- Maximum length is 32.766 seconds.
- -f<begfreq> estimated starting frequency of the fundamental,
- necessary to initialize the filter analysis. The default is 100
- (cps).
- -h<partials> number of harmonic partials sought in the audio
- file. Default is 10, maximum 50.
- -M<maxamp> maximum amplitude summed across all concurrent tracks.
- The default is 32767.
- -m<minamp> amplitude threshold below which a single pair of
- amplitude/frequency tracks is considered dormant and will not
- contribute to output summation. Typical values: 128 (48 db down
- from full scale), 64 (54 db down), 32 (60 db down), 0 (no
- thresholding). The default threshold is 64 (54 db down).
- -n<brkpts> initial number of analysis breakpoints in each
- amplitude and frequency track, prior to thresholding (-m) and
- linear breakpoint consolidation. The initial points are spread
- evenly over the duration. The default is 256.
- -l<cutfreq> substitute a 3rd order Butterworth low-pass filter
- with cutoff frequency cutfreq (in cps), in place of the default
- averaging comb filter. The default is 0 (don't use).
- hetro -s44100 -b.5 -d2.5 -h16 -M24000 audiofile.test adsynfile7
- This will analyze 2.5 seconds of channel 1 of a file
- "audiofile.test", recorded at 44.1 KHz, beginning .5 seconds from
- the start, and place the result in a file "adsynfile7". We
- request just the first 16 harmonics of the sound, with 256
- initial breakpoint values per amplitude or frequency track, and a
- peak summation amplitude of 24000. The fundamental is estimated
- to begin at 100 Hz. Amplitude thresholding is at 54 db down.
- The Butterworth LPF is not enabled.
- The output file contains time-sequenced amplitude and
- frequency values for each partial of an additive complex audio
- source. The information is in the form of breakpoints (time,
- value, time, value, ....) using 16-bit integers in the range 0 -
- 32767. Time is given in milliseconds, and frequency in Hertz
- (cps). The breakpoint data is exclusively non-negative, and the
- values -1 and -2 uniquely signify the start of new amplitude and
- frequency tracks. A track is terminated by the value 32767.
- Before being written out, each track is data-reduced by amplitude
- thresholding and linear breakpoint consolidation.
- A component partial is defined by two breakpoint sets: an
- amplitude set, and a frequency set. Within a composite file
- these sets may appear in any order (amplitude, frequency,
- amplitude ....; or amplitude, amplitude..., then frequency,
- frequency,...). During adsyn resynthesis the sets are
- automatically paired (amplitude, frequency) from the order in
- which they were found. There should be an equal number of each.
- A legal adsyn control file could have following format:
- -1 time1 value1 ... timeK valueK 32767 ; amplitude breakpoints for partial 1
- -2 time1 value1 ... timeL valueL 32767 ; frequency breakpoints for partial 1
- -1 time1 value1 ... timeM valueM 32767 ; amplitude breakpoints for partial 2
- -2 time1 value1 ... timeN valueN 32767 ; frequency breakpoints for partial 2
- -2 time1 value1 ..........
- -2 time1 value1 .......... ; pairable tracks for partials 3 and 4
- -1 time1 value1 ..........
- -1 time2 value1 ..........
- LPANAL - linear predictive analysis for the Csound lp generators
- csound -U lpanal [flags] infilename outfilename
- or lpanal [flags] infilename outfilename
- lpanal performs both lpc and pitch-tracking analysis on a
- soundfile to produce a time-ordered sequence of frames of control
- information suitable for Csound resynthesis. Analysis is
- conditioned by the control flags below. A space is optional
- between the flag and its value.
- -s<srate> sampling rate of the audio input file. This will
- over-ride the srate of the soundfile header, which otherwise
- applies. If neither is present, the default is 10000.
- -c<channel> channel number sought. The default is 1.
- -b<begin> beginning time (in seconds) of the audio segment to be
- analyzed. The default is 0.0
- -d<duration> duration (in seconds) of the audio segment to be
- analyzed. The default of 0.0 means to the end of the file.
- -p<npoles> number of poles for analysis. The default is 34,
- the maximum 50.
- -h<hopsize> hop size (in samples) between frames of analysis.
- This determines the number of frames per second (srate / hopsize)
- in the output control file. The analysis framesize is hopsize *
- 2 samples. The default is 200, the maximum 500.
- -C<string> text for the comments field of the lpfile header.
- The default is the null string.
- -P<mincps> lowest frequency (in cps) of pitch tracking. -P0
- means no pitch tracking.
- -Q<maxcps> highest frequency (in cps) of pitch tracking. The
- narrower the pitch range, the more accurate the pitch estimate.
- The defaults are -P70, -Q200.
- -v<verbosity> level of terminal information during analysis. 0 =
- none, 1 = verbose, 2 = debug. The default is 0.
- lpanal -p26 -d2.5 -P100 -Q400 audiofile.test
- lpfil22
- will analyze the first 2.5 seconds of file "audiofile.test",
- producing srate/200 frames per second, each containing 26-pole
- filter coefficients and a pitch estimate between 100 and 400
- Hertz. Output will be placed in "lpfil22" in the current
- directory.
- Output is a file comprised of an identifiable header plus a
- set of frames of floating point analysis data. Each frame
- contains four values of pitch and gain information, followed by
- npoles filter coefficients. The file is readable by Csound's
- lpread.
- lpanal is an extensive modification of Paul Lanksy's lpc
- analysis programs.
- PVANAL - Fourier analysis for the Csound pvoc generator
- csound -U pvanal [flags] infilename outfilename
- or pvanal [flags] infilename outfilename
- pvanal converts a soundfile into a series of short-time Fourier
- transform (STFT) frames at regular timepoints (a frequency-domain
- representation). The output file can be used by pvoc to generate
- audio fragments based on the original sample, with timescales and
- pitches arbitrarily and dynamically modified. Analysis is
- conditioned by the flags below. A space is optional between the
- flag and its argument.
- -s<srate> sampling rate of the audio input file. This will
- over-ride the srate of the soundfile header, which otherwise
- applies. If neither is present, the default is 10000.
- -c<channel> channel number sought. The default is 1.
- -b<begin> beginning time (in seconds) of the audio segment to be
- analyzed. The default is 0.0
- -d<duration> duration (in seconds) of the audio segment to be
- analyzed. The default of 0.0 means to the end of the file.
- -n<frmsiz> STFT frame size, the number of samples in each
- Fourier analysis frame. Must be a power of two, in the range 16
- to 16384. For clean results, a frame must be larger than the
- longest pitch period of the sample. However, very long frames
- result in temporal "smearing" or reverberation. The bandwidth of
- each STFT bin is determined by sampling rate / frame size. The
- default framesize is the smallest power of two that corresponds
- to more than 20 milliseconds of the source (e.g. 256 points at 10
- kHz sampling, giving a 25.6 ms frame).
- -w<windfact> Window overlap factor. This controls the number of
- Fourier transform frames per second. Csound's pvoc will
- interpolate between frames, but too few frames will generate
- audible distortion; too many frames will result in a huge
- analysis file. A good compromise for windfact is 4, meaning that
- each input point occurs in 4 output windows, or conversely that
- the offset between successive STFT frames is framesize/4. The
- default value is 4. Do not use this flag with -h.
- -h<hopsize> STFT frame offset. Converse of above, specifying
- the increment in samples between successive frames of analysis
- (see also lpcanal). Do not use with -w.
- pvanal asound pvfile
- will analyze the soundfile "asound" using the default frmsiz and
- windfact to produce the file "pvfile" suitable for use with pvoc.
- The output file has a special pvoc header containing details
- of the source audio file, the analysis frame rate and overlap.
- Frames of analysis data are stored as float, with the magnitude
- and 'frequency' (in Hz) for the first N/2 + 1 Fourier bins of
- each frame in turn. 'Frequency' encodes the phase increment in
- such a way that for strong harmonics it gives a good indication
- of the true frequency. For low amplitude or rapidly moving
- harmonics it is less meaningful.
- Prints total number of frames, and frames completed on every
- 20th.
- AUTHOR: Dan Ellis, dpwe@media-lab.media.mit.edu
- Appendix 2: CSCORE
- Cscore is a standalone program for generating and manipulating
- numeric score files. It comprises a number of function
- subprograms, called into operation by a user-written main
- program. The function programs augment the C language library
- functions; they can optionally read standard numeric score
- files, can massage and expand the data in various ways, then
- write the data out as a new score file to be read by a Csound
- orchestra.
- The user-written main program is also in C. It is not essential
- to know the C language well to write a main program, since the
- function calls have a simple syntax, and are powerful enough to
- do most of the complicated work. Additional power can come from
- C later as the need arises.
- Events, Lists, and Operations
- An event in Cscore is equivalent to one statement of a standard
- numeric score. It is either created or read in from an existing
- score file. An event is comprised of an opcode and an array of
- pfield values stored somewhere in memory. Storage is organized
- by the following structure:
- struct event {
- char op; /* opcode */
- char tnum;
- short pcnt;
- float p[PMAX+1]; /* pfields */
- };
- Any function subprogram that creates, reads, or copies an event
- function will return a pointer to the storage structure holding
- the event data. The event pointer can be used to access any
- component of the structure, in the form of e->op or e->p[n].
- Each newly stored event will give rise to a new pointer, and a
- sequence of new events will generate a sequence of distinct
- pointers that must themselves be stored. Groups of event
- pointers are stored in a list, which has its own structure:
- struct evlist {
- int nslots; /* size of this list */
- struct event *e[1]; /* list of event pointers */
- };
- Any function that creates or modifies a list will return a
- pointer to the new list. The list pointer can be used to access
- any of its component event pointers, in the form of a->e[n].
- Event pointers and list pointers are thus primary tools for
- manipulating the data of a score file.
- Pointers and lists of pointers can be copied and reordered
- without modifying the data values they refer to. This means that
- notes and phrases can be copied and manipulated from a high level
- of control. Alternatively, the data within an event or group of
- events can be modified without changing the event or list
- pointers. Cscore provides a library of programming methods or
- function subprograms by which scores can be created and
- manipulated in this way.
- In the following summary of Cscore function calls, some simple
- naming conventions are used:
- the symbols e, f are pointers to events (notes);
- the symbols a, b are pointers to lists (arrays) of such
- events;
- the letters ev at the end of a function name signify
- operation on an event;
- the letter l at the start of a function name signifies
- operation on a list.
- calling syntax description
- e = createv(n); create a blank event with n pfields
- e = defev("..."); defines an event as per the character string ...
- e = copyev(f); make a new copy of event f
- e = getev(); read the next event in the score input file
- putev(e); write event e to the score output file
- putstr("..."); write the character string ... to score output
- a = lcreat(n); create an empty event list with n slots
- a = lappev(a,e); append event e to list a
- n = lcount(a); count the events now in list a
- a = lcopy(b); copy the list b (but not the events)
- a = lcopyev(b); copy the events of b, making a new list
- a = lget(); read events from score input (to next s or e)
- lput(a); write the events of list a to score output
- a = lsepf(b); separate the f statements from list b into list a
- a = lcat(a,b); concatenate (append) the list b onto the list a
- lsort(a); sort the list a into chronological order by p[2]
- a = lxins(b,"..."); extract notes of instruments ... (no new events)
- a = lxtimev(b,from,to); extract notes of time-span, creating new events
- relev(e); release the space of event e
- lrel(a); release the space of list a (but not events)
- lrelev(a); release the events of list a, and the list space
- Writing a Main program.
- The general format for a main program is:
- #include <csound/cscore.h>
- main()
- {
- }
- The include statement will define the event and list structures
- for the program. The following C program will read from a
- standard numeric score, up to (but not including) the first s or
- e statement, then write that data (unaltered) as output.
- #include <csound/cscore.h>
- main()
- {
- struct evlist *a; /* a is allowed to point to an event list */
- a = lget(); /* read events in, return the list pointer */
- lput(a); /* write these events out (unchanged) */
- putstr("e"); /* write the string e to output */
- }
- After execution of lget(), the variable a points to a list of
- event addresses, each of which points to a stored event. We have
- used that same pointer to enable another list function (lput) to
- access and write out all of the events that were read. If we now
- define another symbol e to be an event pointer, then the
- statement
- e = a->e[4];
- will set it to the contents of the 4th slot in the evlist
- structure. The contents is a pointer to an event, which is
- itself comprised of an array of parameter field values. Thus the
- term e->p[5] will mean the value of parameter field 5 of the 4th
- event in the evlist denoted by a. The program below will
- multiply the value of that pfield by 2 before writing it out.
- #include <csound/cscore.h>
- main()
- {
- struct event *e; /* a pointer to an event */
- struct evlist *a;
- a = lget(); /* read a score as a list of events */
- e = a->e[4]; /* point to event 4 in event list \fIa\fR */
- e->p[5] *= 2; /* find pfield 5, multiply its value by 2 */
- lput(a); /* write out the list of events */
- putstr("e"); /* add a "score end" statement */
- }
- Now consider the following score, in which p[5] contains
- frequency in cps.
- f 1 0 257 10 1
- f 2 0 257 7 0 300 1 212 .8
- i 1 1 3 0 440 10000
- i 1 4 3 0 256 10000
- i 1 7 3 0 880 10000
- e
- If this score were given to the preceding main program, the
- resulting output would look like this:
- f 1 0 257 10 1
- f 2 0 257 7 0 300 1 212 .8
- i 1 1 3 0 440 10000
- i 1 4 3 0 512 10000 ; p[5] has become 512 instead of 256.
- i 1 7 3 0 880 10000
- e
- Note that the 4th event is in fact the second note of the score.
- So far we have not distinguished between notes and function table
- setup in a numeric score. Both can be classed as events. Also
- note that our 4th event has been stored in e[4] of the structure.
- For compatibility with Csound pfield notation, we will ignore
- p[0] and e[0] of the event and list structures, storing p1 in
- p[1], event 1 in e[1], etc. The Cscore functions all adopt this
- convention.
- As an extension to the above, we could decide to use a and e to
- examine each of the events in the list. Note that e has not
- preserved the numeral 4, but the contents of that slot. To
- inspect p5 of the previous listed event we need only redefine e
- with the assignment
- e = a->e[3];
- More generally, if we declare a new variable f to be a pointer to
- a pointer to an event, the statement
- f = &a->e[4];
- will set f to the address of the fourth event in the event list
- a, and *f will signify the contents of the slot, namely the event
- pointer itself. The expression
- (*f)->p[5],
- like e->p[5], signifies the fifth pfield of the selected event.
- However, we can advance to the next slot in the evlist by
- advancing the pointer f. In C this is denoted by f++.
- In the following program we will use the same input score. This
- time we will separate the ftable statements from the note
- statements. We will next write the three note-events stored in
- the list a, then create a second score section consisting of the
- original pitch set and a transposed version of itself. This will
- bring about an octave doubling.
- By pointing the variable f to the first note-event and
- incrementing f inside a while block which iterates n times (the
- number of events in the list), one statement can be made to act
- upon the same pfield of each successive event.
- #include <csound/cscore.h>
- main()
- {
- struct event *e,**f; /* declarations. see pp.8-9 in the */
- struct evlist *a,*b; /* C language programming manual */
- int n;
- a = lget(); /* read score into event list "a" */
- b = lsepf(a); /* separate f statements */
- lput(b); /* write f statements out to score */
- lrelev(b); /* and release the spaces used */
- e = defev("t 0 120"); /* define event for tempo statement */
- putev(e); /* write tempo statement to score */
- lput(a); /* write the notes */
- putstr("s"); /* section end */
- putev(e); /* write tempo statement again */
- b = lcopyev(a); /* make a copy of the notes in "a" */
- n = lcount(b); /* and count the number copied */
- f = &a->e[1];
- while (n--) /* iterate the following line n times: */
- (*f++)->p[5] *= .5; /* transpose pitch down one octave */
- a = lcat(b,a); /* now add these notes to original pitches */
- lput(a);
- putstr("e");
- }
- The output of this program is:
- f 1 0 257 10 1
- f 2 0 257 7 0 300 1 212 .8
- t 0 120
- i 1 1 3 0 440 10000
- i 1 4 3 0 256 10000
- i 1 7 3 0 880 10000
- s
- t 0 120
- i 1 1 3 0 440 10000
- i 1 4 3 0 256 10000
- i 1 7 3 0 880 10000
- i 1 1 3 0 220 10000
- i 1 4 3 0 128 10000
- i 1 7 3 0 440 10000
- e
- Next we extend the above program by using the while statement to
- look at p[5] and p[6]. In the original score p[6] denotes
- amplitude. To create a diminuendo in the added lower octave,
- which is independent from the original set of notes, a variable
- called dim will be used.
- #include <csound/cscore.h>
- main()
- {
- struct event *e,**f;
- struct evlist *a,*b;
- int n, dim; /* declare new variable as integer */
- a = lget();
- b = lsepf(a);
- lput(b);
- lrelev(b);
- e = defev("t 0 120");
- putev(e);
- lput(a);
- putstr("s");
- putev(e); /* write out another tempo statement */
- b = lcopyev(a);
- n = lcount(b);
- dim = 0; /* initialize dim to 0 */
- f = &a->e[1];
- while (n--){
- (*f)->p[6] -= dim; /* subtract current value of dim */
- (*f++)->p[5] *= .5; /* transpose, move f to next event */
- dim += 2000; /* increase dim for each note */
- }
- a = lcat(b,a);
- lput(a);
- putstr("e");
- }
- The increment of f in the above programs has depended on certain
- precedence rules of C. Although this keeps the code tight, the
- practice can be dangerous for beginners. Incrementing may
- alternately be written as a separate statement to make it more
- clear.
- while (n--){
- (*f)->p[6] -= dim;
- (*f)->p[5] *= .5;
- dim += 2000;
- f++;
- }
- Using the same input score again, the output from this program
- is:
- f 1 0 257 10 1
- f 2 0 257 7 0 300 1 212 .8
- t 0 120
- i 1 1 3 0 440 10000
- i 1 4 3 0 256 10000
- i 1 7 3 0 880 10000
- s
- t 0 120
- i 1 1 3 0 440 10000 ; Three original notes at
- i 1 4 3 0 256 10000 ; beats 1,4 and 7 with no dim.
- i 1 7 3 0 880 10000
- i 1 1 3 0 220 10000 ; three notes transposed down one octave
- i 1 4 3 0 128 8000 ; also at beats 1,4 and 7 with dim.
- i 1 7 3 0 440 6000
- e
- In the following program the same three-note sequence will be
- repeated at various time intervals. The starting time of each
- group is determined by the values of the array cue. This time
- the dim will occur for each group of notes rather than each note.
- Note the position of the statement which increments the variable
- dim outside the inner while block.
- #include <csound/cscore.h>
- int cue[3]={0,10,17}; /* declare array of 3 integers */
- main()
- {
- struct event *e, **f;
- struct evlist *a, *b;
- int n, dim, cuecount, holdn; /* declare new variables */
- a = lget();
- b = lsepf(a);
- lput(b);
- lrelev(b);
- e = defev("t 0 120");
- putev(e);
- n = lcount(a);
- holdn = n; /* hold the value of "n" to reset below */
- cuecount = 0; /* initilize cuecount to "0" */
- dim = 0;
- while (cuecount <= 2) { /* count 3 iterations of inner "while" */
- f = &a->e[1]; /* reset pointer to first event of list "a" */
- n = holdn; /* reset value of "n" to original note count */
- while (n--) {
- (*f)->p[6] -= dim;
- (*f)->p[2] += cue[cuecount]; /* add values of cue */
- f++;
- }
- printf("; diagnostic: cue = %d\n", cue[cuecount]);
- cuecount++;
- dim += 2000;
- lput(a);
- }
- putstr("e");
- }
- Here the inner while block looks at the events of list a (the
- notes) and the outer while block looks at each repetition of the
- events of list a (the pitch group repetitions). This program
- also demonstrates a useful trouble-shooting device with the
- printf function. The semi-colon is first in the character string
- to produce a comment statement in the resulting score file. In
- this case the value of cue is being printed in the output to
- insure that the program is taking the proper array member at the
- proper time. When output data is wrong or error messages are
- encountered, the printf function can help to pinpoint the
- problem.
- Using the identical input file, the C program above will
- generate:
- f 1 0 257 10 1
- f 2 0 257 7 0 300 1 212 .8
- t 0 120
- ; diagnostic: cue = 0
- i 1 1 3 0 440 10000
- i 1 4 3 0 256 10000
- i 1 7 3 0 880 10000
- ; diagnostic: cue = 10
- i 1 11 3 0 440 8000
- i 1 14 3 0 256 8000
- i 1 17 3 0 880 8000
- ; diagnostic: cue = 17
- i 1 28 3 0 440 4000
- i 1 31 3 0 256 4000
- i 1 34 3 0 880 4000
- e
- Further development of these scores will lead the composer to
- techniques of score manipulation which are similar to serial
- techniques of composition. Pitch sets may be altered with regard
- to any of the parameter fields. The programing allows
- transpositions, time warping, pitch retrograding and dynamic
- controls, to name a few.
- Compiling a Cscore program
- A Cscore program example.c is compiled and linked with its
- library modules by the command:
- $ cc -o myprog example.c -lcscore
- The resulting executable file myprog is run by typing:
- $ myprog (no input, output printed on the screen)
- $ myprog < scorin (input score named \fIscorin\fR, output on screen)
- $ myprog < scorin > scorout (input as above, output into a file)
- Appendix 3: An Instrument Design Tutorial
- by
- Richard Boulanger
- Berklee College of Music
- Csound instruments are created in an "orchestra" file, and the
- list of notes to play is written in a separate "score" file.
- Both are created using a standard word processor. When you run
- Csound on a specific orchestra and score, the score is sorted and
- ordered in time, the orchestra is translated and loaded, the
- wavetables are computed and filled, and then the score is
- performed. The score drives the orchestra by telling the
- specific instruments when and for how long to play, and what
- parameters to use during the course of each note event.
- Unlike today's commercial hardware synthesizers, which have a
- limited set of oscillators, envelope generators, filters, and a
- fixed number of ways in which these can be interconnected,
- Csound's power is not limited. If you want an instrument with
- hundreds of oscillators, envelope generators, and filters you
- just type them in. More important is the freedom to
- interconnect the modules, and to interrelate the parameters which
- control them. Like acoustic instruments, Csound instruments can
- exhibit a sensitivity to the musical context, and display a level
- of "musical intelligence" to which hardware synthesizers can only
- aspire.
- Because the intent of this tutorial is to familiarize the novice
- with the syntax of the language, we will design several simple
- instruments. You will find many instruments of the
- sophistication described above in various Csound directories, and
- a study of these will reveal Csound's real power.
- The Csound orchestra file has two main parts:
- 1. the "header" section - defining the sample rate,
- control rate, and number of output channels.
- 2. the "instrument" section - in which the instruments
- are designed.
- The Header Section: A Csound orchestra generates signals at two
- rates - an audio sample rate and a control sample rate. Each can
- represent signals with frequencies no higher than half that rate,
- but the distinction between audio signals and sub-audio control
- signals is useful since it allows slower moving signals to
- require less compute time. In the header below, we have
- specified a sample rate of 16kHz, a control rate of 1kHz, and
- then calculated the number of samples in each control period
- using the formula: ksmps = sr / kr.
- sr = 16000
- kr = 1000
- ksmps = 16
- nchnls = 1
- In Csound orchestras and scores, spacing is arbitrary. It is
- important to be consistent in laying out your files, and you can
- use spaces to help this. In the Tutorial Instruments shown below
- you will see we have adopted one convention. The reader can
- choose his or her own.
- The Instrument Section: All instruments are numbered and are
- referenced thus in the score. Csound instruments are similar to
- patches on a hardware synthesizer. Each instrument consists of a
- set of "unit generators," or software "modules," which are
- "patched" together with "i/o" blocks ע i, k, or a variables.
- Unlike a hardware module, a software module has a number of
- variable "arguments" which the user sets to determine its
- behavior. The four types of variables are:
- setup only
- i-rate variables, changed at the note rate
- k-rate variables, changed at the control signal rate
- a-rate variables, changed at the audio signal rate
- Orchestra Statements: Each statement occupies a single line and
- has the same basic format:
- result action arguments
- To include an oscillator in our orchestra, you might specify it
- as follows:
- a1 oscil 10000, 440, 1
- The three "arguments" for this oscillator set its amplitude
- (10000), its frequency (440Hz), and its waveshape (1). The
- output is put in i/o block "a1." This output symbol is
- significant in prescribing the rate at which the oscillator
- should generate outputעhere the audio rate. We could have named
- the result anything (e.g. "asig") as long as it began with the
- letter "a".
- Comments: To include text in the orchestra or score which will
- not be interpreted by the program, precede it with a semicolon.
- This allows you to fully comment your code. On each line, any
- text which follows a semicolon will be ignored by the orchestra
- and score translators.
- Tutorial Instruments
- Toot 1: Play One Note
- For this and all instrument examples below, there exist orchestra
- and score files in the Csound subdirectory tutorfiles that the
- user can run to soundtest each feature introduced. The
- instrument code shown below is actually preceded by an orchestra
- header section similar to that shown above. If you are running
- on a RISC computer, each example will likely run in realtime.
- During playback (realtime or otherwise) the audio rate may
- automatically be modified to suit the local d-a converters.
- The first orchestra file, called toot1.orc, contains a single
- instrument which uses an oscil unit to play a 440Hz sine wave
- (defined by f1 in the score) at an amplitude of 10000.
- instr 1
- a1 oscil 10000, 440, 1
- out a1
- endin
- Run this with its corresponding score file, toot1.sco :
- f1 0 4096 10 1 ; use "gen1" to compute a sine wave
- i1 0 4 ; run "instr 1" from time 0 for 4 seconds
- e ; indicate the "end" of the score
- Toot 2: "P-Fields"
- The first instrument was not interesting because it could play
- only one note at one amplitude level. We can make things more
- interesting by allowing the pitch and amplitude to be defined by
- parameters in the score. Each column in the score constitutes a
- parameter field, numbered from the left. The first three
- parameter fields of the i-statement have a reserved function:
- p1 = instrument number
- p2 = start time
- p3 = duration
- All other parameter fields are determined by the way the sound
- designer defines his instrument. In the instrument below, the
- oscillator's amplitude argument is replaced by p4 and the
- frequency argument by p5. Now we can change these values at
- i-time, i.e. with each note in the score. The orchestra and
- score files now look like:
- instr 2
- a1 oscil p4, p5, 1 ; p4=amp
- out a1 ; p5=freq
- endin
- f1 0 4096 10 1 ; sine wave
- ; instrument start duration amp(p4) freq(p5)
- i2 0 1 2000 880
- i2 1.5 1 4000 440
- i2 3 1 8000 220
- i2 4.5 1 16000 110
- i2 6 1 32000 55
- e
- Toot 3: Envelopes
- Although in the second instrument we could control and vary the
- overall amplitude from note to note, it would be more musical if
- we could contour the loudness during the course of each note. To
- do this we'll need to employ an additional unit generator linen,
- which the Csound reference manual defines as follows:
- kr linen kamp, irise, idur, idec
- ar linen xamp, irise, idur, idec
- linen is a signal modifier, capable of computing its output at
- either control or audio rates. Since we plan to use it to modify
- the amplitude envelope of the oscillator, we'll choose the latter
- version. Three of linen's arguments expect i-rate variables.
- The fourth expects in one instance a k-rate variable (or anything
- slower), and in the other an x-variable (meaning a-rate or
- anything slower). Our linen we will get its amp from p4.
- The output of the linen (k1) is patched into the kamp argument of
- an oscil. This applies an envelope to the oscil. The orchestra
- and score files now appear as:
- instr 3
- k1 linen p4, p6, p3, p7 ; p4=amp
- a1 oscil k1, p5, 1 ; p5=freq
- out a1 ; p6=attack time
- endin ; p7=release time
- f1 0 4096 10 1 ; sine wave
- ; instr start duration amp(p4) freq(p5) attack(p6) release(p7)
- i3 0 1 10000 440 .05 .7
- i3 1.5 1 10000 440 .9 .1
- i3 3 1 5000 880 .02 .99
- i3 4.5 1 5000 880 .7 .01
- i3 6 2 20000 220 .5 .5
- e
- Toot 4: Chorusing
- Next we'll animate the basic sound by mixing it with two slightly
- detuned copies of itself. We'll employ Csound's "cpspch" value
- converter which will allow us to specify the pitches by octave
- and pitch-class rather than by frequency, and we'll use the
- "ampdb" converter to specify loudness in dB rather than linearly.
- Since we are adding the outputs of three oscillators, each with
- the same amplitude envelope, we'll scale the amplitude before we
- mix them. Both "iscale" and "inote" are arbitrary names to make
- the design a bit easier to read. Each is an i-rate variable,
- evaluated when the instrument is initialized.
- instr 4 ; toot4.orc
- iamp = ampdb(p4) ; convert decibels to
- linear amp
- iscale = iamp * .333 ; scale the amp at
- initialization
- inote = cpspch(p5) ; convert
- "octave.pitch" to cps
- k1 linen iscale, p6, p3, p7 ; p4=amp
- a3 oscil k1, inote*.996, 1 ; p5=freq
- a2 oscil k1, inote*1.004, 1 ; p6=attack time
- a1 oscil k1, inote, 1 ; p7=release time
- a1 = a1 + a2 + a3
- out a1
- endin
- f1 0 4096 10 1 ; sine wave
- ; instr start duration amp(p4) freq(p5) attack(p6) release(p7)
- i4 0 1 75 8.04 .1 .7
- i4 1 1 70 8.02 .07 .6
- i4 2 1 75 8.00 .05 .5
- i4 3 1 70 8.02 .05 .4
- i4 4 1 85 8.04 .1 .5
- i4 5 1 80 8.04 .05 .5
- i4 6 2 90 8.04 .03 1
- e
- Toot 5: Vibrato
- To add some delayed vibrato to our chorusing instrument we use
- another oscillator for the vibrato and a line segment generator,
- linseg, as a means of controlling the delay. linseg is a k-rate
- or a-rate signal generator which traces a series of straight line
- segments between any number of specified points. The Csound
- manual describes it as:
- kr linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- ar linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- Since we intend to use this to slowly scale the amount of signal
- coming from our vibrato oscillator, we'll choose the k-rate
- version. The i-rate variables: ia, ib, ic, etc., are the values
- for the points. The i-rate variables: idur1, idur2, idur3, etc.,
- set the duration, in seconds, between segments.
- instr 5 ; toot5.orc
- irel = .01 ; set vibrato release time
- idel1 = p3 - (p10 * p3) ; calculate initial delay (% of dur) isus = p3 - (idel1- irel)
- ; calculate remaining duration
- iamp = ampdb(p4)
- iscale = iamp * .333 ; p4=amp
- inote = cpspch(p5) ; p5=freq
- k3 linseg 0, idel1, p9, isus, p9, irel, 0 ; p6=attack time
- k2 oscil k3, p8, 1 ; p7=release time
- k1 linen iscale, p6, p3, p7 ; p8=vib rate
- a3 oscil k1, inote*.995+k2, 1 ; p9=vib depth
- a2 oscil k1, inote*1.005+k2, 1 ; p10=vib delay (0-1)
- a1 oscil k1, inote+k2, 1
- out a1+a2+a3
- endin
- f 1 0 4096 10 1
- ; ins strt dur amp frq atk rel vibrt vibdpth vibdel
- i5 0 3 86 10.00 .1 .7 7 6 .4
- i5 4 3 86 10.02 1 .2 6 6 .4
- i5 8 4 86 10.04 2 1 5 6 .4
- e
- Toot 6: Gens
- The first character in a score statement is an opcode,
- determining an action request; the remaining data consists of
- numeric parameter fields (p-fields) to be used by that action.
- So far we have been dealing with two different opcodes in our
- score: f and i. I-statements, or note statements, invoke the p1
- instrument at time p2 and turn it off after p3 seconds; all
- remaining p-fields are passed to the instrument.
- F-statements, or lines with an opcode of f, invoke
- function-drawing subroutines called GENS. In Csound there are
- currently seventeen gen routines which fill wavetables in a
- variety of ways. For example, GEN01 transfers data from a
- soundfile; GEN07 allows you to construct functions from segments
- of straight lines; and GEN10, which we've been using in our
- scores so far, generates composite waveforms made up of a
- weighted sum of simple sinusoids. We have named the function
- "f1," invoked it at time 0, defined it to contain 512 points, and
- instructed GEN10 to fill that wavetable with a single sinusoid
- whose amplitude is 1. GEN10 can in fact be used to approximate a
- variety of other waveforms, as illustrated by the following:
- f1 0 2048 10 1 ; Sine
- f2 0 2048 10 1 .5 .3 .25 .2 .167 .14 .125 .111 ; Sawtooth
- f3 0 2048 10 1 0 .3 0 .2 0 .14 0 .111 ; Square
- f4 0 2048 10 1 1 1 1 .7 .5 .3 .1 ; Pulse
- For the opcode f, the first four p-fields are interpreted as follows:
- p1 - table number - In the orchestra, you reference this table by its number.
- p2 - creation time - The time at which the function is generated.
- p3 - table size - Number of points in table - must be a power of 2, or that plus 1.
- p4 - generating subroutine - Which of the 17 GENS will you employ.
- p5 -> p? - meaning determined by the particular GEN subroutine.
- In the instrument and score below, we have added three additional
- functions to the score, and modified the orchestra so that the
- instrument can call them via p11.
- instr 6 ; toot6.orc
- ifunc = p11 ; select basic waveform
- irel = .01 ; set vibrato release
- idel1 = p3 - (p10 * p3) ; calculate initial delay
- isus = p3 - (idel1- irel) ; calculate remaining dur
- iamp = ampdb(p4)
- iscale = iamp * .333 ; p4=amp
- inote = cpspch(p5) ; p5=freq
- k3 linseg 0, idel1, p9, isus, p9, irel, 0 ; p6=attack time
- k2 oscil k3, p8, 1 ; p7=release time
- k1 linen iscale, p6, p3, p7 ; p8=vib rate
- a3 oscil k1, inote*.999+k2, ifunc ; p9=vib depth
- a2 oscil k1, inote*1.001+k2, ifunc ; p10=vib delay (0-1)
- a1 oscil k1, inote+k2, ifunc
- out a1 + a2 + a3
- endin
- f1 0 2048 10 1 ; Sine
- f2 0 2048 10 1 .5 .3 .25 .2 .167 .14 .125 .111 ; Sawtooth
- f3 0 2048 10 1 0 .3 0 .2 0 .14 0 .111 ; Square
- f4 0 2048 10 1 1 1 1 .7 .5 .3 .1 ; Pulse
- ; ins strt dur amp frq atk rel vibrt vibdpth vibdel waveform(f)
- i6 0 2 86 8.00 .03 .7 6 9 .8 1
- i6 3 2 86 8.02 .03 .7 6 9 .8 2
- i6 6 2 86 8.04 .03 .7 6 9 .8 3
- i6 9 3 86 8.05 .03 .7 6 9 .8 4
- e
- Toot 7: Crossfade
- Now we will add the ability to do a linear crossfade between any
- two of our four basic waveforms. We will employ our delayed
- vibrato scheme to regulate the speed of the crossfade.
- instr 7 ; toot7.orc
- ifunc1 = p11 ; initial waveform
- ifunc2 = p12 ; crossfade waveform
- ifad1 = p3 - (p13 * p3) ; calculate initial fade
- ifad2 = p3 - ifad1 ; calculate remaining dur
- irel = .01 ; set vibrato release
- idel1 = p3 - (p10 * p3) ; calculate initial delay
- isus = p3 - (idel1- irel) ; calculate remaining dur
- iamp = ampdb(p4)
- iscale = iamp * .166 ; p4=amp
- inote = cpspch(p5) ; p5=freq
- k3 linseg 0, idel1, p9, isus, p9, irel, 0 ; p6=attack time
- k2 oscil k3, p8, 1 ; p7=release time
- k1 linen iscale, p6, p3, p7 ; p8=vib rate
- a6 oscil k1, inote*.998+k2, ifunc2 ; p9=vib depth
- a5 oscil k1, inote*1.002+k2, ifunc2 ; p10=vib delay (0-1)
- a4 oscil k1, inote+k2, ifunc2 ; p11=initial wave
- a3 oscil k1, inote*.997+k2, ifunc1 ; p12=cross wave
- a2 oscil k1, inote*1.003+k2, ifunc1 ; p13=fade time
- a1 oscil k1, inote+k2, ifunc1
- kfade linseg 1, ifad1, 0, ifad2, 1
- afunc1 = kfade * (a1+a2+a3)
- afunc2 = (1 - kfade) * (a4+a5+a6)
- out afunc1 + afunc2
- endin
- f1 0 2048 10 1 ; Sine
- f2 0 2048 10 1 .5 .3 .25 .2 .167 .14 .125 .111 ; Sawtooth
- f3 0 2048 10 1 0 .3 0 .2 0 .14 0 .111 ; Square
- f4 0 2048 10 1 1 1 1 .7 .5 .3 .1 ; Pulse
- ; ins strt dur amp frq atk rel vibrt vbdpt vibdel startwave endwave crosstime
- i7 0 5 96 8.07 .03 .1 5 6 .99 1 2 .1
- i7 6 5 96 8.09 .03 .1 5 6 .99 1 3 .1
- i7 12 8 96 8.07 .03 .1 5 6 .99 1 4 .1
- Toot 8: Soundin
- Now instead of continuing to enhance the same instrument, let us
- design a totally different one. We'll read a soundfile into the
- orchestra, apply an amplitude envelope to it, and add some
- reverb. To do this we will employ Csound's soundin and reverb
- generators. The first is described as:
- a1 soundin ifilcod[, iskiptime][, iformat]
- soundin derives its signal from a pre-existing file. ifilcod is
- either the filename in double quotes, or an integer suffix (.n)
- to the name "soundin". Thus the file "soundin.5" could be
- referenced either by the quoted name or by the integer 5. To
- read from 500ms into this file we might say:
- a1 soundin "soundin.5", .5
- The Csound reverb generator is actually composed of four parallel
- comb filters plus two allpass filters in series. Although we
- could design a variant of our own using these same primitives,
- the preset reverb is convenient, and simulates a natural room
- response via internal parameter values. Only two arguments are
- requiredעthe input (asig) and the reverb time (krvt).
- ar reverb asig, krvt
- The soundfile instrument with artificial envelope and a reverb
- (included directly) is as follows:
- instr 8 ; toot8.orc
- idur = p3
- iamp = p4
- iskiptime = p5
- iattack = p6
- irelease = p7
- irvbtime = p8
- irvbgain = p9
- kamp linen iamp, iattack, idur,
- irelease
- asig soundin "soundin.aiff", iskiptime
- arampsig = kamp * asig
- aeffect reverb asig, irvbtime
- arvbreturn = aeffect * irvbgain
- out arampsig + arvbreturn
- endin
- ; ins strt dur amp skip atk rel rvbtime rvbgain
- i8 0 1 .3 0 .03 .1 1.5 .2
- i8 2 1 .3 0 .1 .1 1.3 .2
- i8 3.5 2.25 .3 0 .5 .1 2.1 .2
- i8 4.5 2.25 .3 0 .01 .1 1.1 .2
- i8 5 2.25 .3 .1 .01 .1 1.1 .1
- e
- Toot 9: Global Stereo Reverb
- In the previous example you may have noticed the soundin source
- being "cut off" at ends of notes, because the reverb was inside
- the instrument itself. It is better to create a companion
- instrument, a global reverb instrument, to which the source
- signal can be sent. Let's also make this stereo.
- Variables are named cells which store numbers. In Csound, they
- can be either local or global, are available continuously, and
- can be updated at one of four ratesעsetup, i-rate, k-rate, or
- a-rate.
- Local Variables (which begin with the letters p, i, k, or a) are
- private to a particular instrument. They cannot be read from, or
- written to, by any other instrument.
- Global Variables are cells which are accessible by all
- instruments. Three of the same four variable types are supported
- (i, k, and a), but these letters are preceded by the letter g to
- identify them as "global." Global variables are used for
- "broadcasting" general values, for communicating between
- instruments, and for sending sound from one instrument to
- another.
- The reverb instr99 below receives input from instr9 via the
- global a-rate variable garvbsig. Since instr9 adds into this
- global, several copies of instr9 can do this without losing any
- data. The addition requires garvbsig to be cleared before each
- k-rate pass through any active instruments. This is accomplished
- first with an init statement in the orchestra header, giving the
- reverb instrument a higher number than any other (instruments are
- performed in numerical order), and then clearing garvbsig within
- instr99 once its data has been placed into the reverb.
- sr = 18900 ; toot9.orc
- kr = 945
- ksmps = 20
- nchnls = 2 ; stereo
- garvbsig init 0 ; make zero at orch init time
- instr 9
- idur = p3
- iamp = p4
- iskiptime = p5
- iattack = p6
- irelease = p7
- ibalance = p8 ; panning: 1=left, .5=center, 0=right
- irvbgain = p9
- kamp linen iamp, iattack, idur, irelease
- asig soundin "soundin.aiff", iskiptime
- arampsig = kamp * asig
- outs arampsig * ibalance, arampsig * (1 - ibalance)
- garvbsig = garvbsig + arampsig * irvbgain
- endin
- instr 99 ; global reverb
- irvbtime = p4
- asig reverb garvbsig, irvbtime ; put global signal into reverb
- outs asig, asig
- garvbsig = 0 ; then clear it
- endin
- In the score we turn the global reverb on at time 0 and keep it
- on until irvbtime after the last note.
- ; ins strt dur rvbtime ; toot9.sco
- i99 0 9.85 2.6
- ; ins strt dur amp skip atk rel balance(0-1) rvbsend
- i9 0 1 .5 0 .02 .1 1 .2
- i9 2 2 .5 0 .03 .1 0 .3
- i9 3.5 2.25 .5 0 .9 .1 .5 .1
- i9 4.5 2.25 .5 0 1.2 .1 0 .2
- i9 5 2.25 .5 0 .2 .1 1 .3
- e
- Toot 10: Filtered Noise
- The following instrument uses the Csound rand unit to produce
- noise, and a reson unit to filter it. The bandwidth of reson
- will be set at i-time, but its center frequency will be swept via
- a line unit through a wide range of frequencies during each note.
- We add reverb as above.
- garvbsig init 0
- instr 10 ; toot10.orc
- iattack = .01
- irelease = .2
- iwhite = 10000
- idur = p3
- iamp = p4
- isweepstart = p5
- isweepend = p6
- ibandwidth = p7
- ibalance = p8 ; pan: 1 = left, .5 = center, 0 = right
- irvbgain = p9
- kamp linen iamp, iattack, idur, irelease
- ksweep line isweepstart, idur, isweepend
- asig rand iwhite
- afilt reson asig, ksweep, ibandwidth
- arampsig = kamp * afilt
- outs arampsig * ibalance, arampsig * (1 - ibalance)
- garvbsig = garvbsig + arampsig * irvbgain
- endin
- instr 100
- irvbtime = p4
- asig reverb garvbsig, irvbtime
- outs asig, asig
- garvbsig = 0
- endin
- ; ins strt dur rvbtime ;
- toot10.sco
- i100 0 15 1.1
- i100 15 10 5
- ; ins strt dur amp stswp ndswp bndwth
- balance(0-1) rvbsend
- i10 0 2 .05 5000 500 20 .5 .1
- i10 3 1 .05 1500 5000 30 .5 .1
- i10 5 2 .05 850 1100 40 .5 .1
- i10 8 2 .05 1100 8000 50 .5 .1
- i10 8 .5 .05 5000 1000 30 .5 .2
- i10 9 .5 .05 1000 8000 40 .5 .1
- i10 11 .5 .05 500 2100 50 .4 .2
- i10 12 .5 .05 2100 1220 75 .6 .1
- i10 13 .5 .05 1700 3500 100 .5 .2
- i10 15 5 .01 8000 800 60 .5 .15
- e
- Toot 11: Carry, Tempo & Sort
- We now use a plucked string instrument to explore some of
- Csound's score preprocessing capabilities. Since the focus here
- is on the score, the instrument is presented without explanation.
- instr 11
- asig1 pluck ampdb(p4)/2, p5, p5, 0, 1
- asig2 pluck ampdb(p4)/2, p5 * 1.003, p5 * 1.003, 0, 1
- out asig1+asig2
- endin
- The score can be divided into time-ordered sections by the S
- statement. Prior to performance, each section is processed by
- three routines: Carry, Tempo, and Sort. The score toot11.sco has
- multiple sections containing each of the examples below, in both
- of the forms listed.
- The Carry feature allows a dot ("." ) in a p-field to indicate
- that the value is the same as above, provided the instrument is
- the same. Thus the following two examples are identical:
- ; ins start dur amp freq | ; ins start dur amp freq
- i11 0 1 90 200 | i11 0 1 90 200
- i11 1 . . 300 | i11 1 1 90 300
- i11 2 . . 400 | i11 2 1 90 400
- A special form of the carry feature applies to p2 only. A "+" in
- p2 will be given the value of p2+p3 from the previous i
- statement. The "+" can also be carried with a dot:
- ; ins start dur amp freq | ; ins start dur amp freq
- i11 0 1 90 200 | i11 0 1 90 200
- i . + . . 300 | i11 1 1 90 300
- i . . . . 500 | i11 2 1 90 500
- The carrying dot may be omitted when there are no more explicit
- pfields on that line:
- ; ins start dur amp freq | ; ins start dur amp freq
- i11 0 1 90 200 | i11 0 1 90 200
- i11 + 2 | i11 1 2 90 200
- i11 | i11 3 2 90 200
- A variant of the carry feature is Ramping, which substitutes a
- sequence of linearly interpolated values for a ramp symbol ( < )
- spanning any two values of a pfield. Ramps work only on
- consecutive calls to the same instrument, and they cannot be
- applied to the first three p-fields.
- ; ins start dur amp freq | ; ins start dur amp freq
- i11 0 1 90 200 | i11 0 1 90 200
- i . + . < < | i11 1 1 85 300
- i . . . < 400 | i11 2 1 80 400
- i . . . < < | i11 3 1 75 300
- i . . 4 70 200 | i11 4 4 70 200
- Tempo. The unit of time in a Csound score is the beatעnormally
- one beat per second. This can be modified by a Tempo Statement,
- which enables the score to be arbitrarily time-warped. Beats are
- converted to their equivalent in seconds during score
- pre-processing of each Section. In the absence of a Tempo
- statement in any Section, the following tempo statement is
- inserted:
- t 0 60
- It means that at beat 0 the tempo of the Csound beat is 60 (1
- beat per second). To hear the Section at twice the speed, we
- have two options: 1) cut all p2 and p3 in half and adjust the
- start times, or 2) insert the statement t 0 120 within the
- Section.
- The Tempo statement can also be used to move between different
- tempi during the score, thus enabling ritardandi and accelerandi.
- Changes are linear by beat size (see the Csound manual). The
- following statement will cause the score to begin at tempo 120,
- slow to tempo 80 by beat 4, then accelerate to 220 by beat 7:
- t 0 120 4 80 7 220
- The following will produce identical soundfiles:
- t 0 120 ; Double-time via Tempo
- ; ins start dur amp freq | ; ins start dur amp freq
- i11 0 .5 90 200 | i11 0 1 90 200
- i . + . < < | i . + . < <
- i . . . < 400 | i . . . < 400
- i . . . < < | i . . . < <
- i . . 2 70 200 | i . . 4 70 200
- The following includes an accelerando and ritard. It should be
- noted, however, that the ramping feature is applied after
- time-warping, and is thus proportional to elapsed chronological
- time. While this is perfect for amplitude ramps, frequency ramps
- will not result in harmonically related pitches during tempo
- changes. The frequencies needed here are thus made explicit.
- t 0 60 4 400 8 60 ; Time-warping via
- Tempo
- ; ins start dur amp freq
- i11 0 1 70 200
- i . + . < 500
- i . . . 90 800
- i . . . < 500
- i . . . 70 200
- i . . . 90 1000
- i . . . < 600
- i . . . 70 200
- i . . 8 90 100
- Three additional score features are extremely useful in Csound.
- The s statement was used above to divide a score into Sections
- for individual pre-processing. Since each s statement
- establishes a new relative time of 0, and all actions within a
- section are relative to that, it is convenient to develop the
- score one section at a time, then link the sections into a whole
- later.
- Suppose we wish to combine the six above examples (call them
- toot11a - toot11f) into one score. One way is to start with
- toot11a.sco, calculate its total duration and add that value to
- every starting time of toot11b.sco, then add the composite
- duration to the start times of toot11c.sco, etc. Alternatively,
- we could insert an s statement between each of the sections and
- run the entire score. The file toot11.sco, which contains a
- sequence of all of the above score examples, did just that.
- The f0 statement, which creates an "action time" with no
- associated action, is useful in extending the duration of a
- section. Two seconds of silence are added to the first two
- sections below.
- ; ins start dur amp freq ; toot11g.sco
- i11 0 2 90 100
- f 0 4 ; The f0 Statement
- s ; The Section Statement
- i11 0 1 90 800
- i . + . . 400
- i . . . . 100
- f 0 5
- s
- i11 0 4 90 50
- e
- Sort. During preprocessing of a score section, all action-time
- statements are sorted into chronological order by p2 value. This
- means that notes can be entered in any order, that you can merge
- files, or work on instruments as temporarily separate sections,
- then have them sorted automatically when you run Csound on the
- file.
- The file below contains excerpts from this section of the
- rehearsal chapter and from instr6 of the tutorial, and combines
- them as follows:
- ; ins start dur amp freq ; toot11h.sco
- i11 0 1 70 100 ; Score Sorting
- i . + . < <
- i . . . < <
- i . . . 90 800
- i . . . < <
- i . . . < <
- i . . . 70 100
- i . . . 90 1000
- i . . . < <
- i . . . < <
- i . . . < <
- i . . . 70 <
- i . . 8 90 50
- f1 0 2048 10 1 ; Sine
- f2 0 2048 10 1 .5 .3 .25 .2 .167 .14 .125 .111 ; Sawtooth
- f3 0 2048 10 1 0 .3 0 .2 0 .14 0 .111 ; Square
- f4 0 2048 10 1 1 1 1 .7 .5 .3 .1 ; Pulse
- ; ins strt dur amp frq atk rel vibrt vibdpth vibdel waveform
- i6 0 2 86 9.00 .03 .1 6 5 .4 1
- i6 2 2 86 9.02 .03 .1 6 5 .4 2
- i6 4 2 86 9.04 .03 .1 6 5 .4 3
- i6 6 4 86 9.05 .05 .1 6 5 .4 4
- Toot 12: Tables & Labels
- This is by far our most complex instrument. In it we have
- designed the ability to store pitches in a table and then index
- them in three different ways: 1) directly, 2) via an lfo, and
- 3) randomly. As a means of switching between these three
- methods, we will use Csound's program control statements and
- logical and conditional operations.
- instr 12
- iseed = p8
- iamp = ampdb(p4)
- kdirect = p5
- imeth = p6
- ilforate = p7 ; lfo and random index rate
- itab = 2
- itablesize = 8
- if (imeth == 1) igoto direct
- if (imeth == 2) kgoto lfo
- if (imeth == 3) kgoto random
- direct: kpitch table kdirect, itab ; index "f2" via p5
- kgoto contin
- lfo: kindex phasor ilforate
- kpitch table kindex * itablesize, itab
- kgoto contin
- random: kindex randh int(7), ilforate, iseed
- kpitch table abs(kindex), itab
- contin: kamp linseg 0, p3 * .1, iamp, p3 * .9, 0 ; amp envelope
- asig oscil kamp, cpspch(kpitch), 1 ; audio osc
- out asig
- endin
- f1 0 2048 10 1 ; Sine
- f2 0 8 -2 8.00 8.02 8.04 8.05 8.07 8.09 8.11 9.00 ; cpspch C major scale
- ; method 1 - direct index of table values
- ; ins start dur amp index method lforate rndseed
- i12 0 .5 86 7 1 0 0
- i12 .5 .5 86 6 1 0
- i12 1 .5 86 5 1 0
- i12 1.5 .5 86 4 1 0
- i12 2 .5 86 3 1 0
- i12 2.5 .5 86 2 1 0
- i12 3 .5 86 1 1 0
- i12 3.5 .5 86 0 1 0
- i12 4 .5 86 0 1 0
- i12 4.5 .5 86 2 1 0
- i12 5 .5 86 4 1 0
- i12 5.5 2.5 86 7 1 0
- s
- ; method 2 - lfo index of table values
- ; ins start dur amp index method lforate rndseed
- i12 0 2 86 0 2 1 0
- i12 3 2 86 0 2 2
- i12 6 2 86 0 2 4
- i12 9 2 86 0 2 8
- i12 12 2 86 0 2 16
- s
- ; method 3 - random index of table values
- ; ins start dur amp index method rndrate rndseed
- i12 0 2 86 0 3 2 .1
- i12 3 2 86 0 3 3 .2
- i12 6 2 86 0 3 4 .3
- i12 9 2 86 0 3 7 .4
- i12 12 2 86 0 3 11 .5
- i12 15 2 86 0 3 18 .6
- i12 18 2 86 0 3 29 .7
- i12 21 2 86 0 3 47 .8
- i12 24 2 86 0 3 76 .9
- i12 27 2 86 0 3 123 .9
- i12 30 5 86 0 3 199 .1
- Toot 13: Spectral Fusion
- For our final instrument, we will employ three unique synthesis
- methodsעPhysical Modeling, Formant-Wave Synthesis, and
- Non-linear Distortion. Three of Csound's most powerful unit
- generatorsעpluck, fof, and foscil, make this complex task a
- fairly simple one. The Reference Manual describes these as
- follows:
- a1 pluck kamp, kcps, icps, ifn, imeth [, iparm1, iparm2]
- pluck simulates the sound of naturally decaying plucked strings
- by filling a cyclic decay buffer with noise and then smoothing it
- over time according to one of several methods. The unit is based
- on the Karplus-Strong algorithm.
- a2 fof xamp, xfund, xform, koct, kband, kris, kdur kdec,
- iolaps, ifna, ifnb, itotdur[, iphs][, ifmode]
- fof simulates the sound of the male voice by producing a set of
- harmonically related partials (a formant region) whose spectral
- envelope can be controlled over time. It is a special form of
- granular synthesis, based on the CHANT program from IRCAM by
- Xavier Rodet et al.
- a1 foscil xamp, kcps, kcar, kmod, kndx, ifn [, iphs]
- foscil is a composite unit which banks two oscillators in a
- simple FM configuration, wherein the audio-rate output of one
- (the "modulator") is used to modulate the frequency input of
- another (the "carrier.")
- The plan for our instrument is to have the plucked string attack
- dissolve into an FM sustain which transforms into a vocal
- release. The orchestra and score are as follows:
- instr 13 ; toot13.orc
- iamp = ampdb(p4) / 2 ; amplitude, scaled for two sources
- ipluckamp = p6 ; % of total amp, 1=dB amp as in p4
- ipluckdur = p7*p3 ; % of total dur, 1=entire dur of note
- ipluckoff = p3 - ipluckdur
- ifmamp = p8 ; % of total amp, 1=dB amp as in p4
- ifmrise = p9*p3 ; % of total dur, 1=entire dur of note
- ifmdec = p10*p3 ; % of total duration
- ifmoff = p3 - (ifmrise + ifmdec)
- index = p11
- ivibdepth = p12
- ivibrate = p13
- iformantamp = p14 ; % of total amp, 1=dB amp as in p4
- iformantrise = p15*p3 ; % of total dur, 1=entire dur of note
- iformantdec = p3 - iformantrise
- kpluck linseg ipluckamp, ipluckdur, 0, ipluckoff, 0
- apluck1 pluck iamp, p5, p5, 0, 1
- apluck2 pluck iamp, p5*1.003, p5*1.003, 0, 1
- apluck = kpluck * (apluck1+apluck2)
- kfm linseg 0, ifmrise, ifmamp, ifmdec, 0, ifmoff, 0
- kndx = kfm * index
- afm1 foscil iamp, p5, 1, 2, kndx, 1
- afm2 foscil iamp, p5*1.003, 1.003, 2.003, kndx, 1
- afm = kfm * (afm1+afm2)
- kfrmnt linseg 0, iformantrise, iformantamp, iformantdec, 0
- kvib oscil ivibdepth,ivibrate,1
- afrmnt1 fof iamp, p5+kvib, 650, 0, 40, .003, .017, .007, 4, 1, 2, p3
- afrmnt2 fof iamp, (p5*1.001)+kvib*.009, 650, 0, 40, .003,.017,.007, 10,1,2,p3
- aformnt = kfrmnt * (afrmnt1+afrmnt2)
- out apluck + afm + aformnt
- endin
- f1 0 8192 10 1 ; sine wave
- f2 0 2048 19 .5 1 270 1 ; sigmoid rise
- ;ins st dr mp frq plkmp plkdr fmp fmris fmdec indx vbdp vbrt frmp fris
- i13 0 5 80 200 .8 .3 .7 .2 .35 8 1 5 3 .5
- i13 + 8 80 100 . .4 .7 .35 .35 7 1 6 3 .7
- i13 . 13 80 50 . .3 .7 .2 .4 6 1 4 3 .6
- When Things Sound Wrong
- When you design your own Csound instruments you may occasionally
- be surprised by the results. There will be times when you've
- computed a file for hours and your playback is just silence,
- while at other times you may get error messages which prevent the
- score from running, or you may hang the computer and nothing
- happens at all.
- In general, Csound has a comprehensive error-checking facility
- that reports to your console at various stages of your run: at
- score sorting, orchestra translation, initializing each call of
- every instrument, and during performance. However, if your error
- was syntactically permissable, or it generated only a warning
- message, Csound could faithfully give you results you don't
- expect. Here is a list of the things you might check in your
- score and orchestra files:
- 1. You typed the letter l instead of the number 1
- 2. You forgot to precede your comment with a semi-colon
- 3. You forgot an opcode or a required parameter
- 4. Your amplitudes are not loud enough or they are too loud
- 5. Your frequencies are not in the audio range - 20Hz to 20kHz
- 6. You placed the value of one parameter in the p-field of another
- 7. You left out some crucial information like a function definition
- 8. You didn't meet the Gen specifications
- Suggestions for Further Study
- Csound is such a powerful tool that we have touched on only a few
- of its many features and uses. You are encouraged to take apart
- the instruments in this chapter, rebuild them, modify them, and
- integrate the features of one into the design of another. To
- understand their capabilities you should compose short etudes
- with each. You may be surprised to find yourself merging these
- little studies into the fabric of your first Csound compositions.
- The directory 'morefiles' contains examples of the classical
- designs of Risset and Chowning. Detailed discussions of these
- instruments can be found in Charles Dodge's and Thomas Jerse's
- Computer Music textbook. This text is the key to getting the
- most out of these instrumental models and their innovative
- approaches to signal processing. Also recommended are the
- designs of Russell Pinkston. They demonstrate techniques for
- legato phrasing, portamento, random vibrato, and random sequence
- generation. His instrument representing Dx7 OpCode¬
- Editor/Librarian patches is a model for bringing many wonderful
- sounds into your orchestra.
- Nothing will increase your understanding more than actually
- Making Music with Csound. The best way to discover the full
- capability of these tools is to create your own music with them.
- As you negotiate the new and uncharted terrain you will make many
- discoveries. It is my hope that through Csound you discover as
- much about music as I have, and that this experience brings you
- great personal satisfaction and joy.
- Richard Boulanger - March 1991 - Boston, Massachusetts
- - USA
- Appendix 4: An FOF Synthesis Tutorial
- by
- J.M.Clarke
- University of Huddersfield
- The fof synthesis generator in Csound has more parameter fields
- than other modules. To help the user become familiar with these
- parameters this tutorial will take a simple orchestra file using
- just one fof unit-generator and demonstrate the effect of each
- parameter in turn. To produce a good vocal imitation, or a sound
- of similar sophistication, an orchestra containing five or more
- fof generators is required and other refinements (use of random
- variation of pitch etc.) must be made. The sounds produced in
- these initial explorations will be much simpler and consequently
- less interesting but they will help to show clearly the basic
- elements of fof synthesis. This tutorial assumes a basic working
- knowledge of Csound itself. The specification of the fof
- unit-generator (as found in the main Csound manual) is:
- ar fof xamp xfund xform koct kband kris kdur kdec
- iolaps ifna ifnb itotdur [iphs] [ifmode]
- where xamp, xfund, xform can receive any rate (constant, control or audio)
- koct, kband, kdris, kdur, kdec can receive only constants or control rates
- iolaps, ifna, ifnb, itotdur must be given a fixed value at initialization
- [iphs][ifmode] are optional, defaulting to 0.
- The following orchestra contains a simple instrument we will use
- for exploring each parameter in turn. On the faster machines
- (DECstation, SparcStation, SGI Indigo) it will run in real time.
- sr = 22050
- kr = 441
- ksmps = 50
- instr 1
- a1 fof 15000, 200, 650, 0, 40, .003, .02, .007, 5, 1, 2, p3
- out a1
- endin
- It should be run with the following score:
- f1 0 4096 10 1
- f2 0 1024 19 .5 .5 270 .5
- i1 0 3
- e
- The result is very basic. This is not surprising since we have
- created only one formant region (a vocal imitation would need at
- least five) and have no vibrato or random variation of the
- parameters. By varying one parameter at a time we will help the
- reader learn how the unit-generator works. Each of the
- following "variations" starts from the model. Parameters not
- specified remain as given.
- xamp = amplitude
- The first input parameter controls the amplitude of the
- generator. At present our model uses a constant amplitude, this
- can be changed so that the amplitude varies according to a line
- function:
- a2 linseg 0, p3*.3, 20000, p3*.4, 15000, p3*.3, 0
- a1 fof a2, ......(as before)...
- The amplitude of a fof generator needs care. xamp does not
- necessarily indicate the maximum output, which can also depend on
- the rise pattern, bandwidth, and the presence of any "overlaps".
- xfund = fundamental frequency
- This parameter controls the pitch of the fundamental of the unit
- generator. Starting again from the original model this example
- demonstrates an exaggerated vibrato:
- a2 oscil 20, 5, 1
- a1 fof 15000, 200+a2, etc........
- fof synthesis produces a rapid succession of (normally)
- overlapping excitations or granules. The fundamental is in fact
- the speed at which new excitations are formed and if the
- fundamental is very low these excitations are heard as separate
- granules. In this case the fundamental is not so much a pitch as
- a pulse speed. The possibility of moving between pitch and
- pulse, between timbre and granular texture is one of the most
- interesting aspects of fof. For a simple demonstration try the
- following variation. It will be especially clear if the score
- note is lengthened to about 10 seconds.
- a2 expseg 5, p3*.8, 200, p3*.2, 150
- a1 fof 15000, a2 etc........
- koct = octaviation coefficient
- Skipping a parameter, we come to an unusual means of controlling
- the fundamental: octaviation. This parameter is normally set to
- 0. For each unit increase in koct the fundamental pitch will
- drop by one octave. The change of pitch is not by the normal
- means of glissando, but by gradually fading out alternate
- excitations (leaving half the original number). Try the
- following (again with the longer note duration):
- k1 linseg 0, p3*.1, 0, p3*.8, 6, p3*.1, 6
- a1 fof 15000, 200, 650, k1 etc.........
- This produces a drop of six octaves; if the note is sufficiently
- long you should be able to hear the fading out of alternate
- excitations towards the end.
- xform = formant frequency; ifmode = formant mode (0 = striated,
- non-0 = smooth)
- The spectral output of a fof unit-generator resembles that of an
- impulse generator filtered by a band pass filter. It is a set of
- partials above a fundamental xfund with a spectral peak at the
- formant frequency xform. Motion of the formant can be
- implemented in two ways. If ifmode = 0,
- data sent to xform has effect only at the start of a new
- excitation. That is, each excitation gets the current value of
- this parameter at the time of creation and holds it until the
- excitation ends. Successive overlapping excitations can have
- different formant frequencies, creating a richly varied sound.
- This is the mode of the original CHANT program. If ifmode is
- non-zero, the frequency of each excitation varies continuously
- with xform. This allows glissandi of the formant frequency. To
- demonstrate these differences we take a very low fundamental so
- that the granules can be heard separately and the formant
- frequency is audible not as the center frequency of a "band" but
- as a pitch in its own right. Compare the following in which only
- ifmode is changed:
- a2 line 400, p3, 800
- a1 fof 15000, 5, a2, 0, 1, .003, .5, .1, 3, 1, 2,
- p3, 0, 0
- a2 line 400, p3, 800
- a1 fof 15000, 5, a2, 0, 1, .003, .5, .1, 3, 1, 2,
- p3, 0, 1
- In the first case the formant frequency moves by step at the
- start of each excitation, whereas in the second it changes
- smoothly. A more subtle difference is perceived with higher
- fundamental frequencies. (Note that the later fof parameters
- were changed in this example to lengthen the excitations so that
- their pitch could be heard easily.)
- xform also permits frequency modulation of the formant frequency.
- Applying FM to an already complex sound can lead to strange
- results, but here is a simple example:
- acarr line 400, p3, 800
- index = 2.0
- imodfr = 400
- idev = index * imodfr
- amodsig oscil idev, imodfr, 1
- a1 fof 15000, 5, acarr+amodsig, 0, 1, .003, .5, .1, 3,
- 1, 2, p3, 0, 1
- kband = formant bandwidth
- kris, kdur, kdec = risetime, duration and decaytime (in seconds)
- of the excitation envelope
- These parameters control the shape and length of the fof
- granules. They are shaped in three segments: a rise, a middle
- decay, and a terminating decay. For very low fundamentals these
- are perceived as an amplitude envelope, but with higher
- fundamentals (above 30 Hz) the granules merge together and these
- parameters effect the timbre of the sound. Note that these four
- parameters influence a new granule only at the time of its
- initialization and are fixed for its duration; later changes
- will affect only subsequent granules. We begin our examination
- with low frequencies.
- k1 line .003, p3, .1 ; kris
- a1 fof 15000, 2, 300, 0, 0, k1, .5, .1, 2, 1, 2, p3
- Run this with a note length of 10 seconds. Notice how the attack
- of the envelope of the granules lengthens. The shape of this
- attack is determined by the forward shape of ifnb (here a
- sigmoid).
- Now try changing kband:
- k1 linseg 0, p3, 10 ; kband
- a1 fof 15000, 2, 300, 0, k1, .003, .5, .1, 2, 1, 2,
- p3
- Following its rise, an excitation has a built-in exponential
- decay and kband determines its rate. The bigger kband the
- steeper the decay; zero means no decay. In the above example
- the successive granules had increasingly fast decays.
- k1 linseg .3, p3, .003
- a1 fof 15000, 2, 300, 0, 0, .003, .4, k1, 2, 1, 2, p3
- This demonstrates the operation of kdec. Because an exponential
- decay never reaches zero it must be terminated gracefully. kdur
- is the overall duration (in seconds from the start of the
- excitation), and kdec is the length of the terminating decay. In
- the above example the terminating decay starts very early in the
- first granules and then becomes progressively later. Note that
- kband is set to zero so that only the terminating decay is
- evident.
- In the next example the start time of the termination remains
- constant, but its length gets shorter:
- k1 expon .3, p3, .003
- a1 fof 15000, 2, 300, 0, 0, .003, .01 + k1, k1, 2, 1, 2, p3
- It may be surprising to find that for higher fundamentals the
- local envelope determines the spectral shape of the sound.
- Electronic and computer music has often shown how features of
- music we normally consider independent (such as pitch, timbre,
- rhythm) are in fact different aspects of the same thing. In
- general, the longer the local envelope segment the narrower the
- band of partials around that frequency. kband determines the
- bandwidth of the formant region at -6dB, and kris controls the
- skirtwidth at -40dB. Increasing kband increases the local
- envelope's exponential decay rate, thus shortening it and
- increasing the -6dbB spectral region. Increasing kris (the
- envelope attack time) inversely makes the -40dB spectral region
- smaller.
- The next example changes first the bandwidth then the skirtwidth.
- You should be able to hear the difference.
- k1 linseg 100, p3/4, 0, p3/4, 100, p3/2, 100 ; kband
- k2 linseg .003, p3/2, .003, p3/4, .01, p3/4, .003 ; kris
- a1 fof 15000, 100, 440, 0, k1, k2, .02, .007, 3, 1, 2, p3
- [In the first half of the note kris remains constant while kband
- broadens then narrows again. In the second half, kband is fixed
- while kris lengthens (narrowing the spectrum) then returns again.]
- Note that kdur and kdec don't really shape the spectrum, they
- simply tidy up the decay so as to prevent unwanted
- discontinuities which would distort the sound. For vocal
- imitations these parameters are typically set at .017 and .007
- and left unchanged. With high ("soprano") fundamentals it is
- possible to shorten these values and save computation time
- (reduce overlaps).
- iolaps = number of overlap spaces
- Granules are created at the rate of the fundamental frequency,
- and new granules are often created before earlier ones have
- finished, resulting in overlaps. The number of overlaps at any
- one time is given by xfund * kdur. For a typical bass note the
- calculation might be 200 * .018 = 3.6, and for a soprano note 660
- * .015 = 9.9. fof needs at least this number (rounded up) of
- spaces in which to operate. The number can be over-estimated at
- no computation cost, and at only a small space cost. If there
- are insufficient overlap spaces during operation, the note will
- terminate.
- ifna, ifnb = stored function tables
- Identification numbers of two function tables (see the fof entry
- in the manual proper).
- itotdur = total duration within which all granules in a note
- must be completed
- So that incomplete granules are not cut off at the end of a note
- fof will not create new granules if they will not be completed by
- the time specified. Normally given the value "p3" (the note
- length), this parameter can be changed for special effect; fof
- will output zero after time itotdur.
- iphs = initial phase (optional, defaulting to 0).
- Specifies the initial phase of the fundamental. Normally zero,
- but giving different fof generators different initial phases can
- be helpful in avoiding "zeros" in the spectrum.
- Appendix 5: Csound for the Macintosh
- by
- Bill Gardner
- MIT Media Lab
- Introduction
- This document describes the Macintosh verson of the Csound
- program and assumes the reader is already familiar with the
- Csound program as described in the Csound Users Manual. Csound
- is primarily intended for the UNIX operating system and hence its
- operation is specified through command line arguments. The
- Macintosh version of Csound surrounds this mechanism with the
- standard Macintosh user interface primitives, e.g. menus and
- dialog boxes. After the user specifies the Csound input files
- and options using the Macintosh user interface, Macintosh Csound
- creates the UNIX command line and invokes Csound appropriately.
- All subsequent Csound output is directed to a console window (or
- optionally to a listing file). Output sound files are created in
- Digidesign's Sound Designer II format or optionally in AIFF
- format.
- Orchestra and Score file selection dialog
- When Csound is launched, it automatically brings up the main file
- selection dialog. This dialog has fields for the required input
- orchestra and score files, the output sample file, and optionally
- a MIDI file and output listing file. Only the output file name
- may be explicitly typed in, the other fields must be filled by
- clicking on the corresponding Select button, which will bring up
- a standard Macintosh file selection dialog. Because the
- orchestra and score file names usually differ only in the
- filename extension (".orc" for orchestra files and ".sco" for
- score files), Csound only requires that you select one of the
- two; the other file name will be automatically formed by changing
- the extension appropriately. If an output file is selected (in
- the Options dialog), then the output file name is similarly
- created with the extension ".snd".
- Users familiar with Csound will recall that Csound expects all
- sound files to live in a single directory called the SFDir (for
- sound file directory). On UNIX, this directory is specified via
- a UNIX shell environment variable. On the Macintosh, the user
- must select this directory. This can be done by clicking on the
- SFDir button next to the output file text item. This brings up
- the Sound File Directory selection dialog which shows the current
- sound file directory. When shipped, this will be blank. The
- sound file directory must be set up properly in order that output
- files may be created. Clicking on the Select button brings up a
- standard file selection dialog. Navigate to the directory you
- want to use for sound files, and then click on the Save button.
- Finally, click on the Save Settings button so that Csound will
- remember this directory when it is run in the future.
- If an input MIDI file is desired, click on the MIDI file
- checkbox. This brings up a file selection dialog which can be
- used to select a MIDI file.
- If a listing file is desired, click on the listing file checkbox.
- This bring up a file selection dialog which can be used to
- specify an output listing file. If a listing file is selected,
- Csound will route almost all output to the listing file. Certain
- messages will still appear in the console window.
- The Smp Fmt and Options buttons bring up other dialogs for
- setting the Csound output sample format and options,
- respectively. These are described later in this document.
- After all the files and options have been set up, click on the OK
- button to run Csound. If the files and options are incorrectly
- set up, Csound will report an error by printing an appropriate
- message to the console window. After the score file has been
- processed, Csound will display the message "*** PRESS MOUSE
- BUTTON TO EXIT ***". Pressing the mouse button will cause Csound
- to exit back to the Macintosh Finder. It is not possible to
- process multiple files without relaunching Csound.
- Clicking on the Cancel button causes the file selection dialog to
- disappear. The dialog can be brought back by selecting the
- Choose Orchestra and Score menu item in the Csound menu. Note
- that cancelling the dialog does not cause Csound to forget the
- settings of the various options. This is particularly useful if
- you want to select extra options explicity by using the "Enter
- command line..." menu item.
- Csound menu
- This section describes the menu items available in the Csound
- menu. To access the menu items the file selection dialog must be
- cancelled as described above.
- Choose Orchestra and Score...
- Selecting this menu item brings up the main file selection dialog
- described above.
- Options...
- Selecting this menu item brings up the options dialog containing
- checkboxes for each Csound option. These are each described
- below:
- Note amplitudes
- When checked, causes information regarding note amplitudes to be
- displayed. Corresponds to the -m1 option in UNIX Csound.
- Samples out of range
- When checked, causes information regarding out of range samples
- to be displayed. Corresponds to the -m2 option in UNIX Csound.
- Warnings
- When checked, causes information regarding out of range samples
- to be displayed. Corresponds to the -m4 option in UNIX Csound.
- No table graphics
- When checked, suppresses the display of Csound wavetables.
- Corresponds to the -d option in UNIX Csound.
- Diagnostic messages
- When checked, causes diagnostic messages to be displayed.
- Corresponds to the -v option in UNIX Csound.
- Initialize processing only
- When checked, causes Csound to only perform initialization of
- orchestras and no other processing. Corresponds to the -I option
- in UNIX Csound.
- No sound output
- When checked, suppresses the output of a sound file. Corresponds
- to the -n option in UNIX Csound.
- Change file types
- When checked, Csound will change the file creator field of the
- selected orchestra and score files. This lets the Macintosh
- Finder know that the files are associated with the Csound
- application. Thus, if you subsequently double-click on one of
- these files from the Finder, Csound will be executed using the
- selected file as input.
- Output Sample Format...
- Selecting this menu item brings up the output sample format
- dialog which controls the format of the output sample file. All
- sound files are created as Digidesign Sound Designer II format
- files, unless the -A option is specified in the command line,
- which causes Csound to create AIFF (Audio Interchange File
- Format) files. The radio buttons select the sample format and
- default to 16-bit integer. The 8-bit integer, 8-bit a-law, 8-bit
- Œ-law, 16-bit integer, 32-bit integer, and 32-bit float formats
- correspond to the -c, -a, -u, -s, -l, and -f options,
- respectively, in UNIX Csound. Note that 8-bit a-law format is
- not supported. If the no header checkbox is checked, this
- suppresses the output of a sound file header; only the raw
- samples are output. This corresponds to the -h option in UNIX
- Csound. The blocksize controls how many samples are accumulated
- before writing to the output sample file. This corresponds to
- the -b option in UNIX Csound. Note that all input files must be
- either Digidesign Sound Designer II format, AIFF format or raw
- 16-bit samples.
- Sound File Directory...
- Selecting this menu item brings up the sound file directory
- dialog. This dialog is described above in the file selection
- dialog section.
- Sampled Sound Directory...
- Selecting this menu item brings up the sampled sound directory
- dialog. This dialog allows the user to specify the directory
- where Csound will look for sampled sound files to be loaded into
- function tables. This corresponds to the SSDir shell environment
- variable in UNIX Csound. If no directory is specified, Csound
- will look for sampled sounds in the sound file directory,
- described earlier.
- Enter Command Line...
- Selecting this menu item brings up the command line dialog. The
- command line dialog is used for directly entering a UNIX command
- line to invoke Csound. This is useful for specifying obscure
- arguments to Csound which are not otherwise supported in the
- Macintosh interface. (The AIFF file option -A is one such
- option). The dialog comes up with a command line that
- corresponds to all currently selected files and options. The
- command line appears in a Macintosh text edit field for editing.
- When specifying file name arguments that contain spaces, enclose
- the argument in double-quotes. Click on OK to invoke Csound with
- the specified arguments, or click on Cancel to exit the dialog
- without executing Csound.
- Save Settings
- Selecting this menu item causes all option settings to be
- remembered for the next time Csound is executed.
- Quit
- Selecting this menu item causes Csound to exit to the Macintosh
- Finder.
- This documentation written on February 10, 1992 by
- Bill Gardner, MIT Media Laboratory, Music and Cognition Group,
- 20 Ames Street, Cambridge MA 02139.
- internet: billg@media-lab.media.mit.edu
- Appendix 6: Adding your own Cmodules to Csound
- If the existing Csound generators do not suit your needs, you can
- write your own modules in C and add them to the run-time system.
- When you invoke Csound on an orchestra and score file, the
- orchestra is first read by a table-driven translator 'otran' and
- the instrument blocks converted to coded templates ready for
- loading into memory by 'oload' on request by the score reader.
- To use your own C-modules within a standard orchestra you need
- only add an entry in otran's table and relink Csound with your
- own code.
- The translator, loader, and run-time monitor will treat your
- module just like any other provided you follow some conventions.
- You need a structure defining the inputs, outputs and workspace,
- plus some initialization code and some perf-time code. Let's put
- an example of these in two new files, newgen.h and newgen.c:
- typedef struct { /* newgen.h - define a structure */
- OPDS h; /* required header */
- float *result, *istrt, *incr, *itime, *icontin; /* addr outarg, inargs */
- float curval, vincr; /* private dataspace */
- long countdown; /* ditto */
- } RMP;
- #include "cs.h" /* newgen.c - init and perf code */
- #include "newgen.h"
- void rampset(p) /* at note initialization: */
- register RMP *p;
- {
- if (*p->icontin == 0.)
- p->curval = *p->istrt; /* optionally get new start value */
- p->vincr = *p->incr / esr; /* set s-rate increment per sec. */
- p->countdown = *p->itime * esr; /* counter for itime seconds */
- }
- void ramp(p) /* during note performance: */
- register RMP *p;
- {
- register float *rsltp = p->result; /* init an output array pointer */
- register int nn = ksmps; /* array size from orchestra */
- do {
- *rsltp++ = p->curval; /* copy current value to ouput */
- if (--p->countdown >= 0) /* for the first itime seconds, */
- p->curval += p->vincr; /* ramp the value */
- } while (--nn);
- }
- Now we add this module to the translator table entry.c, under the
- opcode name rampt:
- #include "newgen.h"
- void rampset(), ramp();
- /* opcode dspace thread outarg inargs isub ksub asub */
- { "rampt", S(RMP), 5, "a", "iiio", rampset, NULL, ramp },
- Finally we relink Csound to include the new module. Under Unix
- this means changing the Makefile in three places:
- 1. Add the name newgen.o to the variable OBJS.
- 2. Add the name newgen.h as a dependency for entry.o
- 3. Create a new dependency, newgen.o: newgen.h
- Now run 'make csound'. If your host is a Macintosh, simply add
- newgen.h and newgen.c to one of the Csound segments and invoke
- the C compiler.
- The above actions have added a new generator to the Csound
- language. It is an audio-rate linear ramp function which
- modifies an input value at a user-defined slope for some period.
- A ramp can optionally continue from the previous note's last
- value. The Csound manual entry would look like:
- ar rampt istart, islope, itime [, icontin]
- istart - beginning value of an audio-rate linear ramp.
- Optionally overridden by a continue flag.
- islope - slope of ramp, expressed as the y-interval change per
- second.
- itime - ramp time in seconds, after which the value is held for
- the remainder of the note.
- icontin (optional) - continue flag. If zero, ramping will
- proceed from input istart . If non-zero, ramping will proceed
- from the last value of the previous note. The default value is
- zero.
- The file newgen.h includes a one-line list of output and input
- parameters. These are the ports through which the new generator
- will communicate with the other generators in an instrument.
- Communication is by address, not value, and this is a list of
- pointers to floats. There are no restrictions on names, but the
- input-output argument types are further defined by character
- strings in entry.c (inargs, outargs). Inarg types are commonly
- x, a, k, and i, in the normal Csound manual conventions; also
- available are o (optional, defaulting to 0), p (optional,
- defaulting to 1). Outarg types include a, k, i and s (asig or
- ksig). It is important that all listed argument names be
- assigned a corresponding argument type in entry.c. Also, i-type
- args are valid only at initialization time, and other-type args
- are available only at perf time. Subsequent lines in the RMP
- structure declare the work space needed to keep the code
- re-entrant. These enable the module to be used multiple times in
- multiple instrument copies while preserving all data.
- The file newgen.c contains two subroutines, each called with a
- pointer to the uniquely allocated RMP structure and its data.
- The subroutines can be of three types: note initialization,
- k-rate signal generation, a-rate signal generation. A module
- normally requires two of theseעinitialization, and either k-rate
- or a-rate subroutinesעwhich become inserted in various threaded
- lists of runnable tasks when an instrument is activated. The
- thread-types appear in entry.c in two forms: isub, ksub and asub
- names; and a threading index which is the sum of isub=1, ksub=2,
- asub=4. The code itself may reference global variables defined
- in cs.h and oload.c, the most useful of which are:
- float esr user-defined sampling rate
- float ekr user-defined control rate
- float ensmps user-defined ksmps
- int ksmps user-defined ksmps
- int nchnls user-defined nchnls
- int odebug command-line -v flag
- int initonly command-line -I flag
- int msglevel command-line -m level
- float pi, twopi obvious constants
- float tpidsr twopi / esr
- float sstrcod special code for string arguments
- Function tables
- To access stored function tables, special help is available. The
- newly defined structure should include a pointer
- FUNC *ftp;
- initialized by the statement
- ftp = ftpfind(p->ifuncno);
- where float *ifuncno is an i-type input argument containing the
- ftable number. The stored table is then at ftp->ftable, and
- other data such as length, phase masks, cps-to-incr converters,
- are also accessed from this pointer. See the FUNC structure in
- cs.h, the ftfind() code in fgens.c, and the code for oscset() and
- koscil() in ugens2.c.
- Additional space
- Sometimes the space requirement of a module is too large to be
- part of a structure (upper limit 65535 bytes), or it is dependent
- on an i-arg value which is not known until initialization.
- Additional space can be dynamically allocated and properly
- managed by including the line
- AUXCH auxch;
- in the defined structure (*p), then using the following style of
- code in the init module:
- if (p->auxch.auxp == NULL)
- auxalloc(npoints * sizeof(float), &p->auxch);
- The address of this auxilliary space is kept in a chain of such
- spaces belonging to this instrument, and is automatically managed
- while the instrument is being duplicated or garbage-collected
- during performance. The assignment
- char *auxp = p->auxch.auxp;
- will find the allocated space for init-time and perf-time use.
- See the LINSEG structure in ugens1.h and the code for lsgset()
- and klnseg() in ugens1.c.
- File sharing
- When accessing an external file often, or doing it from multiple
- places, it is often efficient to read the entire file into
- memory. This is accomplished by including the line
- MEMFIL *mfp;
- in the defined structure (*p), then using the following style of
- code in the init module:
- if (p->mfp == NULL)
- p->mfp = ldmemfile(filname);
- where char *filname is a string name of the file requested. The
- data read will be found between
- (char *) p->mfp->beginp; and (char *) p->mfp->endp;
- Loaded files do not belong to a particular instrument, but are
- automatically shared for multiple access. See the ADSYN
- structure in ugens3.h and the code for adset() and adsyn() in
- ugens3.c.
- String arguments
- To permit a quoted string input argument (float *ifilnam, say) in
- our defined structure (*p), assign it the argtype S in entry.c,
- include another member char *strarg in the structure, insert a
- line
- TSTRARG( "rampt", RMP) \
- in the file oload.h, and include the following code in the init
- module:
- if (*p->ifilnam == sstrcod)
- strcpy(filename, unquote(p->strarg));
- See the code for adset() in ugens3.c, lprdset() in ugens5.c, and
- pvset() in ugens8.c.
- ftlen(x) (init-rate args only)
- int(x) (init- or control-rate args only)
- frac(x) " "
- dbamp(x) " "
- i(x) (control-rate arg; only)
- abs(x) (no rate restriction)
- exp(x) " "
- log(x) " "
- sqrt(x) " "
- sin(x) " "
- cos(x) " "
- ampdb(x) " "
- octpch(pch) (init- or control-rate args only)
- pchoct(oct) " "
- cpspch(pch) " "
- octcps(cps) " "
- cpsoct(oct) (no rate restriction)
- igoto label
- tigoto label
- kgoto label
- goto label
- if ia R ib igoto label
- if ka R kb kgoto label
- if ia R ib goto label
- timout istrt, idur, label
- iamp ampmidi iscal[, ifn]
- kaft aftouch iscal
- kchpr chpress iscal
- kbend pchbend iscal
- ival midictrl inum
- kval midictrl inum
- kr line ia, idur1, ib
- ar line ia, idur1, ib
- kr expon ia, idur1, ib
- ar expon ia, idur1, ib
- kr linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- ar linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- kr expseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- ar expseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
- kr phasor kcps[, iphs]
- ar phasor xcps[, iphs]
- ir table indx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- ir tablei indx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- kr table kndx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- kr tablei kndx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- ar table andx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- ar tablei andx, ifn[, ixmode][, ixoff][, iwrap]
- kr oscil1 idel, kamp, idur, ifn
- kr oscil1i idel, kamp, idur, ifn
- kr oscil kamp, kcps, ifn[, iphs]
- kr oscili kamp, kcps, ifn[, iphs]
- ar oscil xamp, xcps, ifn[, iphs]
- ar oscili xamp, xcps, ifn[, iphs]
- ar foscil xamp, kcps, kcar, kmod, kndx, ifn[, iphs]
- ar foscili xamp, kcps, kcar, kmod, kndx, ifn[, iphs]
- ar1 [,ar2] loscil xamp, kcps, ifn[, ibas][, imod1,ibeg1,iend1]
- [, imod2,ibeg2,iend2]
- ar buzz xamp, xcps, knh, ifn[, iphs]
- ar gbuzz xamp, xcps, knh, kih, kr, ifn[, iphs]
- ar adsyn kamod, kfmod, ksmod, ifilcod
- ar pvoc ktimpnt, kfmod, ifilcod[, ispecwp]
- ar fof xamp, xfund, xform, koct, kband, kris, kdur, kdec,
- iolaps, ifna, ifnb, itotdur[, iphs][, ifmode]
- ar pluck kamp, kcps, icps, ifn, imeth [, iparm1, iparm2]
- kr rand xamp[, iseed]
- kr randh kamp, kcps[, iseed]
- kr randi kamp, kcps[, iseed]
- ar rand xamp[, iseed]
- ar randh xamp, xcps[, iseed]
- ar randi xamp, xcps[, iseed]
- kr linen kamp, irise, idur, idec
- ar linen xamp, irise, idur, idec
- kr linenr kamp, irise, idec, iatdec
- ar linenr xamp, irise, idec, iatdec
- kr envlpx kamp, irise, idur, idec, ifn, iatss, iatdec[, ixmod]
- ar envlpx xamp, irise, idur, idec, ifn, iatss, iatdec[, ixmod]
- kr port ksig, ihtim[, isig]
- ar tone asig, khp[, istor]
- ar atone asig, khp[, istor]
- ar reson asig, kcf, kbw[, iscl, istor]
- ar areson asig, kcf, kbw[, iscl, istor]
- krmsr,krmso,kerr,kcpslpread ktimpnt, ifilcod[, inpoles][,ifrmrate]
- ar lpreson asig
- ar lpfreson asig, kfrqratio
- kr rms asig[, ihp, istor]
- nr gain asig, krms[, ihp, istor]
- ar balance asig, acomp[, ihp, istor]
- kr downsamp asig[, iwlen]
- ar upsamp ksig
- ar interp ksig[, istor]
- kr integ ksig[, istor]
- ar integ asig[, istor]
- kr diff ksig[, istor]
- ar diff asig[, istor]
- kr samphold xsig, kgate[, ival, ivstor]
- ar samphold asig, xgate[, ival, ivstor]
- ar delayr idlt[, istor]
- delayw asig
- ar delay asig, idlt[, istor]
- ar delay1 asig[, istor]
- ar deltap kdlt
- ar deltapi xdlt
- ar comb asig, krvt, ilpt[, istor]
- ar alpass asig, krvt, ilpt[, istor]
- ar reverb asig, krvt[, istor]
- dsig octdown xsig, iocts, isamps[, idisprd]
- wsig noctdft dsig, iprd, ifrqs, iq[, ihann, idbout,
- idsines]
- wsig specscal wsigin, ifscale, ifthresh
- wsig specaddm wsig1, wsig2[, imul2]
- wsig specdiff wsigin
- wsig specaccm wsigin
- wsig specfilt wsigin, ifhtim
- specdisp wsig, iprd[, iwtflg]
- ksum specsum wsig[, interp]
- ktemp tempest kin, iprd, imindur, imemdur, ihp,
- ithresh, ihtim, ixfdbak,
- istartempo, ifn[, idisprd, itweek]
- kx, ky xyin iprd, ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax[,
- ixinit, iyinit]
- tempo ktempo, istartempo
- a1 in
- a1, a2 ins
- a1, a2, a3, a4 inq
- a1 soundin ifilcod[, iskptim][, iformat]
- a1, a2 soundin ifilcod[, iskptim][, iformat]
- a1, a2, a3, a4 soundin ifilcod[, iskptim][, iformat]
- out asig
- outs1 asig
- outs2 asig
- outs asig1, asig2
- outq1 asig
- outq2 asig
- outq3 asig
- outq4 asig
- outq asig1, asig2, asig3, asig4
- a1, a2, a3, a4 pan asig, kx, ky, ifn[, imode][,ioffset]
- print iarg[, iarg,...]
- display xsig, iprd[, iwtflg]
- dispfft xsig, iprd, iwsiz[, iwtyp][, idbouti][,iwtflg]